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It is uitli pltiasure that we nnnounoe to our readers tliat Miss Edith Urokaw, wbo was to linve been marriea to Mr. Geo. P. Suttoii, on the 28t!i uit., but preveated by UlneM, hu m Gm reoovered that the marrluge took place Februaiy 7th, at the residence of her futlier. Mr. E. T. Brokaw, Kev. S. L. Ramtdell officiaiing. Only thu mem berg of the families of thu luide and groom wei e present on this second occasion, ïhe partiN after ;t ven llutis;t:it hour, most of iiicli v,i K'ni aiound a tableapread with " tlic jjood tbinga of thU lite," pro ceeded to Aun Albor and took the live o'clock train tir Detroit, to tpeiid l tcw dayg araung frieuda, Tlie foiiowing is a 1 it of presenta wkich ore presenttxl by guests uu the tonner day uppolated tor the marrlage: Silver Ten-pot and Crearaer by tlie pareuta of tlití bride. Do.imi s.lnl 'lViispoons Ly Uk: pcueDU of ihr gruom Bat Parlor Clialis by 1). H. Appluiuu. rtet sllver-plaled K&lves And Hand Hat4ïhd by tira. E BurliDgame. tjllver BreakUut Caatoi by Mr. mul Mr. I). O. Bard. iseisilver-plated Korks ly Ueo Hutton. Sr. Silvor Cuke" Uaskot by Mr. aud Mrs. T. De Forest. Silver liutiur Dish by Mis. T, J. HurllngamA. l'ai lor Lunpa by Mr. and Mra. Joseph l'ray. Stlyar fake Baaket by Robert Brokaw. VelTet tioia-plated Pertumery Case by JudBOD Sa Is t-r. öllviM-puaed Plokta (JaatOT by Will Allen und smler. Vtilvi-L l'tiiuiiiery Case wlth Louklug Gla.-s and X Duiniik lowaJa by Mesbis. Muck and achinkdl. Vol vet BrouellB Kug Will Worden and Miss Adah llrokaw. Twogold-plaLtd Napkin Hings by Uwlglit 11. Kaïimdell. silver 1110 Dish by 1,-un and I.otU'ina Scullinmer. 811 ver Spoon-hold by Mik. a. M. Doty. Two Buiid Mlver Mapkin Klugs by T. D. Kearney and slsLer. rtuver BOrry Diah by Mlsses Anna aud Jeunle tleinlnway and U. D. Coy. Carvinií Kullo aud Fork by Mrs. D. Maler. Bread Píate by Adam Malers. bel silver Nut Plekl by Will liaran. Fruit L'lsh by iuez llrokaw. öllver l'erlumery Jlokler aud Flask by Miss Aniui Taylor. Mounted silver Xapkin Ring by Will Yauson. bilver Butler Knlfe by Wm. Arnold. Sllver SugarHpoou by David Malers. Cut-glass Berry Dish by R. T. Brokaw. Plaque, by Miss E. Lumsdeo. Tonel Sel. by Mr. Nelson Osborneand sister, Hand-palnted Cuslilon by Albert GroveB and sisters. Fruit Dish by John Danner and sister. Qlaaa Uerry Dish by Miss Lucretla Osborne. Three Litieu Towels by Mis. Thos. Leonard. Everyone knuws how painful burni and sculds are, but very few are a ware thatan application of De Land's Soda or Saleratus will easethe puin at ouce. Kemcmber tuis and you will save yourselves niucli annoyance. Jas. Preston, of Monroe county, X. Y., brother of P. C. Preston, of Northfield, died on the 12th inst., of consumption, aged Syjyears. Deceased liad lived with liis brother in Northfield for a couple of years, and had mauy friends and aequaintances, here. As au article for the toilet, Ayer's Hair Vigor stands unrivalled. It cleanses the scalp and preserves it from scurf and dandruff, cures itchinj? and humor, restores faded or gray hair to its oriarinal dark color, and promotes its growth. We are selling finest water white oil at 12c per gallon. The best Legal Test at 9c per gallon. Sliall hereafter retail both kinds it the relative difference in cost. Dean & Co. 44 Mtiin Street, Soutb.


Ann Arbor Courier
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