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HAMOXK lUKIilTOHÏ. ANN ARltORCoMMANUKRV, N 11 IllO-ís tirst TuesJay of eacb inouth, V. (. Doty, ]'.. C; W. A. Tolohard, Reeorder. WASHTENAW' ('HMTKl!, ÍO. ti, U A. M. Meeu first Momlay ;idi inouth. Isaac Handy II. P.; .. Bcmth, Beoretary. Goldkn Rule Lodgb, No. ISA, K. and A. M. - Meel Hm I burwlay of eacb nooolh. L. C. Goodrich, W. M.. N, l. líale, Srcr.tary. Fratersity IjODOK, No. '262, F. aod A. Sf.- Merts flrt weduewlay ii :-li m.nili. K J. Morton, W. M. W III Holland, KfCroturj . BUSINESS CARDS. W. 11. JACKS, OilEli JJTilTHIilSIlTIL OFFICK : Orer Bachs Abel' a Dry Goods Store. Kktuancb by Fian National Bakk. GERMÁN CLASSES by Emil Buur, formerlv teacher of Germán 1q the Aun Arbor High school. Keglnning and udvuncpd oonversatlonal clase-wlll !)"¦ arratig! above sheehau & ' 'o's book siore on Statf Btreet 8lEin' sieeu's " studl n und PlauUerelen " will be used tor eouversatlon. Kor gramiiiiir classes nny graiuinar IbeatOdent deslres, mixliMii lauëaagea are rood (orgollen If nol praotlced. Kemember tho r'at advaniHKeof knowinii Germán In Inisiness as we II as liteiary pursuits. l!.iiin nj{ Ihe IJth of January. Rererences : lr. Henry K. Prleze, Dr. Al.xandcr Dr. E. L Waker, Prof Klisha Jones, Supi. W. S IVrry For aaay termi enqdlre ii UeMra, Bbdeilan A Co.. OHsins Co., oratliirrss PROP KMI!. BAUR, City. VfTL.L.lA.H IIUKK, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Fapfirln, (Jl :.i i Lr. OiW ng, ¦! ' 'alciminim;, and worli o: evarj devciiptlou dono i' the b1 8tyle.and wananicd lo ï'.vi utidaetlnD. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. c. m ni:itr.iii,r, Kesidbnci!. "7 s„rTii Main t., Tbaciieu or Piano ,TiÉ and Thsory o! Music. iusTBtrcTiorrs Qlven od PKin of ih1 l;oyal 'onterviiury of MubI'" al Leiplc, uxony. W. W. & A C. MtHOI, New Dental Rooms, over Joe T. Jacob's Store. GAS or VITILIZED AIR Admiulstcrad for the palnless eitraction of teeth. JOSIPI! BERRT, The Practical TAILÜR AM DUTTER, Of the ite Brm of#VINANS & BERRY, has located bis place of butlness at NO. 7 HURON STREET, W1TH A FL1.L I,1NK OF Suitings and Trouserings, And would oay to Ma old frieud-t and rtew onet that If they want a (onn FIT und a NOBBY FIT at RKSoNAHI.ií PRICKa, cali on him and Ihey wlll be are tu gct one. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S uIBüi AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conptantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retull Trnde. We hall alfo keep a vnpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kyc Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Mcal, I ¦(!. Etc, At Wholesale and Ketail. A geueral stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIÜNS CoDBlautly on hand, whlch wlll he sold on aa reaeonalilt; terrne a at any other hou-u n ih cit ¦ . Cah pa'd for BUTTER, SGG', and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally Ooorts d' livered to any part of the cuy whhnut exira chargf. RINSEY & SEABOLT. DO YOU KUOW TIKT LORILLARD'S CLIMAX PLUO TOBACCO Wlth Ked TIn Ta(? ts the best? Ia the purest 1b Dever uilullerated witli glucose, barytes, molassea, or any deletenoaa lngredienls, as U the case with maiiy olher tobáceos. I OKII I Vltl. s RONK I.KAF HXE Cl'T TOB CCO la alo made of the flnent stock, and for aromatic chewing quuliiy Is second to noue. LOHILLARD'M XAVY I.! JTI .. take first rank as a solid durable smoking tobáceo wherever lntroduced. I.OIIII.I. ltl X K '!!! n I FS. have been used for ovpr 124 years, and are sold to a largcr ezteut than any others. LUMBER! LUMBER! LÏÏMBEE! l( you contémplate bolldlng, cali at FERDON IfflEI 1 1 R II ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and ge our ligures for all kinüa of LUMBER! We manuÍHctiire our own Lumbcr and guaran tee AERY LOW PRICES JWüive ui a cali and we will make it to your Interest, at our large and well grjdrd stock fully ustains our asftertion. Tclcphone CoaaeLtious wlth Offlct. T. J. KKECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop


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