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Prevent Dceajr or the Teeth Witli tlieir sui-est preservativo, aromatic SOZODONT. Wluteness f the dental row, a healthful rosiness and hardness of tlie guins, a sweet breatb, au agreeable laaie u the mouth,- all thew are conferred by ÖOZODONT. Does not such an iiiv.ihiMble toilet article, one so pure as wcll U eflVctive, de-erve the popularily it enjoysf Must assuredly. It lias no rival wortliy of the name. The ordinal y powilers aud pactes are nothinz toit, and since its appearance. have rapidly ljstground. Soltl by druggists. fr m 123G-1239. A iDurlst in Franco showed by mistake a restaurant bill of fare iiivtead of hia p issport. Tligödrm6 ïead ltand look102 üt the to.nist, said: "Culf 's heul, plg'8 fcet- that's all right, sir, you are identilied." _ The Secret Art of Beauty lies not in oosmetics, but only in pure blood and healthy actiën of the vital organs, to be obtained by Burdock Blood Bitters. A Frcnch irpiitleinan, who suppn.ed he had mastereil thf Engli-h lnijriiHge, was sadly piizlid tlie Ollier d iy hen a friend uu-t hiin and aked : " Huw do you dor" "Do vot" "I meao liow do you flnd vourself?" "Sair, I never loses myfelf." 'But how do you feel ?" "Suiooih; just feel me." An Eud to Uonc Srraping. Edward Shepherd, of HariislHiijr, 111., savs : "Havinjc r coived so nmch bcneflt fVom Eli-clric Bitters, I feel it ui y duiy to let sutferin humanity know it. Have had a running sore oñ my lto' for eijtht yetlt; my dcictors told me I would have to liavc bone scrapel or log amput itcd. I iised, instcad, three bottli'S of Electric Bitters and scvcn boxcs Bucklen's Árnica Salve, and my leg ia now SMind and Well." Electric Bitters are oíd at tifiy cents a bottle, aml Baoktai'l A nii'a Salve ;t 2:0 per box by Eberbach &8on.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News