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Downright Crneltj. To crmit yoursclf aod famlly to " SuIT.t !" ' W'itll HicklIPSM wlll'll it i-:lll t"" pil'VOIltell .11, il i uicil no cn-y With Hop Bitten!!! Hnviuji i-xpcr ii-iKTci h (rreai ftofll i " Troiibli'! " tremí lmlii(Mtk)D, ¦ lunch si) Ihil I -: I tl ; Miar Insilijr lll 1.IU .' M y [r ml)lc nlway caiuc aller eatlng any fooJ - llowever lihi And illiii-hlibl.-. For two or three hoiirs at a time I luid In l'i (hroiigh the musí . Excrclatlng paMit, ¦Ainl the mij w.iv I ever gol "Relief!" Wm ly tlimwing up all ray tomaob contatned. No one eau eonoelve tb pains that I had to go throttgti, unlil "At last?" Iwaslukrn' "Sothit fof linee weeks I lay in lieil and ('mild ent notbing ! Mj Kfbririgi were so that I stlled two doctors to Llve BW ioinethliig thitt would ¦top the pain ; their Éflvrt were no jood to me. At lat I hearcl a frooil deal "About your Hop Bitters! And deteimined to try thein." Gol a bottle - in tour lioius I took the eontenti of One! Next day I wiis out of bed, and have not seeti a " Slok ! " Hour, froni the sanie cause lince. I llave reconimended it to huiulrcds rf others You have no micIi "Advocate as I ain."- Geo. Kenilall, Allrton, Boston, Mass. Colnmbui Advocate, Texas. April 21, 'H3. Dear Editor: I have tried your Hop Bitten, and lind they are good for any coinphiint. The best inedioine I ever used lo niy family. H Talenkk. pifNone genulne without a bunch of creen Hops OU the whtte label. Slum all the vile, polHonollH, stuft' wlth "Hop" or "Hop"tn thelr name. Constant oooupation prevent temptation. - Kxchange paper. Dr. Roftanko. Thi name has berome M familiar with the most of people throuhout the United SilIcs that it is hardly necessary to state that he is the originator of the great Dr. Bosanko Cougb iind Lung Syrup, the people's favorile temedy, wberever Icnown, for Coiijfhs, Colds, Consuinption and all affectionsof the Throatand LungH. Plice 60 cents and $1 00. Sold hy Ebarbacb & Son, driiggists. "Thereis no place llke your home," siiys the poet. Rlgllt! unless it's the lifime of the young woman you're after. This s of conrse an exception. Future poets will pitase note it. - Ex. Wants the Facts Known. Mi. Editor: - I and my nelghbori have been led so niaiiv times uto buylng different things for the liver, ktüneys and blood that have done us more harm than good, I feil it due your readers to advise tliem when an honest and good medicine like Dr. Harter'g Irou Tonic can be had. Yours truly, An Old Subscribe. " Wlienever you speak, teil the truth," said an ancient pbilcMopher. It this pi in( iple were to prevail now, silente in this country would be so thick that you could ent it with a case-koife. Free Ditribution. " What causes the great rush at Eberbaoh & Son's drusr store?" The free dhtribution of Sample bottles of Dr. BotankoVCough and Lu ne Syrup, the most popular remedy for Coujili-, Colds, Consamution and Bioncliitis, now on the market. Hegular si.e 50 cents and $1.00. " Is a woman capable of fillins au ofBcef" Slie is. A woman bas JtMt been Inqalrins after some rejected manuscript in this offlee and she filled it eompletely, for the time being. - Burlington Free Press. Rev. Win. Stout. Wiarton, Ont., states: Being ineflectually treated by 17 doctors for Scrofula, I was cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Write fir proof. " Poor Hobbs, how I pity bini !" What for f "His wifetalks him nearly todeath. She'sasbad as twowomen." " [don'tsee what you base your conclusions on." " Why, sbe bas n doublé chin." Adani's Kuil. Ever since Adam's fall, which subjected human nature to diseases of the flesh, there lias been B iieinand for a blood purifier. We all realize the tact that apon the purity and vitulity of the blood depend the health and vigor of the wliole system, and tlrit disease of various kinds is often only a sign that nature is trying to remove the disturbing cause; henee a relmble blood purifier is of greater importance to the poopl t, ,.m jB ifHnerally suDDosed. We are pleased to say that Hood's Sarsapuiilla bears unmistakable proof of being this sortofa medicine, and we think It worthy a trial. "Why did you put that nickel with a hole in it in the contribution box?" asked one man of another. " Because I could not put the hole in without tlie nickel, and I had to put in fomething."- St. Louis Magazine. A WtmdeiTul OUcovery. Consumptives and all, who suffer from auy affection of the Throat and Lungs, can lind arara cure in Dr. Kine's New Ditcovery for Consumption. Tnousand of permanent cures verify the truth of this statement. Ho medicine can show mich il reoord of wondert uj cures. ThouMndsof once hopless suffereis now gratefully pruclaini they owe.their Uves to tilla New Discovery. It will cost you nothing to give it a tria'. Free TrialBottles at Bberbitcb fc Son'b drug store. Large size, $1.00. An eminent physician says that leiuun juice is better thau qulnlne to cure malai ia. We always did cali lor leiuou and sugar in ours in preference to quiniue. - Newinan, 111., Independent. After Dlphtheria. Diphtetia is a terrible disease, requiring the greatest medical sklll to etlecl a complete cure. Even when lts power is broken, it clings to the patiënt with great persisteucy, and ofteu leaves the systera poisoned and prostrated. Just here Hood's S;usaparilla does a vast amount of good, expelling impuritiesfrom the blood, givingit richness and vitality, while t renovates and strengthens the system. Á.7.TAÑGSTÉRFÉR CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, SELLS MIXED CANDIES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Fresh Stlok Candy for IS cents per ponnd ut A. F. HANGSTERFER'8, 28 South Main Street. Freuch Mtxed Caodles for IS ceats per puiniil. at A. F. HANOSTERFER'8, 28 Main Street. Nlce Orangea only 15 renta per dozen, at A. F. HANQSTERFER'H at 28 Main reet. AU kinds of NUTS, F1OS, DATES, RAIMN8 and MALAGA ORAPES, at A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, No. 28 Main Street, - Ann Arbor.


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