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TEST YOÜR BAKMPOWDER TO-DAY! Brand ad vwtiwxl a absolut.ïly puro COWTA1W AMMOiVIA. THE TEST : Plaee a can top down o a hol tovc untfl heatd,Uin the cover and smuil. A elu-nut will nit 6 rquired to deuct the presunco oí mnimii. -- ¦" - ¦ - T Bavw JTiE M05J BLRr.CGT MADE. DOES NOT CONTAIJï AMMONÍA. TS HKil.TIIHI.MCN1 IUS NEVER B1EÜ QlKSTIOlfKD. ín amllllon homw for a quarter of a eeuturj it has tood the eonsumerV reiiable test, THE TESTjjFJHE OVEM. PRICE BAKINO POWDER C0., XAKERA OF Dr. Price's Special Flayoring: Eiíracts, Tb Ir.fmci.nwil (lfllrlu;ii and ntturl Aavor Ibdhi.uiI Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems Í'T Liiflit, HMlthy Rrcaii, The Bet Drr Ho reut in Ui World FOR SALE BY CROCERS. HICACO. - ST. LOUIS. L'GHT HEALTHY BREAD Hyeastgems Tha bgit dry hop yeast In the world. Braad rtlsad by thls yeast Is llght, white nd wholeeoma IIKa our grandmother' dellelous bread, CROCERS 8ELL THEM. Price Baking Powder Co., MaiTrs of Dr. Price's special FlayoiUu Eitracts, Ohlcaso, III. st. Louis, MO Elate or Abigail Jacobiis. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waehteuaw. Ataiession of the ProbateConrt fortheConnty of Waahtnaw, holden at the Prohate Offlre, in Ihc city of Ann Arbor, on 'I ucaday, ihe 26th day ol Feb uiryin (he year one thoonand elght hundred and elKlity flve. Present, Willlam D IIarrimn, Jadee of l'robate. In the malter of the estáte of Abigall Jaco ns, deceaed. On reading and Bllng the petltlon, dnly venfled, of Ocor;t; Jacobus praying that a - miuintrution of satd e tale may le gramed to himelf or ome other nltable person. Thereupon it ie ordered, that Monday, the thlr letn day of Han h nex', at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aixigned for ih hearing of fahl petitlon, and that the helrs at law of nald deceased, and all other perpona interested in said enlate, are requlrcd to appear at a seesion of eaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show caure. lf any there be, why the prayer of the petltioner should not be granted. And it la further ordered, that aid petltionei elve nollce to thepersqns interested in said etate, nf the pendeney of said petition, and the hearing Ihereof. by causing a couy of thls order to be puh UHhril in The Ann Arbor Vourier, a newspaper printed and circnlated In said county. three sncoesBie weeke previoiiK tosaid dayot hearlnir. (Atrae copy.) W1LUAM D. HARKIMAN, Jnde of Prohatft. WM. O. DOTY. Prnhti. Reulster. 1236-1239


Ann Arbor Courier
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