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In Memoriam

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The following reaolutions, by tlie Cl. A. K. Post, and by the L. D. S., of tliia city, in reference to tlie deatli of Mrs, Moseg Seabolt, linvo been hamled us for publioation : At a meeting of Welch Post tlie following reaolntions were unanimously adopted : Whereat, The comrades of Welch Post No. 1K7, O. A. K., have learneil wlth heartfell sorroff f Ihe decease o' Mrs. 8eabo]t; the president of LudletT Decoration Society. Rtsolved, Tbat appreclailng deeply her earneKt labors in furlherlng the mi n nal reluemberanee of tlieir depai ted brothers in arma; tlit'y desire to express in ttome sinall degree thelr sympalhjr wltli her l.innly In tlietr deep bereavement, and they wl 11 as a i rilling acknowledginent of her frlemlKhlp for the .soldiere, attend the funeral in a body. Hfsolrtd, That a copy of these resolutlons le publlshed in each of the Ann Albor papera aud that a copy thereof be dellvered to the family of the deceased. , Hy order of the Post. Kesolutions on tlie denth of Mrs. Moses Beabolt, written by Mrs. N. II. Plerce at Kello;L, Jasper Co., Iowa, as secretary of tlie Liidifh' Decoration Society of this city, by request of tlie society: Wlurtas, It hnspleasedourHeavenly Fat lier, the Allwíse dispense of eveuts, to remove by the haod of doath out beloved sister und l'resideDtof the L. D. S.; therefore,- liisolvt.i, That we, as members of the Decora tiou Society, who have long beeu assoclated in the tndere8t syinpathy and love in comraemorating the herues of the late war, will miss her more than lauguage eau expresH.: therefore,- Resolved, That we do most cordlally unite In Bympathy our love and sorrow for the departed. Resolved, That as he was beloved for her many (uiel virtues, generousaud affectlonate relatioa toward ber irlrnds aud nelghtiora, we feel her loss deeply and hall lou„' cherlsh her meinory acredly, as tlie rlrst one ot our llltle band of patrlotlc slslers to lay down lier work on earlh, and we contldently believe that she Is rejolrlng In a higher, holler, and happier life where woe will not devasate or ntel be for sorrow o'er the dead. Resolved, That we attend her funeral In a body and tender a copy of these resolutlons to irteiuls und fiimnyof the deceased, and for publlcatlun in the city papers. It is Mttinated that bout tweuty-five different lanjiuages ure spoken in Ann Arhor. 'Diere is a teliow iu Ihe city who boasts of boii)j{ ible to sweur in fourteen different latiiiage. Une of OUr cilizeus informed ye local a day or (WO since, that there are tliree or four places in this city where liquor is sold without having paid the state tax. Whose business is it to find out the truth of tlus asM-rtiou ? No other medicine is so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for rnlils, ooiijjlia, uiid all derangements of the repiiatory organs tending toward consumiition. In all ordinary cases it is a certain cure, and it affords sure relief for the asthmatic and consumplive, even iu adv.iuced stages of disease.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News