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POWDER Ahsolutely Pure. Thls powder never varíes. A marvel of pu rlly, strenglb and wholesomeness. Morrecouomn-ui iban tbd ordlnary kinds, andcannoi s Itl ín comí el i t ion willi the imiltltude oí low tU sin) t welght, iillllll OT [ihospliate pKwdors. som only 'n fjtns Iíoval Hakiníí POWDKH 00., 108 Wall SI. N. Y. (uticira THE OJiLY REMEDIES FOll THE SKIN AXII BLOOD UNIVEK8ALLT COXMBHOCD. Wm. T' Tullen, tir2;North Tenth ntreet, Philadelphla, reporta Hi.u one oí hia cuslomers ftated Lo hhn incidentally that he was feellnu so well aud tiad eaii ed tweary seveu pounds In the tat vear, all of wbkb he attrihnied lo h nyutematk couree nf the I'l'ticdka Kksolvent, which han provcd effectual whi'n ull other remedies falled. SOHKS O Kl K. Chftp. Hr.ldy, Snm rviile, M i-ts., who refera to Br. J. J. Wood, drugiilft, of lht city, cerillles to a woixdiTlul cure i)f raooiOK aorea on The ueck which had heen treated liy hn", it .1 pliysicians wlthoal cure, and which yitlded comi),etely to the CltiC'rilA HE.MB1IU-." CIKKD UY t'UTICUKA. My íkin dlsi-a-e, uhi'h reinted everal popular remedie andother remedies advised by physiciang me been cured by your Cünct'BA Kexkuieh, They !urpaced my mo-i sauguiue expectatioue aud rapidly i'flfei-led a cure. Viucenne?, Iud. J. C. ARBNTKUE. kMIU lis VAMie. All of your Ci'TicntA Memedies Rlve very good satlflfactlon. The utioi'ua I rspeclslly recommend for the dlsemsefl tor which it ie used. I know from experlence its valae. Uh. H. J. PRATT, Montello, Wís. Cl'TfClR AUBOAD, Throuh a home retnrned Norwegian, I have learued to know your Cuticura, which ha? in a short time cured me ol mi Ezcema that my phyvicians medicines could not hel. CI1K. HKLiZEN, Bbgív, Nobwat, Agenturorretning. TII1C I'.M.T I'OWERS. A fet-Hng of ratitude impele me to acknowledíre the L.rHiit meritK of your CunoUHA, and I cordlally recoDimeod il to the public as a valurtbie remedy. H. N. POWKR8, Bridoefort, Oonn. For sale everywhere. Price, Cuticura, the ereit Skin Cure, 50c.; Cuticnra Soap, au exquisite Skin Beautifle, 25c; Cuticura Resolveut, $1. Pottük Dbuo ikd Chemical Co., ilostou. MffCURA SOAP, au eiquisite Toilet, Bala, bUU aud NurJery Sanative. SANDFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH, Witoh-Hazel, American l'inc, Cunada Flr, Ilnriiiold, i lnv r Biossoin. Asingleflofe of Hantord'x Radiral Ture Inmanlly re even the ïnoiit violent SneezinR or Head Colds, cleam the hoad a by magie, stops watery dicharges from Ihe Noseand h.yes, prevents Kinüin? Nolse m thc head, cure Nervou Headache, and suhduo Chille aod Fevers. In Chronic ( iitaiirh it cleansos th nasal passages of foul mucus, restores the senses of mell, taete. tid hearing when affected, freea the head, throat, and bronchlal tubes of "ffonsive matter, sweetens aud puriü' 1 the breath, etop the cou'h, and arreste the profc'resB of Ca arrh towards Consumption. One bottle Radical Cure, onc box Citarrhal Sol ventone Dr. Handford's Inhuler, all in one package, of all druggista, for$l. Ask for Sandfoud's Radical ( t hk. Potter s ni ii Chemical , Boston. aM I filo Forthe relief and prevention CUULfVTíii,,. in.inni 11 Isapplied, VOLTAo of lihiumatiem, Neuralgia, SciNkViI J,Va tic. Conghs, Colds, Weak back, A""r%%;-stomacli, and Bowels, Shooting "Cfc ¦ ¦ ( ' l'aiiis, Numbnoi-s, llymi-ria, Fe7(?.,yv male Pain, Palpi'atii'ii, Dysppp-sSggg))S fia, 1-iver Coiuiílalnt, Bllhous íiV Fever, Malaria and Epidemie, electricen. "" Col Un' Piasters (an fii'''"le Klectrlc Hattry comb;ned ASTEfc" iih a Koroa Planter) and laugh at paiu. 3ï5o. everywhere. tmiiiiiiii' A HEALTHY AND KXCITINO EXERCISE Can bo had durlnc the winter monthi TEN PIKS! CÖCKED HAT, Or un v of t lie games of n. bowling alley. On IMII (lili HTRRBT, oppusite tbe Ckurt House, is Bowling All-} , which has recently beei tinely deeorated Hiid Ilttcd up tu good Btyle. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. Mtudentx here can get one of the best ad víintages of a Kj-mnaslutn. The exerclse ttives gnod olrculaMon, help digestión ani anpetlte. CIJMK ASD TltTITI A. O. BLIMS ék CO. 1 TlTlTriTI Sená "' cenU for PstaS!8 I ll REd recclve freo, a comly bor ñ rn I H of k"o(1 which wl" npy011 H llll tomoremimeyriKbtawaythai 11 A J-l"LLI-UlinythinK tbe In Ihls world All.ofcliher sex, sneceed from flrat hour. The broad road to fortune open betore the workers abnolntely nre. At onoe addr. Truk Co. Augusta. Malne.


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