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P jfROYAL ÏStWïJ J, B BS! POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powrter never varíes. A marvel of purity.strength and wholesornenesR. Moreeconoinieal 1 i i 1 11 I ii oülinary kinds, aiul i-Minuit bea ild In comí et i U on with ttio tnultttuile ol low tst, sho t vrelght, aluin or pbocpbfttc powdere. Hoid oniy 'n oans Royal Bak ing PovdKS Co., 106 Wall st. N.Y. QiticuTa THK ONLY KKMEDIES FOR THE SKIN' AXÍ) BLOOI) l'MVERS.VLLY C0MMEIEI). Wm.T' Totten, (72 North Tenth street, Philadelphia, repoils tliat 0"e 01 lus custotners stated to him incidentally that he wa teeUn; so well and bad eaii ed tweuty-MYan pounds in the la-t vear, all of which he att'luieJ 10 i courge of the Cuticüka Kf-coLVENT, which has proved effectual whtn uil other remedies failed. BOBHS OS NBCK. Chas. Br.idy, Hom rville, Mui., whi) refers io Dr. J. J. Wooil, irnfKhl, of tht city, certiflee to a wonderiül cure of raontng oraaon the neck wbich had been treated hy botpltHl physiciaus wlttiont cure, and which yie'lded coinpietely to the CcncuKA Hiudh , { 1 KI I) BV I TICIKA. If y (kin dttetoe, wblch rettoted araral popular rwaedidi and oiher remedies udviscd by physiciaDg hae been cured byyour CuricimA Ksmediks. They Burpat4ed my ino-i sanguiite expectatious and rapidlv cffected a cnre. Viucennes, lud. J. C. ARENTRUB. KNOW ITÜ VALUE. All or your CimcüRA Kemkdikk glve very good patlsfuclion. Tbe UTiouRA I especiully recommend for the (lineases lor which it ia used. I know from experience it value 1)11. H. .1. PHATT, MONTELLO, WlS. ClITKIKA AHBOAD. ThrouLrh a hoinereturned. Norwetfian, I have learned ti know your Cuticüra. which bas in a short time cnred me of ati Ezcema that my physicians medicinen cmld nor heul. Cllli. HKLiZEN, Bb-qkv, Nirwat, Agenturforretning . THK Pi)KT I'OWKKS. A feeline of ratitude impels me to acknowled(?e the K'eat merite ot your Cotiodha, and I cordially recommend lt to ihe public aa a vahmhie remedy. H. N. POWKHS. BRlDHtPOBT, CONN. For sale everywhere. Price, Caticura, the srreit Skio Cure, SOc.; Oultrura Soa[), an exquisite Skin Beautifle, 25c.; Cutlcnra Retolraat, $1. Potter 1ruo and Chemical Co., lioston. ¦ ¦¦cl SOAP, un .X'iuislte Toilet, Bath, Uil and Nur ety Hanative. SAJDFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH, HrtU-h-Hazel, Aincrlcaii Plue, 'uñada Flr, ;tlarlaold, 'lover Bïoaftom. Asingledoiie of üíanlord'ii Radical Ture lnetantly relieven the most violent Sneezintf or Head Cold, clears the head as by magie, stops watery discharge fnnn the Nose and Kyes, prevents Rlnglng In the head, cures Nervous Headacbe, and itthdun chili and Fevers. In Chronic ( ataarn lt clauwsi the nasal passages of Toul miicu, restores ttie senses of smell, taeie. and hearinx hen atlei led. fr-es tne head, tbroat, and bronchial tubes of i ffensive matter, sweetens and purlfli s ihe breatb, stops the coujih, and arresta the nroL-ress of ('t arrh towards Consuinption. One Cure, one box Oitarrhal Sol vent one Dr. SandlordV Inbiiler. all in one package, of all druegints, for tl. Ask lor Sandfoi.d 8 Kadical C'i Potter Iru and Chemical fo., BoHton. .Al ¦ I&Ijb. For the relief and prevenllon. COLLIV,?!!!, I is ,, ' VOLTA 10 of Hh' iiniatium, Neuralgia, SriXVLil J,jy t-'oiiKhï, Colds, Weak bark, Stoiiiach, and liowelf, ShciotinK Oi JL'Ü pBi,„i,Numbi.'re, Uysterla, Fe--r7..X- male Palns, Palpiiation, Dyspepss aO)Jx sla Llver C'omiilalni, Billlous ?ÍXfVX Fever, Malaria and Epidemie, r VrTBi( -e 'olllnw' Piasters (an EASTIívV attry combined ASTE" witha l-oroa Planter) and laugh at pam. )ï5o. everywhere. un uw A HEALTHY AND EXCITING EXERCISE Can bc had during the winter montlii TEN PINS! COCKKD HAT, Or nnv of the Kme of n l)owllnK alley. On FÖUKTH NIKKEI', opponlte the Court House, In BowIIiik Alley, whlch has reoently been Hnely decorated nnd tltted up lu good style. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. Htud.nt here can Ket one of the beat advaiitaneH of a Kymuaeluin. Tlie exercls; irlvcs Kiod olrculatlon, helps digestión and appetlte. COMBAN!) TRT ITI A. C. II 1.1 CO. TiTTITri Si-nd fli rentn for potasre. 1 I ƒ II and receive freu, a contly box ft r K I H of mode whict) will help you il mM.tomorrmonoyriKhtawaythMi 11 1 llAIJJ-llanythlnii elH in Ihil world. All of eliher nex, Micceed from flrot hour. The broad road to lörlnne opens beloro the workeni, ab-olotely are. At once aMretst. Trüï 4 Co., Augusta, Maiue.


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