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Mortgage Sale. DEFAIÜ.T HAVINO BEBN MADK IN ITIK coudJtloDB of certaln Indentnre of mortsura ixeented by Liiura Marker to .Johu Lynch, bol h of nn Arhor, In the couDty of Wnohtenaw in the iiMU of Michino, ¦ ir ag dito, the elghteenth day ( i october, A. I)., 117, anci reoorded Intbeofflc .1 the H-i'iiUr of Deed for Ibe Coboit of j :enw,ln LlberSdof Mort 'M, nnrl au I ilgoed on Um -".tn dy ..f My 1881, '¦¦ wrftten ligament to Johu Bmlth, ol Ano Arbo ir.wnehlp in ttif coant atöreaald, umi whlch aMlgnnmil l p, r.l.ii in the office ifortMld In UbjrSertpof AHlsnmeoti ol MorUragee, ob MR "'- md by which uelanll. ih.t power or sale contained i n -alu mongace havliiK hceome operatlve, and no ¦ntt or prooMdlnga m law or bi aqulty, havmg been lniMtatad tor cover the amounidue on min mortIg or ihe bond tea nipanying th au, and ih n hi-ing nowclauni'd 1" be due on i-aid bond and mortgai;e the hutu of Kuur hundn-d and eiKlity-nlne dollar and ninet) -tw j cent C489J), NOTICE la therefore hereby giren, that nnlti Monea e will be forelosed on Saiu'dav, the IS h day of April, A. D. 1884, nt tra o'clock in t'e fo ejooTi of that day, by a el; at public auction to the hiehrsi bidder, at the Knel Door of ihe Uourt Ioubo, In tb: City of Ann Arbor, in ihe Ununly aforeaid,(said Court II'um, bclbK the "I holdiiii; th Ctrcnll C'onrt for aid Countj) of tl' mormaged premises, discribi-d In aid mortgtg pi so much therool, may be neecspary to i-atinly tho amount ol principal and interest rrmalnlnir unwld tipon eaid iiiorttaKe, with reanonahle coat and rxpensvs; whlch pranifM are de-crihed in vald monuai'e a follows : All th.Be certaln pieces orpurculsof land, hltuatcd and heiiiR i ih Jlty ol Aun Arhor. in ibe Uounty ¦! 'aihtci'w and state i( Mlrblna. ud derorlbed as IoIIowb. to wit : The weet-hall of lot number Fllteen and btxtoi-n ín block number r'lve (6) wmth of liuron mre-t. In Bang number Klj-ht eai-i, (jrecably to Ihe Ann Arbor Land Company'n adilitlon to the caid City if Ann Arbor. Dated,Jann..y19,A.D.l.üHN8MiTH K. D. KINNE, Algnee of Mort ¦¦ii{'1. Att'y lor AsBfgnee. 1480-12. Kcal Eitate for Saté. OTATKOK MIUUIHAN.Conntyof Wahtenaw,BB. In the Matter of the Kstate of l-oi D. Burnctt and Walter B. Btirnett, mlnon-. Notice íb hereby (tiven. that In pnruance of an order L-raotcd to the ouderaiKiied uuaidian ol the Bltate of dald minors, by ihe Hou. Judt-e of l"ro bate Tor the. Connty ol Waslitmaw, OB the Kifth dny ot May, A. I). 1884. ¦ ill bc sold at public vendne to the hiiMie-t biililer, al the Raat tront dour of the Court House, iu th.' City of Ann Arbor, in the CoOBtJ of Washtenaw, In Bald State, on Tueeilay, tue tenth day of ilarch, A. ü. 18S6. at ten o'clock in the forenoou ol tbat day (subject to all encumbrance by motUaüe or otherwle exIMtciK al the time of the BaVe), all lbo right. tule and InteseBt of üald minors In the folloAiuf; des( rlbud real e-tate. to-wit : ('ominunclng at the certnr ol the road on the poitth nide or Bectlon fonrleen (14) in ihe towniDlp of Iodl, Washtcnaw county. in MlchlKn. ata point fiity-fourtr4) rod weft of the center line ot sald iection aud ruuninK thenco dne north eighty (HO) rod. thence doe West thirty (:0) rod-, tbeuce duu Bouth eiehty (SO) rods thonce duo eat to tne idace of heaiunine, containing Sfteen (15) acres of '1"ld' ANN K. BURNBIT, GuarDian. Uated, January 17, 188S. 1M0 W Notice to Credllors. OTATKOFMICHIGAN.CountyofWaphtenaw.sB n Notice is hereby elven, ihat by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Wahtena , made I on the twenty-sixlh day ol Jannary, A. i). 18H5. lx tnonthf from that date ere allowed lor credllor to present their claim aKainal the eKtate of Hannah M. Cale, late of aid ouniy.decea-ed.and that uil creditors of sald deceased are reqnired to nreBent Ilieir claims lo Biiid l'robaie Court, at the Probate Office, ill the city of Ann Arbor, for exainlnation am' allouance. om or belore the Illi d) of July nelt and thut -uch claims will be heard l)eroresaid conrl, ob Monday, the í7th day ol April ad on Monday, the 17th day ol Jnly next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon ol eacb ol ail laja. Daled. Ann Arbor, January LT, A. D. 18S). WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 1281-1284 Judi:e of Probate. Soticc to Creditors. QTAi'BOF MICHIGAN, County ol Watktaaaw, Notice