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A PETiTiox waa preseuted ia the New Jersey Seuate on the.Sil that Representativos in Cougress make efforts to have % law passed definiug ballot-box frauds as treason. In a special message to the House on the 3d President Arthur asks that a suitabls place of deposit be provided for the swords and testimoniáis tendered the Government by Mrs. U. 8. Grant, and urges that the name of the General be placed on the retired list of the army. UR.I.HRISTOPH1CK O. U„AHAM died „„ the 3d at Louisville, Ky., aged ou i,,ln_ dred years and four months. The Republicana of the Second Rhode Island District on the 3d nominated Nathan F. Dixou for Congresi in place ol Jonathan Chace, elected Senator. General T. E. Sickles, late General Superintendent and Engineer of the Union Pacific Railroad, died at Phüadelphla oa the 4th, aged sixty-thrae. Wn.LiAM R. Morrison was on the erenIng of the 4th nominated by the Democratie caucus at SpringöeW, 111., for United States Senator on the flrst ballot, the vote standing 67 for Morrison, 1!) for Harrison, 3 for Black and 1 for John M. BehoMdi NvBSORiPTicms to defray the expenses necessary to the defense of Mrs. Dudley, who shot O'Donovan Rossa, were on th 4th started in England and Canada. The bullet had not been extracted from Rossa's back, but he would soon be able to loavo the hospital. Dr. John Romio, who died on the 5th at Allentown, Pa., established in that city, in 1836, the flrst homeopathie school in America. Nathan F. Dixon (Rep.) was on the 5th elected to Congress from the Second Hhodo Island District to flll tho vacancy cauged by the election of Jonathan Chaca as United States Senator. In th District Court at Chicago on the 6th the trial commenced of Mackin, (Jallagher, Gleason and Biehl, who were indlcted for perpetrating election frauda iu the Eighteenth ward. Thb Republicans of the Illinois Legislature met in caucus at Springfield on th evening of the 5th and renominated General John A. Logan for United Statei Senator by anclamation.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News