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jluc ufiuifuiíu!, wil mei in taaie cuuvention at Bay City last Wednesday, nominatfcl Maj. Allen B. Morse, of Ionla, for associate Jnatloe of the supreme court; and Chas. R. Whitman, of Ypsilanti, for regent of tlie university, leayingtheother regent (nr the greenbackers, wlio met at Lansing the same day, to til 1 in. Which they did, and placed Moses W. Field, of' Detroit, upon the ticket, thus giving the people another dose of fusión. PROHIBITION. On the same day the prohibltlonists met al Lansing, and "made up in enthusiasm what they lacked In nuinbers," so said. Failing to receive favorable response to oveitures which looked toward the uniting of all foices against the common enemy, the republicans, they broke out in an entiiely unexpected spot, and by the aid of a few republican lawyers and the gentleman himself, put the Hon. Judge Thomas M. Cooley upon their ticket for associate justice of the supreme court. For regents they clung to their own faith, and srlected Mr. L. ö. Ellis, ot Manlstef, and Hev. F. B. Cressey, of Detroit, to beur the banner to i glorious defeat. A VERT sensible and Just resolution was that pasfcd by the evangelical association of Orejón, composed of ministère, which dtclured that ttiey would not perforin tlie marriage ceremony for a person who had been divorced for any but the scriptural cause, and Id no case for the offmidii.g party. Now take the power to solemnize maniates out of the hands of the justices of the peace, and the protest may be of some avail. By the way, the suggestion made by Judge Joslyn of this circuit, rceently, that the law be ehanged so as to mike it unlawful for any divorced party to niariy within tliree yearsaftertlie decree had been granted, is a wlse one, and ought to be adopted . We cali attontlon to thls significant faet, which can be verified by refcrenceto Tuesday morniug'g dailics. Twenty-one studenU graduated f rom tlio Detroil Medical College on Tuesday evening. Of tliis Dumber tblrteen were trom Ontario, and three frnm Detroit. Tlieformer havo only to go acioss the river on the ferry and be at homo, tbelatteraiealridy there. Thcro Js do reason for beleving that tiWM Mixteen stiulents would OQBU to tliis city if they had to go any distance at all front home. lt lea ves just live student who might comu here for thcir work; this senior class :s a fair sample of the other classes. Detroit Medical College is capable of drawing only nve out of 21 in the senior class fm. u a Sbould tbc anialgamation scbenie work, tbis college would givo to us about one-fotirth of her studenU' and we would give her all of ours. Good sclietue for Detroit, sure. The bargain, entered into sonie time since by the stockholdcrs of the Detroit Post and Tribune and Mr. J. L. Stlckaey, aas at last been consumated, and tbat gentleman is now the sole owncr of the Detroit Post. Since taklngeontiol of the paper Mr. Stickney bas exhil)itt'l remai kable powers as a journalist. The po3tions taken by him upou all public queslions hare been sensible ones, and the various departments of the paper have been brought up toa standard not equaled by any other journal in Michigan. Tbis ia not taffy, but our bonest opinión, lookAnd the popularity of the Post, we are glad to note, to tast IncreiMlag. The great need of the republican party in Michigan for years, bas been a good daily paper in Detroit, tbat would fisht the battles of the party on politlcal grounds ftttd not personal ones - and to-day the want is fllled. Every republican in Michigan ought to recognize the faut and extend their right hand to tlio J'ost, witli a tabtcription in t. The Detroit Times, for many weeks the " sick man " ainong the Detroit papers has at last thrown up its hands, spread out lts Ieg8, and Brezeed its last breeze. It died peacefully nnd calnily last Tbnnday niglit. Rrquiescat in pace. But they won't


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