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Corn onlngeaatfrooaNebrMka,and the rallroadi ara unable to meet tlio dein . 1 1 ï loi cara ruland Baya were at opa tuno extoDively bred In IVnnsylvanm. Slreetcai honea naually giro out ür-t in üm teel m oaigUl be exnected. Enibden ftee) ara becomlng graat hvorites wlth poiiltry fanctora. Cowa ihoulil be rtabled tbat they oanuol Injure nor bother one another. ih the water 6r ktock la nol ice cold. It 11 do them hann. T'' best ! -ridii'-iis plant ter hedgw, is the Baropean lieech. luooiÍHgeoroplnFlorklatolrgeraBd largor every jrear, Do not urer water liouae plauts. Oval bped potatoea are tlie best. A Palestiue qua bee waa recently forwarded to tbla country by mail, tbe rtrst ever HDI It Be tbroogh in twenty-tliree dit.vs and wiuln a weel aiter lu arrlTHl, began to laj egg. Practical talk by praoUafl farmers are "a larjrè ¦"".' "' whl-'llt bl'hlil sow" '" California. ., , N,-w Orleana U now tlw Mece of Sevwty-flv yeara aso, tomatoea were a curfcwlty grown at Salem, Maa. There are mme (brty ihouMnd btwhels ,f potatoeatored In Falr&tld, Me.,awalting bettcr prioea. Tlicie ö a Urge -tock ofcheete beid in New ï oiK ny, at the preaent time. KiisiiHL'e i" tbe aucoeaa ol the ilecude in :iri culture. Somr newpHpera il not offer premiums, but rend their robfcriban reading matter itolen from other papers. One ot (be moat valuable tomes for hoies is two ilmnis of sulphhate ot iron mixed wiih two drama oi gentlan. A western tiee Bfuwer has sold 12, -00 worth ot walnuts, trom seveulcen acres of ' Lov prici's of corn belpa tbe Eastern farmer to iucreiise the ieitility of Ins lanil. , , The winter Is tbe time to gatlier up and turn over tlie manuie lu-ap. The Englisli spanow must go- but wbere, and vvlien, and liow ? The Shropshiie Downs, are a good bieed of sbeep, haidy and proliüe. IrJ)lnene nitre beds have been discovered in South America, it is a valuubie fert'.lizer Oll thin aml pooi' land. Charco 1 is an excellent corrective for fattenin' animáis. There is in reallty veiy little difference between white and yellow corn, one is tweedle-dum.the otlicr tvveedle-dec. The first o!ject in planting trees, is to have plenty ot roots. The apples of Maine have red cheeks. Thousands of cutlle and sheep have pertehed in northwestern Texas, owing to the cold weather. A hos)ital is to be built in Philadclplua for horses, dogs, cats and other domestic animáis. The hydrangeaa are much nardier tban many luppoae. Thcy succeed well in Ontario. . . Vines abont a house are not inducive of moisture, as they on the contrary absoib it. They should not be allowed to erow on the roof. The coflee erop of Bmzil Is i large one, as the eoffee área has been vastly iuereased. Coffee wili tlieiefore be cheap. Great Britain imports large quantities of timber.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News