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TIip Maroii Centuiy has followed the example of iu recent predeceessors and enne nut nf print - tllli time within two d.iys of is-ue. A secnnd edltlon of 88 000 is on Ihe press, makinsr the total 320,000. C D.ivi8 longlist) berins in The Ciiiipnt nf FVbrumy 26 n com-iderntlon of "TInFuture ot Amt-rlcHii Critici-m.' Ho neyerely consures "the ciitical laxity aml independente oi to-day,v aud holds tlmt oonteinporarv criticinn In the United Bt ilct la Incking in di-c slve atuhority. Wíth the Febrnary edition jiist reciv pd, the Inland Architect and Bullder of Chicago commences U littli volume. Tlili Journal wulch is thenfnVial nrgun of the We.-tern Av-orlxtiou of A chiti ets, has rapldly ncieiid in value and in Importance to the western architect, and the linllder. lts typographic il Rppesrance leaves cothinsr to be desired. and its eolumng show that lts place as the archi tectural niithoiiiy of the West is well sustiiined. The eui rent niiinber cont:ilii! tn seleciiou of well executed culs of ïesidences, cburchea, etc, sliowitifj perspective views and plans; valuablv articlee upon aichitectural siibji-cts ; cinnplelo review of the past yeai's buildinjf in sixty-tlnee westein cities; a full account of the formatlon of tat assoclutions of architects in Illinois and Lwa, with the report of that of Minne"ta,aml a cali for a couwntion at ht. L"Uts and otli;r v.iluable news matter. The publiOütion cannnt f;. II to be a la-ge facior in the advaaceuK'iil of architecture in thu West. The March Wide Awake will be prized tor ita be.iutilul reprodllutliiD of a photograpb Of the bust of Lnngfellow Wlilcb was placed last year in Wttmlnstci Abbey. rcplicisot wliich have juat airived at Harvard Colleye. The rogravlnji is accouipanied by a noble i'Oem trom 1 mogen Lmiise üniney. The nunibei "pens with a charming drawiiiX by Q. F. Banies, lepreseiiliiij; a romantic soeiie ín au old Knjilish tre.t; thin frontispieciaei ves asillutr;itiiu f..r " The 8traiiBT Iu Villa){e,"a story by Muy E Wilkin-, as tlllgrnllt and si nip f uk a pot oí da mank ro.-es. Anoiher ariistic bit ul simple, fresb, old Elijflish lite is the lungbill.d by öusau (Joolidsre, "Litile UraelV Motbeiinjc Siiidiiy," illustiated by Garrelt. In Contrast thele i h ciiapter in Yan Pliou Le's s-eiies, "Wiien I wis h Uuy in Cnina,1' nd Miss Scidmore's "In Alaska," with its sixteeu phnto);r.iiks O' glaviere, Gieek Cliuich iuleriurs, tdtim pules, Al.iska Wi.meli and Al.iska blanki ib and Dasketa. 'Ulereare many oiner HJTI6tic features ol puem, jingle, picture and aiticle, Wide Awake is $.31)0 a year. D. Liothrop & Co., Bwtou, Mass. HISTORY OK THK PACIFIC STATES OF NORTH AMEKICA. By Uubert J o i Biiucrolt. Vol. VII. History of Mexl o, 1804-1821. San Francisco: A. I,. Bancrofi & Co . publlstiers. We cannot too lrghly commpnd thb work to our Iriends. We cmiiot tou ¦irongl; urge tor it the serious consideratloiiofull fcood men; of all who have tauiily to re. ir, sona and dauhters tn edúcate; of all who have any stake in the county, or care for ils wealth, progress and intelligence. The reiisons are plain enough: First - Öucli work should beeueourajted. The iiuthitr, Mr. Huben U. Baiiciott, bu perforined this labor at au liiiiuence cosí of time and money. Llterary work of tliis kind does uot pay peCUaUrlly. It U iuipossible that it should. Theréfore, il the intelligeut and prMperoua menibers nf tha ajinuninilty tr..t it thcit cyuipathy and suppirt, what encouragemeut is lln-re for anvone ever to saciiüee pleacure and guin to the public good? Seco.idly - lc is a history of our own country. Xw historical knowledge is most valuable ot all knowkdüe, for the reasou that h story is the recorded experiences of mankind. By kn'wing what otheis have done, we niay protit lj their successes, wliile avoiding theu mt-takes. Aud of all histories, thu histoiy ot our own country should ue read anii -tudied örst, bi-caure it more neaily coiicerus U8. Uhildren should bu educited not only to respect their parentl and UiV their home, but to respect their ooautr) and tendeiiy to cherish its Institutions. And Uow can they know about their country if books are uol. placed wltbiii their leach? Thirdly- It will pay pecuniarily. The well-tufoimed, intellijfent man eau mike more iiMiiev ihau the caieless and unthitiking. It is not lieccessary to talk ol the benefit to society and to individuáis ot such a work as this; they are obvious Theretore, we aipeal, with all the strenfith and influence at our command, to every rei-pict.ible inenibir ot tni coniinunity, aud ay buy the worka of'Huberl H. Baucroft. Öubscribe for tliein all at once, cheertully, (.ri.mptly; Iheu reaü theni. and spcak of ihciu lo your frieuds, and tnereby lend your support to a great aud praisewortby undertaking.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News