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There was a young ui tl In St. Paul, sho had a terrible Kuil, 8he Irleil lo p y ratte uo ihe roller skate, And slie wou t gei uil UU next ia.ll. A daring young man naraed McCollnra, Wlmwas long, lankand louked solemu, il 11. T i i - II nr willi lius liead. And words ttiat he sald Wou id flll a long newspaper column. República county convention to-morrow. Tlie flrst notes of the robin were baard in our city last week. Court conven cd yesterday, taking up the eliancery cases tirst. C. Ebevbach ia making extensive repairs and alterattoni in bis store. John R. Murray has been appointed deputy for Salem, by Sheriff Walsh. Several of our citizens report seeing robinsduring the past week. Jiut ye local has uot seen one yet. The proseontlng attorney say tlial they will have a man arrwted in this city if he looks croa oyed. Sec the new train the Toledo & Ann Arbor and Wabaib K. U's. have put on, ia correctod time tuble. "Willis Boughton, of tlie post-oftice newsdepot, has hought out the newspaper business of Clms. Dui heim. The store on Huron street, recently occupied ly W. H. Udntyre, and owneüby the Mlebael Du Vaney estáte, is being repalred and fixed up generally. Moiiduy niglit the gis ftiled to burn at the high school hall, and the public recital tliat many had xathered to hear had to be pottpouad uotll Friday evening. A recent ruling of the P. O. departnieut frive-i the fces piid for money orders to the postmaners. And a cliMUge of P. M's just abuul to bc made ! - talk about luck ! The latest candidatos mentioiied for the mnyoralty, re Alderman John Heinzman, of the 2J ward, on the republican side, and Ex-Máyor Kapp on the democratie slde. Ex-Recoder William A. Clark who has tuis winter, been a great sufTurer frotn rlieum itisni, bal iibïaiticd great relief by treatment at the mineral sprints at Yisil,inti. Verily like a lamb March-ed in thfi third nionth. The lion, and tlie lamb, and the rioundhog, and the bear, will have to fihtoutthe spring weather - they have us all mixed up. Krpresentative Sutton bas been appointed by Speaker Clark the member from this congressional district of the joint commHtee up n the re apportionment of representative and senatorial distriets. Dick Jolinson whose stentorian voice for so many louL years has sung out in front of our hotels "¦AU aboard, train going tcet" will probably do so no more. He is now an In valid and well becared for at our O'inty hospital. The citlzens of Eaton Rapids have raised aboat $1,000 to present to Dr. Morris H.ile, whose sanitarium at that place was recently burned. Dr. Hale was at one time proprletor of the min eral sprints house in this city. It is too bad that some of our citizens could not (jet up suffloient energy to clean tlieir walks of snow dunng the slushy times of Friday and Saturday. A sense of personal comfort If not of pride, should have spurred every one on. .Mr. Ashley slated Saturday to a Cour1EU representative, the item going the rounds of the press to the effect that the Wabash H R. l(ad purchased the T , A A. & N. M. R 1!., was without any foundation whatevei'. Thoughtso at first. At an executive session of the council Mouday night, Mayor Harriman, City' Attorney Kinne and Aid. Lawrence were appointed a commiitee to look after the interest of the city in respect to the proposed removal of the universitv hospital to Detroit. The demócrata at iirst had it in mind to invite some republicana to tlieir banquet, but they have decided not to, for the reason that "they have been feeding the republicans for the past twenty-tive years and now they propose to feed themsclves.' We cannot blame them. The Hirkett Manufacturing Co's Pulp Mili, four miles uortli of Dexter, burned about 2 a. m. Feb. 28. Loss $12,000 to $15,000, fully covered by Insurance. The mili was heatod by steam. Fire started in the fuel nciir the furnac. The iniil will be rebuilt on the old foundation at once. A tramp was btOUgbt to the jail Monlav night who had Ins left limb frozen way to the knee. He was quite an old man, and said he had been denied lodging everywhere, and liad tried to keep wirm by a fire built In the woods, but failed. His limb was a siht to behold. He will be cared for at the poor house, probably. The Dlxboro people evidently thought that Ann Arbor had several thousand in" habitants, Judgtog by the way they poured into that neiLliboihood lant Friday evening, A half dozen or more sleigli loads of our citizens young and old, visited the homes of Olney Qalpin, William Bush, Jaoob Meyer, and M. L. Clemens, and had a joyous time at each locality. From one or two of the places it was by the llght of the next morning's stin that they arrived liome. Mina Madary of the lat ward died Peb. 23tk, aged 11 yecrs. The Bohemian oat men still preainbulate around Washtcnaw. Euffene Upson has aceepted a position in J. J. Goodyoar's drug store. Ida Dupslop, of this city, aged 1 1 years, died last Suuday of pneumonía. Last week could wrll bc considercd au oasis in the weathcr desert of the winter of 1884-5. Saline's new deputy sheriff Is A. C. Colé, who has just received his appointment froni Sheriff Walsh. Henry D. Platt ha8 been appointed admmistrator of the estáte of Win. Jarvis, which is valued at $25,000. Last Wodnesday afternooa, at the residence of Israel Hall, a reception was given to Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Hall. Albert Sorg, the Franklin House, II. C. LeBeau and Witmns fc Stafford are the latest additions to the telephone exchange, making au even 100. The communication of the