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Detroit people si ent 825.U0U for torete...

Detroit people si ent 825.U0U for torete... image
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Detroit people si ent 825.U0U for torete lor a ot-arlty ball, aod squeezed out " oou for the poor. Charity is Eot puffed up, but H cines uigh scmetluies.- Adrlun rrtss. The above item expresses Ín a few words what a large nuniber of our exObangM have takeu a far greatcr nuraber of words to express. But Hiere aro two ways of looking nt this subject. The $¦250,000 expended for "toilets" was expended by people who could all'ord t. It weut out OÍ plethoric purses into lean ones. It helpcd poor dressmakers, poor milliners, poor tailors, poor Horists, poor jeweler?, poor working men and working womeu, and was of Itoelf a charity. If tbc wealthy residents of Detroit chote to expend $200,000 to arruy themsclres for a charity or my other sort of a ball, they certainly did a good tliing for other. It put a quarter of a million dolíais into liam's that ueeded it, and intocirculatiou. Newspaper meu shouldu't be so cynieal. It is nonsense for thom to find faalt with those wlio choose to expend thelr wealtb n thta way. Tuk monument erected to tho inemury of George Washington, the father of bis country, tit the capítol of the nation, was (brmally acoepted by President Arthur last Saturday, and the dedicatory services wan HMD held. The pure character of Washington is fitly typlfled in the white marble that composes the shaft, and the noblencss of hU nature, strict honor, and high ambilion for the grand republic his wisdom, hls perseverance, and li is bravery founded, is fitly represonted in the towerin hight of the same, reaching as it does higher than any Other structure reared by human hands. So does this nation, this republic, founded by him and his fellow country-men, tower above all other nations of the globe. The name of Washington shines out like a star of Bethlehem, to the oppres.ed ot the whole world, a guide to freedom. By a two-third mijnrity of the houw, the joint resolution submitting a prohibitory nmendment to the people was passed last WedlKSday by that body. Xow that so miich bas been accoinplished, for which the prohibitionists have been bowling for years, there comes up a cry frwn thcir leaders that they don't want it subniitted. And aprohibition lobby is at work trying to defeat its passage in the senate. Isn't that consistency for you? Doesn't it look very much as if this clique of men "devoted to pure principie," were woiking for themselves ? What do they, the leaders - notthe rank and file- care for principie? Not an iota. It is something to howl about and keep a following that will donate enoujih inoney to support tliem without labor. That'a the "principie" for which they contend. Howmuch longer will they ueable to bleed the lambs? The action of the legislature in making the ftandard, or railway time, the legal time, is being bitterly ciiticised by many people who think that man should be conteDt in letting Oíd Sol run the time, as he al ways has done, for the courts, etc. If everybody should run tlicir time pieces by standard time, all over the United States, this change would be a convenient thing, but if a few run on one time and the balance on an other, it will be apt to make things considerable complicated. The various opposition parties meet today in conveution, to unite upon a ticket to defeat the republicana. The demoernts at Bay City and the greenbackers and prohibitioni.-ts at Lansing. As usual the marriage will be by telegraph. And the lusty old emocracy hopes to win and wed both the coy virgins at the capitol that day. It would be strar:ge, bul perfectlv il) keeping with all of their principie.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News