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w ifnoYALBja'i;? jk B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder di ver varíe. A marvel of purity. strenglh and wbotasomeness. non econ nmloal Ibe ordloary kinds, and cannot s Ui in rom i etltlon wit !i t hr muit itude ot low t-si. sim t welght ftlutn or pbosphate nnwders. Nold only 'n runs RoYAL Iï.vkiniï Powdi it (., 106 Wall st. N. Y. Luticma THK OXLV REMEDIES FOK THE SKIN Al LOOI IMVERSV1.I.Y COMMEM)EI). Wm.T'Totteu. 672 North Tcuth street, Pliiladelpbla, repoiti ihat one 01 his cmtomer Uted lo him inid"nta!ly that h mi ticünu' co wcll and luid ''iln ed tweuly B6TSD ponndl in la-t v :ir, all or wblcb be't'mteJ eo iyttmatl: eoane if iheCi.'TicDKA KrsoLTi ias provud effectul when all otht'r rcüiedics f.'tilec!. KBi OV VECR. Chas. Brady, 8om-rrtlle, Hm., who retento Dr. J. J: Wood, drogglgti of tht citv, certifle to a iv.indtTlul cure f r iiininu' ;oreOD the neck whicb hart heen treitert hy In.s.iit il phvficians without cure, and whlch yleldad completa)? to the CutiCUKA KMKD -. KltKD BV (ITICIllA. My skin rtiíi-a-e. h' h reltad evenü popular remedial and otbei remi-dies advincd byphysiciaoa h is iien cund by your Coficura RtïüDits. They orpaMed niy mül gaiiyuiue expoctdtiüais aud rapUlv i-fftic-twl a cure. Vinceuiics, Ind. J. C. ARBNTRUB. KNOW ITS VALUÉ. All or your Cljticura Klnta irivo vory gaod utiffactlón. The uticira 1 Mpeclally recommend for tbe diM-axes lor which it is ustil. I knuw froin esperlence its vmlue Di!. II. J. l'ÜATT, MONTELLO, WlS. OUTICURA AIUIOA. Thrnuïh a home returned Norweejan, I have learoed tl know your Cuticcra. which ha in a -hort time cured me oí au Ezceuia that niy physicianii medldnei cduld ncit heul. C1HÍ. IIELlZBN, Be'OKv, Nrwat, Agtnturjonetning. THE PtfKT POWERS. A feellng of (rratitude impela me to acknowledgtthe eieat merlts ot your CoTIOühA, and I cordiaily recommend it to the public a a vlurtbie remedy. H. N. POWEHS, Bridüipobt, Uohn. For sale reiywhera. l'rice, ('iiticnra. the crrcit Rklo Cnrr, SOc.; Ontienn Soap, nu exquielie Skin Beautifie, 25c.; Ciitlcura Renolvenl, $1. Pottkr Uruo nd Ciiïmicai. Co., iiostou. NffiMCURA 8OAP, an exquisito Toilet, Bath, WUm Hnd Nur-i'iy SanatlT. SANDFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH, Wltcli-Hazel, American Plnc, iuiiada FIr, :flari!:old, Clovcr nio-nM A ninglp1"-e ol Santord'n Radical "ure ¦ riaiBiii 1' re ievi s IBti m 'st Ttolent SnrezinK or Head Ci' ds, clinre the hiad a br magie, etops w .iti'ry dii-chi'ges frnm ihe Nmcand Kye", prevenís KiDzin NOtM ia the hi'ad, cures Nervou lli-adncbf, umi suodiKs l'hiils and Fevora. In c:hmnic ataarn it cli-ause the nasal passage of toni mucu, ri'atnres the senses of snr-ll, tas'e. and hearing when ffected, frves the tiend, throai, and ormicnial tubee of . ffandve ni ntcr, wetaD and pnrlflri ihe hreaih, atopn the cuaLh, and arrest the urogreai nf ' anli towards Couinmptlon. hottle H tel Cun-, onc box O tarrhal Sol vsntODe Dr. SamU'iml's Inhaler. nll none pnek age, of all drnifgiat, for $1. Aak for Sandi-oi.d s IÍADICAL Cl' BK. loter Iiruï and Chemical Co., Boston. kM I IKIm. For the relter and preveniion CUL.LIV5' 'i. -iii-liiiil I i :tli'll, . yVOUTAIO "i lih' uinnili-iM, NenrniL'ia, .sclNlVV,ilyV ''" Couili-.rolnp, Wrak hark, rr Tiï ¦ Bti mach, and Ilowel, Shoollng -ÍV í-. Pa1i..Nombne, Hjaierto, Fe-r &".. 'V male Pili6, Palpi'atu.n. Dyi-pi-p¦ S&) V mü l.iv.r C'cDi.l1ri, Bllltous Í.SPÍH Feer. Malaria ar.d Bpld.-mics, e'lectric -e CIHii' Planters. (an - , !"V Bleetrtc Kattry comb.uad ASTE "iba " Flaneer) and laOKli at puin. 5c. uverywhure. mum1 A HEALTIIY AND EXCITING EXERCISE CM bo had durina the winter raontha by pliiying TEN PINS, COCKED HAT, Oranv of the games of a bowling alley. On VÓUK'l'Il tl'BEBT, opposlte the Court House, Is B&.ISS' Bowling Alleyi wlilcli has recently been ttuely decorated und fltted up in guod style. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. Mindeiit herecan getoneof the beat ndvantaue of ¦ KymMHMum. The exerc le Kives kikkI clrcuiH'lon, help digestión and ïppetlli. COME A ND Tlt YIT 1 A. O. BblW & OI TTTrïT1 Sond sli cantt for pOtUCI I 'ƒ iii.d recfivü fre, a costly box A r K I f H '¦' k'ool whic'i wlll h.ilp you II I I IN l-iomoremimt-yriBhtawaythan ; -11 X lLXUJJianyth, ,.,.i ,n ,h, World. I All,"fcliher MX, IBCCeed trom llrt honr. The I broidnmdto lortnno opens bcloru the wurk.T?, , a"iolutcly ear. At once addroM. Tbu U., Anifuiu, Main.


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