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British Love Of U. S.

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A full-blooded Eogllshmarj who fiivors my Dnion man or Union general, or nny person or thing tliat belongs to the United States, is an extremely dilllcult personaje to finil. TUe following letter, recently wiitteH to a soutliern lady by Gen. Wolsley, expreses the English idea exactly. Homo of the sickly, fawnlng, toadying Euglish íiewspupers in America botter read th3 and tlicn blush for themselves : War Office, Loudow, Dee, 8, 1884. My Dear Miss S I am very grateful for your kind letter and for tiie valuiible authographs lt contalns. 1 have long been collectlng the letters of eminent people, but have liad mueti dirliculty In ohtitiiiiiiu tliose of great men on ymir slde of ttie Atlantic I have only kimwn two heroeR In my hit, and Gen, R. E. Lee lsone of them; su yon can know liow I valneone ol IiIn letters. I belleva that whcn time haa calmed the anry pitssions In the tiorth, Gen. Lee wlll bc aocepted 1d the United States as the greatest general you have ever had, and as a patriot second ouly to Washington tiliuself. Stonewall JarkMiñ 1 only knew sllghtly. Hls name will live forever alHO In Amerloan htatory when thi' t oí fj. 8. Grant Hhalt long have been for;otten Such, al least, Is my humble opinión ofthose men when vlewetl by an outfide s udenl of inüitaiy liUtory who has no prejudlc-. I lucióse you a photograph with great pleasure. I sliall Indeed be proud that lt Önilg a place In your collectlon. . am algo Bendlng one direct to Gen. Beau regard with my best thanks tor hts kladneH in letting me have the antnorgrapb letten üiat yon have so klndly sent me, Thiit of Heaur nard is one thut I uhall ulways prlse. I am Indeed grateful to you lor telling me to keep lt. ' wolski. KY." The ilisliguriiig eruptions on the face, the sunken eye, the pallkl oomplexloo, indicate that there issometliiiif; wronjígoiní; on within. lurkingfoe tohealth Ayer's Sarsapai illa was devlwd for that purpose; and does it. About tlie only city in the state of Michigan too poor to pay one of its local papers for puhlishing au official report of the doinfs of its council is Ann Arbor. It would seem as though the people had a riirht to know what the city council was doing, and we belicve that every petition, every resolution, every document of any kind coming before that body should b; published in full, so Iliat the people m:iy know what tlicir guardins nn and how they are doing it. The people have a riht t, know eveiy tiausaction of the coiruiori councll, and the city can afljrd to pay lor its pullicatlon, as is doneelsewhere.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News