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Dowvrlgnt Craelty. To ]crinit yourself nnrl f.miily to "Suffer!" Wiiii sicknew wlien II c ui be pre.Ye.pted iind cored so e h Wtth H p WttwIÜ tiaviiig experienced gn-at deal ot " Trouble! " trom Indigestión, ao inuc-h s I c:nnc mai loting ui) lAfi : My troubl ilwajni mam after enting ' a n y food - However llght .Vin! iiKKHiiile. For two or i.hree bouri at a timo I luid to k througb t tic most Bxoruclatlne palns, "And (lie ouly way I over got'1 "Relief!" Was ly throwiog up all my stnmach coutained. No one can oonoelve Hit' piiins tlint I liad tn go throagh, until "At last V" i was takaa ! " So tbit fttr three vaeki I lay i ii ln-il and Could ent nothing ' My fuifierings werp so tlml I called two doctors lo rive me something that would stop tlie pain ; Cbalr ÉfforU wero no good to me. At last I hcmil a good dial "About yonr Hop Bitters I Aiul detetmlned to iry thein." (íol h bottle - in tour liouis I took tlie conten tu of Oiif! NCxtiluy 1 ira om nt bed, and bve not een h "Siek !" llour, from the saine caOM sinre. I have recominended It to i Iredaof Otilen You have DO sncli "Advocate as I ara."- Geo. Kendall, Allston, Hoslon, Mass. Columbus Advocate, TexM, April 21, 'P3. Dear Editor: I havetried your Bop Bitters, and Ind they are good tor any rotnplnlnt. The best medicine I ever nseO in my family. II Talenkk. PünNone genulne without a bnnch of (roen HopHon tlie white label. 8hun II the vile, polsoooua, Htutt'wlth "Hop" or Hopx"ni I hi-ir n:iine. Wlion rain r'all, does it ever get Upt 01 ooarw it does in dew time. Try It Yonrseir. The proof of tlie pudding s not in chwing the stiïnjf, bnt in liavirüj an opportunity to try tbeartlcle yoanelt. Bberbach & rion.the Dniggist.s, have a free trial bottla of Dr. Bosanko's (ougli hik! Xuntr Syrup lor cacli and evprv one. wlio is aftliclrd with Coufrli, ('olds, Asllima, ('onBUmplloil or any Iunii affection. lf yon don't observe so inanv caU about tlie boardingf bouse now, you iniist bear in mind that the shootinjr season is at hand, and rnbbit pie is seatonablu article. - ïiewark C!all. Cukk Fon Croup. - Use Dr. Thomart Iv IcctricOil. It is tbe best runiedy for all ¦udden nttacks of coleta, pain aui inrlammalion, and injuri,. Do not fear to be sinjtnlar, and do not alm to be oild. Tlie Dnty of State Leuislatures. IC'islation In eveiv state ehoultl regúlale the salo and use of tlie many poisons restorted to by women iu Uielr degperatloo to obtain beautiful complexión. There ezItU In Dr. Ilarter's Irou Touic cvery requttlte to accomplish the object without iiijuiing health or endaiifíerinjí life. It is no part of wisdom to be miserable to-day bee.ause we fear we may Du to-morrow. This Idea of ftoing West in ('(llorado or New Mexico, for pure air to relieve Consumption, is all a mistake. Any reasonable man woulil use Di'. Bosanko's Cougb and Luiijr Syrui for Consumption in all its tirst stages. It nevel' falla to give relief in all cases of C'ouglis, Colds, Bronchitis, Pain in the Ohest and all uffectiODa that are considered primai v to Consumption. Price, 50 ceiitsaud $1.00. Sild by Kberbnch & Sou. An open mind, an open heart, hik) an open hand will tlnd cverywhire au open door. A Wkak Back, with a weary acbing lamenest over the hips is a si;n of diseased kidneys. Use the best kidney curative, which is Burdock Blood Bitters. Why ír a river the laziest thing ever seen In creation ? Because It is liever seen OUt of its bed. Thoiisand.s Sav So. Mr. T. VV. Atkins, Kan., writes: "I never hesitate to reeommend your Electric Bitters to my custoniers, they give entine satistaction and are ripid selléis." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Purity tlie brood and regúlate tlie bowels. No lamilv can all'ord to be without them. They wiil save huudreds of dollars in doctor's bilis every year. Sold at iifty cents a bottle by Eberbach & Sou. A man's own jfood breeding is the best security afiainst other peojile's ill ïnauners. Pure blood is absolutely necessary in order to enjoy perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla puritlea the blood and strengthens the system. The passionate are like men standing on their heads; they see everything tbe wrong way. The pain and misery suffered by tbose who are ntllicted with dy pepsia are Indescribable. The distress of the body is equalled or surpassed by the confusión and tortures of the mind, thus maklng its victim suffer doublé affliction. The relief wbich is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla has caused the thousands to be tbankful for this grttit medicine. It dispels the causes of dyspepsia, and tones up the digestive organi. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The ruin of most men dates from sonie idle hour. Oocupation ia the armor of the soul. A large portion of the illa tlint flesli is heir to iirise from an impure stute of the blook. By promoting a healthy actlon of tbe Hver, bowels and kidneys. Hdnts [Kidney and Liver] Remküy purifles the blood and ellminates disease. When you are the anvil, have patience; when you are the hammer, trike straight aird well. Á iikini,' Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, of Michanicsbur;;, Pa., writes : "I was aillicted with lunjf fever and abscess on lunjf, and redltced to n luxlktng Skeleton. Qot a free trial bottle of Dr. Ktng'l New Discovery for Con sumptioii, which dld me so ïntich frooil that I bought a dollar bottle. After luing three bottles, found myself once more a man. completely reetored to health, with a hearty appetite. and a gain in flesh of 48 Ibs." Cali at Eberbach & Son's drug store and get a free trial botlle of this eer tain cure lor all Lung Diseases. Iarge bottle $1.00. Wants the Karts Knonn. Mr. Editor: - I and my neighbors have been led so many times ulo buying different things for the Hver, kidneys and blood that have done us inore harm than good, 1 feil t due your readers to advise them when an honest and good medicine llke Dr. Harter's Iron Tonlc can be had. Yours truly, An Old Subscrihkk. A punctual man can always flnd time; while a negligent one liever eau. There is nothing like Dr. Thomas's Eclortric Oilto quicklycure a cold or relieve bosrsenesa. Written by Mrs. M. J. Fel(iws. Burr Oak, St. Joseph Co., Mich. He who pretendsto be everybody's particular f rlend Is nobody'.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News