is hereby glven, that by an order ol the Probate Cou't for the Conuty of Wai-I made on the 2Sth day of January, A. D. lv '. lx montliB Irom that date were allowed for creditore to present their claim aiíainxt ttic estáte, of George I King late of oaid cuuuty, decaaaecU anrt ibai all credltora of ïaid deceaed are required to nieBeui their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Ufüce In the city of Ann Aiborfor examinatioli and allowauce.on or belore the atih day of Julj next, and that uch claims will be heaid belore said Court, on Tueiday ihe Sth ilay ol April, and on TutBaay the-28ih day ol July next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Januarv 'ÍS. A. D. Ut. W1IXIAM O 11ARKIMAN, JndRe of Probate CoinniisNioiiers' Notice. C3 TATE OF M lCHIGAN.County of O The underslgncd having been appointed by thi Probate Court for said County, CommiisionerK t receive. examine and adjut all claims and demandi . ol all pereons against the estaieor Nancy Wheeler hittsix monttiK írum dale are nllowcd, hy order of Baid Probate Court, for creditor to pretent thcir claims aguini the estáte of aaid deceased.and tliat they will meet at the Btore of U Bli8 on ii the city of Ai.n Arbor, in said cnunty.on Samrday.the niuth day of May, and on Mwiday. the tenth day of August nert, at ten o'clock A. M. of eachofaid days, to receive, examine and adjust -niel claims. Dated, Fibruary 9. 1885. } Commiioner,. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of Washtenaw, R8. The undersigned having been appomted by tlie Probate Court for eaid couuty.Commtssionere to recelve, examine and adjnst all claims and demanda ol all persons attaiuet the estáte of Nathan Wtbb, late of said ciiuuty,deceased,hereby give notice that sirmonths Trom date are allowed, by order of i-aid Probate Court, for credltorB to present thelr claims against the eetate of aaid di-cuimed, and that they will meet at the late restdence of sald deceaaed in the townehip of Pl'ttCelfl, in caid county. on Monday the eleveoth day of May, and on Tuesdny thieleventh day of Anguetnext. at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said daj, to rective, ixamiuc and adju-i said claims. Duted, February 11,1885. F. K. OWKS, f MYKON CADY, I Commissioneri. OPIUM HABIT! Safferen from thii moMm WUl will do wrll to wit to DR. AKSH, f (Julney, Mkh., who h R tnU wi) repuintvn fir th care he hu mid dunne th pait twcWe yean. Th min potnU Ui b communi-t4 aro tlo irwnt tat of healtl. , lni;th of timul, nd prevut mount of druusei pr W. Snnltarium Treatmcnt hrn ánirni. Bnd for testimoniáis trom UadiiiK rhyucuoi aad roptsottlvt n.eo and wotuca curtd. US.STANDARD. 5 TON JONES WAG0N SCALES. W WllUál bou Unn, twl B.trOfi. Bt.h QJT Ttn Man nHn Box, BtCHAMTOf $6O.n JONB h rii tkrrltl- for trt Prtc Lift molloi, ihn ppr rj Hit- ntS Of IIMHAMTtlt, A FINE SUITE OF Booms for Offices OVER THE NEW POST-OFFICE. SUPPUED WITII WATER AND STEAM. Those reoently occupied by Db. Wii-son eau now bc rented by lnqulring at the COURIER OFFICE. To riseearly reqailM quickness of ilreis ion, and proinptness in action; it is oneof those subjectü which adniilof no delay or turniug over. The combination, propnrtion, and proces8 in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla, are peculiar to thls m 'dicine, and unknown to otliers. Happiness is a perfume tbat one cannot slifd over anotlier without a few drops falling on one'8 self. Yltality of Great Men is not always innate or bom wilh them, but inany instances are known where it ha9 been acquired by the persistent and judicious use of Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic. A scapegraee remarkcd tliat the principal branch of education in his school was tlie willow branch. George Campbell, Hopkinsville, Ky., says Burdock Blood Bitters is the best preparatlon for the Blood and Stomach ever nianufactured. Cnre for Piles. The tlrst symptom of Piles is au intense itchlng at night aftergettiiiR warm. This unpleasant sensation is immediately relleved by an appllcatiou of Dr. BoMDko'l Pile Rcmedy. Piles in all forro, Itoh, Salt Hlieum and Ringworm can be permanently cured by the use of tlils gruat reniedy. Price 50 cents. Manufuotured by the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Company, Piqua, O. Sold by Eberbach & Son. 1202-1253.


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