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Miss Ijiui sill wil] ipend the balance of the winter in Detroit. Miss Matlc Jcwett has opeucil a drcss miikin; shop in Saline. Sleigh rides and surprise parties rule he lay at W'liitmore Lake. Rev. Kr. Blyeiiburg - the name of the ïew Cathollc priest it Dexter. Prof. W. J. Worden has in view a writiiifr school at Whitmore Lake. Rev. Wrljtht, of Whitmore Lake. is to eceive a donation visit. Friday evening. The Cheltea cornet band is to give the sixth aiinuiil roagquerade hall on Friilay evening. The Lima Graan is to meet at the liouse of Truman B ildwin, on Saturduj, February 14th. The Milan papers are urgiiii; incorpoation as a viÜMge. The day of graea li raptdly passing. The Chelsea OongregatlonalUts h.-ive extended a cali to Kev. John A. Ivaley, to become their pastor. Jas. Martin has given up his Webster dancttljf school and has rented Leu Green's farm tor a year. The Kowe family, at Pittsrield Junction, appearb to get in a row pretty often according to 11 accounts. An oíd fashioned firc-place míe near hiirninsr up (or down) I). H. BrigR' i'sidt'nce Baltne, a few days síikt. Dr. Walker of West Salem visits lili paÜentitn a cutter having a topto it, furnishinjf piotection from tlie wintry blast. Marión E. Earl, of Briilgewater, w i 1 1 give the people of that P. O. their mail 11 ii til a democratie successor shall take his place. Who is " Farmer Grave, of Washtenaw cnunty," the Detroit Evening News tells about? Must be the genial Ypsilati'ö supervisor, eh ? Tliere is an odor of skiink about the little building uext to the post office. - Manchester Enterprise. Perbapa it is klink. Whoknows? The new band lendered ttieir flrst serenade to several ciliy.ens, one niglit last week. The boys are inakiug liue progress. - Chelsea HeraUl. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phelps, of Dexter, lost their little daughter Minnie, aiieil four yean, fiom croup, recently, wliich is a sad blow to them. The Bohemlan oat fellows have got several "snaps'' in this vicinity. Tney teil plausible stories, but their reallzation are atnong the tbings questionahle.. -Saline ObHerver. I!ohnel Marker, of Saline, formerly of Manchester, went to bed in pooil health la-t Wednesday, night and Thuradaj morning (as the Irishman puts it), woke up dead. Heart trouble. Mr. A. Case lias 2,500 choice cabbage plantó which he is nourishing in cold frames this winter, preparatory to transplanting early next spring. He propoges to speculate on early cabbages. - Milan Journal. Eight firni9 dolng business in Manchester, who have paid their llquor tax. ask the council of that place to refund the tax paid by them, or compel those seilinK liquor without the payment of the tnx to come down. A writer in the Chelsea Herald gives a a sensible and vigorous protest against the "boardinjraround" system still clung to by many school dUtricts. It is indeed a reiic of bye-gone days that ought t tw done away with. The Dexter Leader man is In great rtirw "f i"%íí H " ¦! p hr niuulu ir soinethtnu else fully as horrible for publishing eucli sells as this: "The la W torbids trafile in human flesh, but our new sheriff continúes to cell prisoners." Cold ! I slioulil say so. Went home ! lit a candle; jumped into led; tried ti blow the lightout; couldn't do it; bliize frozeu stiff; had to break it off! This is huid to be the experience of one of our best cltixeni last week Friday night.- Dëxter Leader. Ypilanti Commercial ; Mrs. Dr. McAnilrew relurueü last week f rom a visit to Alliance, O. 8lie was very ïnuch interested with the wolk and suocess of the Salvation Army in that t-own, shakinji il. .. ¦ - - - #,.., . . h . i t i i ¦ t i i ' i i i ¦ i i r i i I i ¦ i i m i ¦ t ' Il) 6 IOW II 1 I O UI 1 r i u t i ,j i i j j i ' i i i J i , high and low, rich and poor. The Journal clipped an tem dom t lic Aun Arbor Coukieb, week before lnst, and unintentioiially credited It to the Register. Last week the Courier seissored au item from ttie Journal and credited it to another sheet. Guess that about squares the account. - Alilan Joumiil. All right. We will try and keep our scissors and penoil on the side of Iruth hereufter. Brotlier Kittredge, of the Register, is superintendent of the Presbyterian Sabbétta school. It' he could only persuade several local editora to join nis school, what a blessit'g It would be to thecounty ! (Jhelsea Herald. Extend the"courUsy'' a little, Bro. Emmet, and takein all the eountyeditors not now Sunday school officerí. Me thinks that thea 'twould be glorious indeed. Says the Lyndon correspondent of the Stockbridge Sun : " Lyndon is about to lose two of its old and much esteemed citiMiis, Mr. and Mrs. E Hkidmore, who on account of advanced age and failing health has rented his farm to S. B. West, and inteodl to move to Olielsea where lie has bouiíht the line residence of B. Parker and intends to makc that his future home. Lyndon's loss is Chelaea's gaiu." It seems to be a custom with some people wlien they conduele that they do not want to take a newspaper any longer to order it discontinued or refuse to take it Trom the post-offlee, when thcy know that they are in debt for it. We learn by our exchan:es that publishers are posting such fellows as dcad beats, and it is liopeful that by such means that class of subscribers being shown up, will beoome most beautifully less.- Manchester Enterprise. Some of the patients of Dr. Wood, tlie traveling doctor who visited Milán a sliort time since, say he is a fraud and a swindler. It would be well for the people togivesucb traveling fakirs the go-bj, and place their faitU in pbytlclam of established reputatlon and worth. - Milan Journal. That's the truth, and those who will patronizetraveliiigquack when thcro are plenty of reputable pbysioiaoi wliom all know to be honorable men, deservo little sympalhy if they lose health nnd money both by the opefatlon. It is sonictiiing liko merchants ii'ing thclr printiug to druuimer.-i, and then tiudins out that they could have got a better job for loss money at home.


Ann Arbor Courier
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