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Edison At Adrian

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A pleasant party consktiuif of Mr lom i. KiIísúii, the celebrated electriclaii and lis il:iuliicr " DitM, and Mi', and Mrs. S. '1'. Gilliland, oí Boston, iirrived In tlie ity troru tlie east 011 Sunday morí i i" íí. ,nd ere ilriven to llie residence ofM'. t. Gilliland, comer of Maumec mu íociiot ..treets, wliere tliey were guests Rm lie day. The party lelt tor Chicago in he evening, en route for ttie New Üi leantXiositi n Mr. Edison, who is now 38 years oíd, las .-irii tlic timu whcn he did not i-njoj bis present world-wide fume. In llii'e:irs gone bj' lio mi oiily kuown a8 an ¦rdinaiy t;legriph opt-rator, and t w uring that obscure time he was uce, for a few niontlis, a resident oí Adrián, and acted s nljrht operator in tlu iake Sliore telejrraph office. He boarded n the Crittenden house, just uorth of tlit ate Jud(i Uearaan's residence on Stati treet. In converiHtloii,yc8terday, he ri- alled gome of tlie inciden ts of hl re-ilence in Aiirian, and laughed heartilv vith some vlsitors over tlie oimnmttaiiOH which depiived hini of hi pniiiion lienAuiong those who al (d u on Mr ïdison (Inri ni; the day weie Mr. NV H Jleveland, Mayor Bury and Aid. Wi' g Ar. Cleveland has a rare finid of Infor natío 1 1 n regard to most mm of nationa! me, and he vas able to recall to tlie greai nventor many incidente of bis earlj nanhood which had been alinost wholly erased from bis meinory by the grandei ¦vt'iits of later year. "Olí, puv," said Mr. Edison, in a break n the conversatlon, "do yuu know Seeni Hurrayf" BeliiR ii.'fUted that ndulged In a number of recollectlons in rejfard to "Seem"' and the time wheu they were acquainted. "I unduroiand, Mr. Edison, that you oonsldery our light perfect," said a viitoi, 'and tliat you are putting in no work on hat now." It must be premised that Mr. Edison is soinewhat deaf, about as deaf ns our fel low dtizen, M. E. Chittendfn. It took him a little while to hear the question, but wben he did tlie reply oame promptly : "Perftct! of courso it is. W hat more could you ask ? It Is past experiment, aml !8 the only light in the world that can kick g:is out of doors. I have not put an hour's study on tlic üght in tho past thive years. That light i not coming, it is líete." "Mr. E'iison," saidanothercaller, "what will bw the next tliinjf ? What new wonder wlll yon introduce to us?" "Olí, nobody can tell that,'' said Mr. KdiHon. wlth a laugh. "I expect, bef ore 1 die, to tflegraph without tho aid ofa wire. So far as electricity is concerned, ive are only in its infancy. W'e are lookinst throiijfh a fence, as it were, and only sruessing atthepossibilities. Wliatwuuld you cay," aud hert' carne a meiiy twinkle in his eyes, "what would you say if I should tell you that I expect to be able to seíacl heat aloiif; a wire, just as I now send llght, untl that both heat and lifrht will be sent over the same wire? I expect to do tilia, and I do not think tlic time is far off, either." "And speaking of jrascompanies - " 'Oh, gas comíanles are tliingí of tlic pst. It is the stage coach and the locomotive. Everybody who knows about the matter kuows that the time of the gas comfanits has come. They may make gomo money by putting iu heatmg, but, as I said a while ago, I am af ter thvui on Ihat." "Yes,1' he responded, in answer to a queation, "I hear that the Adrián city council are talking about DUklM a contract with the fras conipany Of course, if the council decides on it, the city can tukr steps backward, but I should not think the city fathers would do th it." "All aboard," sliouted the brakiman, and the chat.ended.


Ann Arbor Courier
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