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Michigan Píbntral The Juagara Falls (Route. Central Mmndwril Tiinr. Nov. 18, 184, _ Ü18TW!). STATION. ? L = = . "15 L r_ _ U l_ 55 ". M. .v. p. H P. M. P.H. P. M. 4.M. f!hiraKO..Lv. ti M 4 Ift 420 -40 1030 Vwtvr. Ht. 6 57 917 4 45 4 :ü S K .0 42 Keinlnvlon.. 7:15 9 45 4 50 SI" 9 25 i I 0 Hammond.... T47 5ÏJ"" " i ,,k,. xa 1023 BOalOOS i(M MlchlVinClty 8BH tlOH 02 6 55 1U 42 40 Ncw Buflrtlo... ai 1127 7V0 112 TtareelMks ... 937 Ï8"" ! Ilurli 'iiiin 10(15 p.m 't1 t' 51 Dnwagiav 1046 ¦' ? I US] t30o Oíicmo 1152 s p.m A.M. Kalamazoo .. lí reí 140 8 10 9 50 1 Ou US5 o t Gl.tboiï.... 3. g t52 T03 Battlu Cn-ek IOS í K 47 g . 1 4i 4 'i 7 SJ , j ,, ggs'SÖi 2 'Ï(W 'Ï46 '800 Alhinn 2 15 3Ü5 -" 2 0!' 8 25 l'arnia 2J8 ¦ .... 5 ÏX 8 4% Jak-on . 80i 4 MÍO OU 7 00 3 a5 5 06 18 J.cka'nJuiH. 30 7or... OrnxaUke.. W 7 21 6 17 3 Francisco I 3 38 7 : S. -11 (h.lH.a 355 .. 74 .... B38I000 Dexier 4 .11 Si . . B 52 10 U Dellli Milli... 420 K I Aun Arbor. 4 32 5 12 10 54 8 23 4 35 7 12 10 .tt Ypullanti 4 5 25 1107 8 4 4 52 7 -M 10 47 WaynuJunc. 5 15 5 46 Mío 5 15 7 50 1101 Wajne 5 17 12 Dea bcirn 85.. 811 . . 805.... Hlirinewelli!.. ! 55 8 5 1 1 50 9 50 45 K 2(111 Di-lr.ii ....Ar. 6 05 8 25 II 5 10(10 555 8 30 il 45 Deirolt Lv 7 3" 12 I .. . 6 15 11 Sk Bt. Thomaa 11 IS n 16 1005 320 Weiland Ï 03 6 0 5 15 I i 5 FallHiüW, M .... 1 & NlagaraFull .... 2 2 W 155 6 25 Hus... Bridue ... 2 45 6 50 2 15 6 40 Buffnln 3 4 7 50 6 3 7 .... WK-T AK1. ! z.tiK 4 o x L¦- bt "" '. '. STATIOHB. ! J g t ? L5 u ¦ -i W C. KJ'CC 2 S 2 -et j v : ; i JL 3- -- - - - ¦ -- p]T P.M. A.M .M. i M Bnffalo 1840 1130 5 615 130 ... 8u-p. Brl(!Ko.; 940 12.5 7 30. IS2o Naí!ara Kin .OO1IÜ46 7 46 12 46 Fallé V luw i 7 5a i i Weiland 101T 106 M 14 '.35 128 St.TbnÜ.." 150 3 5-1110 ... 1H0 4 85 Uctroit...Ar 600 7 50 245 p m. i-.m. tt 30 i.M. A M. PM Detroit.. ..I.v. 0ij 400 600 00 H 00 SpringwöÜi. 6 40 10 10 8 12 8 10 9 10 Dearimrn.... 6 57 4 24 6 27 8 45 Wayne 7 13 42... WayneJonc. 7 15 38 4 3 6 44 8 40 9 40 Viwilanti .... 742 : 57 4 58 7 07 9 03 10 02 AnnArhor... B0010U 5 12 7 3 9 40 10 Delhi Mills 8 12 „„„ TÍ D.-xt.-r 23 530 7 43 9 31 Cholsea 8i 5 42 8 0" 9 5 Francisco.... B55 .. . 8 15 10 10 Giass Lake. 9iHp.m. 607 8 25 Jacke'n Juuc. 27 K4H0 28.... JacItHon H38U30 650 850 103) 1156 Paima M 01 . . 7 15 o 1100. All.ton LO 22 U Oí 1 11221241 ; Murahall.. [ l io 40 12 45 8 07 jj U 48 'Í0Í '.'.'.Y. : Batlle Creek.. II 13 10 84. -S 18 ÍS 142.... I alraborg.... 1145 ... 9 vO X 1242 [ Kalaniazuo... 12 03 145 5)40 4 45 107 '2 27 : P.M i Mattawan.... ÍS 0 5 10+185 r Lawion 12 38 5 18 1 5 ¦ Dowaglac... 1 15 . . . R 58 tí 32 I Niles 20O 310 640 3uo 405 Buchanan 14 6 5.3 815 ThreeOiks.. 2 40 7 21 3 45 New Buffulo.. 25ÍJ40 7 85 4 12 MichigauCily .1 2:j 4 27 8 3 4 3 5 18 Lako 407 525 8 5o 5 37 6 07 - Tolleaton .... 4 19 05 t5 5 .... Hammond... 4 37 927 f620 KcDiiiiL-ton.. 4.r5 6(X) 9 45 0 70i.... . Tw'ty.sec. i. 61 6 38 10 3 7 18 7 43... e Cb1cago...Ar 5 V K 50 .. 