committee of supervisors on Üie question of a new jail is respect! ully referred to our readers. Ilead it and then think il over. John Allen, of Berrieu Springs, a brother of Mrs. Chas. Boylan of this city, and Mrs. Isbell, of Ann Arbortown, was buried in this city last Sunday. The Bicycle club had its annual clection last night. Pres. J. E. Beal ; Vice pres., F. O. Frink; Gapt. L. D. Taylor; Bugler, C. B. Davison; Treas., V. F. Stimpson ; Sec. Oeo. F. Keek. Manchester was the last township to return its taxes to the county troasurer, whleh it did yesterday, having the suin of $27.15 as uncollectable. An extra record for that toun also. A friend of ours who has had more or less business to do with our citlzcns and business men the past winter says hu never, n all his life, heard such a universal wail of hard time. There seevns to be no possible chance for Ann Arbor to secure the South Bend plow works. It appears to be a scheme on the part of Olliver to bleed the South Beuders som e. ihat's all. E. A. Phillips, the obligiiig agent of the Toledo fe Ann Arbor, K. R., gives the New Orleans voyagcr the choice of e'ght different routes. And also gives a desirable route to Jucksonvillc, Fla. Around the parlor wlndow, Tbo wind of winter wlniir-. And outslde on the sldewulk We slide npon our splnet. And the lutle Miow-blrd uvliui Upon the leaüués twlg - ' Tl the ulippery wnlk that leveU Allk' the smal) and big. -Puck. An answer to the problem of two weeks since was received from A. Ecker and Charles Johnson, of the high school.after the paper was issued last week. The result as the sume as the answers given aiul was correct. A frlend asks us to explain what the letters "H. S. V. I" used at the bottom of a letter, card or invitation mean. These letters are au abbreviatlon oí the Prenck sentence, " Respondez s'il vous plaif" or lu English, "Answer, if you )lease." A bilí has been passed allowing nonresidents, where they pay a tax in a city school district to deduct ttie unount they pay on such tax from any tuition they may be charged for sending their chlldren to school. By special request Ann Arbor lias been exempted. Among the republicana being mentioned for mayor this spring is the name of L'lios. J. Keech, formeily aldennau from the 4th ward and a good one, too. With such men as Mr. Keech and Col. Dean the republicana are not lacking in good timber, that's certain. City Treasurer Watts has made the best record on tax collecting of any treasurer for years, and thiE in a bad season, too. He only returns $312.50 as uncollectable. And from that amount there is a credit, on state and county tax of $33.00, reducing the amount to $279.50. Charles J. Kintner, the principal examiner of the class of electrlcity in the U. S. patent office, will be in Ann Arbor in April, to examine candidates for the fourth assistant exainincr's office at Washington. It is a civil service examination and open to all regard less of party. The young ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a novel entertainment at the parlors of their church Friday eveIng March 6th. Miss Clovertop, whose affections have been trlfled with, will bring tuit for breach of promise against one Smythe. It will cost only 15 cents to hear that case, and a crowded house will be the result The farm dweiling of D. L. Godfrey, about five miles out on the north Ypsilanti road wag destroyed by tire last Friday morning. No one was at home at the time, and the origin of the tire Is unknown. Loss $2,000 on house and $1,000 on contenta. Insured for $1,000 on house and $500 on contents. This evening the members of the democratie party are to celébrate tlie inauguration of a democratie president by holding a grand banquet and general jollification. Committee of arrangements consists of W. K. Henderson, E. Duffy, Fred. Schmid. Capt. Manly and M. C. Peterson. The affair is to be held at Fireuian's hall, and several of the prominent deinocrats of the city ire down for responses. The second "extra" on the student's lecture course will be given in the hall Saturday evening March 14. On that evening Thos. Nast will give one of his excellent eutertainments, illustrating the art in wbich he is so proficient and consi.stingof cartoons drawings and paintings executed in the presence of the audience. .Nast's celebrity in this line is well known. As a ready sketcher and off hand drawer he is perhaps unequalled. Audicnces elsewhere have pronounced his entertainment excellent, and wc see no reasonwhy an Ann Arbor audieuce should not enjoy it as well. lleserved seats Thursday morning March 12. In respect to a novel wedding that occurred at the Congrcgational church this city, Wednesday last, a Toledo dispatch tells the following : Revs. Ryder and Pope performed the ccremony. An especial invitat ion is hereby extended to all Ohio cousins having marital inclinations: A novel wedding f two of Toledo's most iiriKtoriHtlc people waa celabrated to-day. JohuH. Klnnan mul Mury J. Whllakeraro i'ounlnH. and Senator Lymau's blll ullowlng iluiii lo niurry, Imvlng been conslgned to the leglfilHtlve commllLee on Imbeclle aaylums. they determined lo wed desplte ths law. A npeclal train leflfor Ann Arbor atnoon, bearIng a weddln party of thlrty-slx, araoiin whom were the elite of Toledo, and repreeutailvea from Deu-oit and Wheellng. A lunch was served on board, and an enjoyable trip had. The ceremony was performed In Him Kimt Congregarlonal church, and the party returned lo Toledo at at 6:20. The newly marrled were tendered an elegant recepllon this evenlug, and left for Clnclnnatl and the outh.