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SI VSO MC IMUICCrO.tï. Aiv Arbok PoMMivuKRr. No 13 rneets flrsi Tuesduy of earn innulli. V'. O. loty. K. (.'.: W. A. To.cliard. Keeorder. Washtkvaw i'haitkk, No. fi, R A. M.- Mivih flrsi Momiay each mouth. Ishho Hmuly H. I' .; E. Koath, Heerelary. Goldk Roi-e LoDOBi No 159. F. nnd A. M.Meetstlrst liarwUy of ewta momh. I.. C. Qooilrkh, . M.; N. I) linces, Swietary. Fratkrnitv I odok No. ¦)¦ F. and A. M.- Meet flri WctliiawlRV il eai-li mi 'iiili E J. Morton, W. U.; Wili Holland, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. V. 11. JACKS U ft , xiiE3irr!!i"iiii!sii"riioir Fiere : Ovor Bacha A joI'j Dry Ooods Store. Éntranos bc Kir-t Nii!al Bank. GERMAN CLASSES by Emil Baur, fonnprly teacher of German u the Ann Arbor High Ktuml. mi'i adVHiic-d coiiverKiitlonil olaxses wlll be arrAngnd küdvb -buelutn & tos bonk toie on Street Slumon Sieen'n "Mndl n nnd Pluudereieii " will be used conversatiim. For grain mar classt-K any uraniniar IheRtudentdenires, nunleni lai.snage are hkjii forBollen tf nut praeticed. Ki-iiieinber the great advanlageof knowlnis (íerinan In boaluen auwcllas IHerary puruil. Beginn ug tlie I 12th oí January. Refereni-e: llr. Henry F. Frlcze, Dr. I ander Wlnchell Dr. K. L Waller, Hrof EliRlia I Jonen, Supt. W.8 IVrry I For easy term enqnlre nf Messrs. Sheeban I Oo., Ostiillii Co , or aililress PROK EM1L HAUR. City. _ _ i W1IXI4N HBRB, House, Sijn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! I'apcrl..)!, 01 ili K, Glléii K, nrt Calcimlnint!, ai.d work oi every docrlmiu doni; in the bet wBrrmiird In ivc r iticfncu ui. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Anr, Arbor. , - "" C. S II AlvBEKLi:, RratDiKCt OTSoütu Main St., Tkachek or PiiM,TiÉdtejoiMMÍc. lüTST-R-ITCTIOICTS Glven ou PI in uf ihn koj1 ConierTiury ut Moei'at l.eipaic, Saxony. W. V A C. NICIIOL.S New Dental Rooms, over Joe T. Jacob's Store. GAS or VITILIZED AIR Admirdstemd fur the palnleBs extracten "f t.-e'ti. jomiimi brrrv, The Practical TAIIMMHTTH, Of the late arm of WIHAN8 & BEItHY. has located h8 place of budines at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITH A FL'LL I-INK OF Suitings and Trouserings, And wnuld nay to hl olri Wendi and new orethat II they ani a(iOul) FIT and a NoBBY Ft I at REvSoNAt LK HKIUKs, cali on him aiid ihej will be eure Xo a t one. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE Ij $29,000,000. Security held for ihe protectlon of the pollcy CHR1STÍAN MACK Bepresente 'he ("l'owlne firm-cU-s cnmp miei, of whi' h one, the Etna, tías alone paid $5,KX),ÜOI) úre loes in flxiy-üve y;arB : Etna. of Hartford $ 9,192.644 Fruiiklln ot rhiladelplik 3,118,713 Oermítiiia, N. Y 2,700,729 Oi-rnian Amei can, N Y 4,065.!)68 Lninloti AKunmoc, Lnnilon... 1.416,788 Michisran F. & M., Detroit... 2S7.608 N. Y. Undci-writers, N. Y 2,5!I6.679 Niitional, HHrttni'd 1,774.505 PliOBiiix, 3.7.-)9.o:W Losse liberallv adjutled and promptly piid. Policles Utucd at the lowe-t ratc of premium. lillf TTgöödyear's PHARMACY! IS THE PLACE TO BUY HANDSOME TOILET GOODS! ELEGANT BRIC-A-BRAC, Statuetts, Mirrors, Plush Goods ETC, ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY, No. 5 S. Main Street, Mmorc more) than a' anytlilnt'clie by tal Inijan Henry u,r the bet eel Ing ho.. u'. B -ginner- in'"ce-d irrandly. N.tii i !. Twrin Lre. IIaluit üook Co. tortUnd, Malua.