103o 7 3( 7 5a J t SlopH oniy to let . ff passeiiK r. 8 X Stops ooly ou Hiñáis. ; O. W. RUGQLE8, H.W. HAYES, f G. P. &T. Aiffnt Aüt.. Auu Albor. Cbicaeo. Detroit, Mackinac & Marquelte K. R. Jn.Y 27, 1884. Over 300 Miles Sliorter tlmn any otlier lAnc to all Points East. WK.1T, t.TATIONS EAST. . ; o . Ed „S tí Sg ES 9É a Ba SS Sg 83 fc S_ _ p. M. i. M, L' P. M A. M. 8 00 6 5 Marquette 30 7 00 1 K 3 05 Seney. 5 40 11 50 p. . 12 45 2 25 McMlllnn 6 10 12 45 12 35 1 4DolUirville. i8 1 21 12 (15 1 40 íiewberry. 6 33 1 45 A. H, P. M 9 0K II 22 Pnlms. 8 00 4 45 7 35 10 10l l. St.ltjiiace. a 9 50 J Traína run by Central Standard Time. D. McCOOL, F. MILLIOAN. Gen'l Sup't. Gen'l r'rt & Pass. Agt Marquctte. Mleli. Marquttle, Mlcli. Tu.edo, Ann Arbor & N'orth Michigan itailnay. TIME SCHCDULS. To tiike efioct nt 12 o'clnck, nnoii, nn Siindy, J:m. 18 li, 1885. Southern División.) Trains mu by Central Tlitics QOING NURrn. GOING 8OÜTU. en. STATIONS. t. r.M. A.M ." P."2 00 7 i5 Toledo 9 30 4 55 2 07 7 14 Mnhft'an Jnnction 9 26 4 48 2 2 7 2:1 Alexlo.lunotlun 9 16 4 8t í 44 7 4(1 Samari 19 00 1 Í-' 3 10 8 ÍS Monroe Jnnctton S 4213 58 3 85 8 30 Dundee 8 30 U 50 8 40! g 4(i Aalia 8 211.3 40 DM a Milán .Innctlon 8 0nl3 25 3 5-1 03 Milán 8 0B i 22 4 15 22 Urania 1 62 3 10 4 25 9 32 PUUtiehl Junction 7 40 3 Oi 4 42 9 50 aud Arbor 7 27 2 48 5 15 10 & Worien 7 0 2 25 5 85 10 5Í Son h L on 6 60 2 1! Oonncctions: At Tul' do, Un rallroníí riivergii)i.r; at Mauhittau JttDCttu, iih Wheeling A Lake Erie K. !{.; at Alexis Juncilon, wlih M . C. I . H., L. S. M. S Rt. and f. P. M K. K.; t M.n.roe Juncllon. wiih L. S. & M. S. Ry.; i l'undea, with L. ;. i M. s. Ry., M. & o. Ry.; al Milán Junction. wilh Wabaeb, St. Looi & Pacific Kj.; at Pittífltld.with L. ". 8. M.ü. Ky.; at Aun Arbor wlih Michigan Central K. K., and at South Lyun with üecroit, I.;i:.íhk & Noitheru K. K., and Grand Irunk ly. H. W. ASIILEY, General Supt. W. H. BBNNE IT. Gen'l. País. Aiíent. ít n n n nflíl'1 preenU. givtn auay ; ()iUU,UUU SMJffSjSX mk Hiai wiilai oncu brini; vou ín inonv taiter thun anythinK e]e Ín America. All anont ihe ? AW.000 ín prCMUtl wiih cacb box. AkciiU wanted i veiywnere, of ii(her i-ex. of II age, f. r all ibe ' time, or -pare time only, to wotk lor n at thetr . own humei. Kortuues lor all workex aheolutely asnred. Uou't delay. II. Hallktt & C., Portland, M:iillt-, : A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, SELLS 1 MIX II C.NDIES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Fresh Stlck Camly for 15 cent per ponnd at A. F. HANOSTERFER'8, 28 Sontti Main Street. French Mixed Canilles for 15 cut Pr pound, at A. F. HANGSTERFER'S, 2K Main Street, i ; Xlce Orangea only 15 cent 'per doe. at A. V. HANGSTERFER'S at 28 Main street. AU kind) of NXJTS, FIGS, DATES, RAISINS and MALAGA GRAPSS. at A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, No. 28 M.iin Street, - Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News