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Democratic Convention

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Mondiiy tlie deuiocracy of Waslitenaw eounry heli) a convention for the purpose of ehoosing delegates to attetid the state OOnrenUot) to be held In Bay City to-day. John N. liailey was made temporary chainnan, and Thos. Kearney temporary sccretary. For permanent offlcers M. J. Lehman, of Chelsea, was made chairman, and Fred II. Uelser, of Ann Arbor, secretary. The electiont of delégate bein in order Densmore Crarner, of Ann Arbor, and C'lias. R. Whitinan, of Ypsllanti, were chosen delegates at large, and the followinj; from the two reprefentative districts: lst DUtrlot- Micliael Duffy, Northfleld ; J. V. N'. Oregory, Lima ; Oeorge A. Peteni, Bclo; MarcusH. Cook, Sclo; Ambrose Kearney, 11. T. Morton, 0. H. Mauly, Win. Walsh, Aun Albor; Alex. Dancer, Lima. 2 1 Uistrict- L. Blaess, Lodl ; J. Knapp, Frecdom; Frank F. Jones, Saline; K. J. Swayoe. Ypsllaatl ; Alfred Davenporl, York ; W. II. i.owden, Augusta; F. Krauxe, l.nitr, Henry Palmer, Hrïdgewater; N. Solimld, Manchester, A resolution wu also passed instiuctIng the delégate? to use all honorable means to seeure a fusión witli ALL elements opposed to the republlcan party. That "all1' of course includes tbe prohlbltlon party. UMtOaruitt Murpliy, ot Nurinnoul, uUtd Fob. 20th, aged 75 years, of oíd age. Mrs. Chas. Calhoua, of ibis city, rtted Thurstliiy laat, of cor uinption Bged S8 ycars. The boy who has " half a ihow " on tbe farm, is foollth if lm ghrei it " for city or village lite. Tho flth bionnial report ot the stato board of' Fish Couimissioners is reoelTed. Il niniains niucli usuful iiiforination. Just niucty-four years ago today the ilrst United State bank wal chnrtered. Important itetn-gotit outof au alnianao. Wlnans & stafford wlll open a brancb establishment at Ypsllauü, about Mareh Ut, of which Bert I. Lamb wlll be the manager. Tickets from Aun Alborto Washington and rotnrn via Niágara Falls, only $10.15 for the inauguratiou. Clieaper tlian stayiny at home. The Ladie's Charltablo Union, and tbe Ludie's Germán aid society, have eaob given Messrs. Bltz& Langsdorf a receipt for 25 donated by them to the poor. Jacob Fischer, of this city died Wednesday last, fob. ISth, aged 6S ycars. Mr. Fischer had been a resident of this city 25 years. He was the father of M H. Abraham Tice. Children under 14 years of age cannot be employee! in faetones in Michigan. This law if enforced, may do some good, and may do consideratie injustice to neely families. A driveless horse attachcd to an empty cutter camo sailing down Main Street yesterday at a 2:40 gait, causing the street to bo cleared In his bebalf, but the equlne duln't put smfficient energy Into the butlnett to hart anytblng. M any ot the papers of the s-tate are glving elabórate dircclions for playing progrenlve eucbre. It isn't neceaeary here. Society people seem to have an insünctive kuowledge of its workings. Tak to it naturally, like duck to water. The skics begin to brighten. The warm rays of the sun are getting the botter of Old Zero. Spring birds will soon be gusliing forth their sweet warbllnga, and wo sliail all rejolce that wo have emerged from a cheerless Arctic winter. Premature hnagmings. The U nitarian pcople undered Mrs. Mar; A. Llvermore areception Baturday erening, which was quite attended at the church parlors. On Sanday evening Mrs. Livermore delivered a discourse npon " Wendell Phillips," aiul a largo nuinbcr of people who sought ailinis.-ion were turned awiiv foi want of room . A telegram KOeived by 11. K. Jcnkins, of this city, Monday, btaiel that bis son Eli Jenklnt, employed in thcyards of the Wabash K. 11 , at Decatur, 111., was dangerously ill and bis lite despalred of. Georgc Jenklni another md, lefl the same evening to take caru of him. Later news brings the intelligence that Eli is dead, and tb at his brotheril now on the road home wlth his body. Oeceased was 2G ycars old. Messrs. Bach & Able have placed in the ir store a "oaíh railroad," that works like a charni. Four brass wires are strung to different parta of the store, all centering at the cashier's desk. On these are placed little cars which hold tbe cash and a slip of paper fchowing hovv iniich change is desired. aiul the entire trangaction is aceompllahed tiefore thu usual cash boy could be fonnd. It is neat and complete. Afttr March lrt, the telephone rates to and Irom any point iu Wushtenaw county will be 20 cents for a mes.-age. To the original subscribers toward the telephone stock special rates are ranted between Ann Albor, Ypsilanti, Dexter, Cheltea and Saliue. The telephone muiaement expect soon to have a copper wire struiig between thispointand Detroit wl.ich ill greatly facilítate the tnüMDlistlon of mesages between the points. . The tirebells rang out a godsend to newspaper reporters last Saturday mornng, at about ix o'clock. The oppressive dullness of the news market had sent the fraternity to the verge of melaneholy and duapuir, und when tho sharp elang of the fiiebell got them out of bed, tliey shouldered their pencils pocketed a bloek of paper and bied theinselves ufï with a soit o' fiendish ehuckle in their sleeves over the prospect of a real, live local item. Sheriff Walsh arrested Oícar Garrison in Detroit, last, Thursday, on a charge of grand larceny. It will be remembered that üanison put up $50 for the appearance of oneFanny Garrison, a short time go, anti forfeited the sume. Before departing he sold their houseliold goods to Gethro Maybee, a colored man of the lower town, and alterward candestinely spirited the goods away. It Í3 on this charge that he is brought back. Hearing of the case will be on to-niorrow, befoie Justice Frueauff. Sheriff Walsh Of Wahtti'aw Co. has appolted Thomas McNamara, a Kalooniüt, depuly at ülielsea.- 'J'U's ir only a "straw" on the moral curreut.- Slockbr dge Sun. Now that the "only party wlth a principie," the great moral prohlbitlonittSi are seeking an alliance wlth these same demócrata in the hope of tasting some of the epoils, the members of that party bet ter look out hoi they kick their allicS' The 6neeiity of the third partyites was well expressed by one of their leaders here a few days siuce: "We want viiloiy tirst, victory by any meiins or Vnetbod, and then we will look iut for our principies nflerwaids.'1 It appears to bfl the same old orgnnlzed appetite come op under a new nwae,


Ann Arbor Courier
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