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C. W. Masonry of Clielsea spent Siitmdiiy In tlils city. MissSusle Mooru Is visitiug her sister, Mr. V. IL Rand, at Charlotte. Mr. J. M. Kiug of Brighton is vtaiting rclativea In tbc city for a few days. A. U. Smith, of tho Milan Leader, has boen in town several day this week. Tho CorRiBR receivcd i very picasant cali from Hou. Win. Uall, of Hamburg, last Fridav. W. P. Purccll and J. W.Hunt, of Toledo, Otilo, spent Sunday with friends in this city. Chas. H. Eichmond and daughter, Minnie,are in Washington, taking in the inau jfural ceremuiiies. Misses Helle and Amelia McClaren have returned home froru an extended visit amonx Ohio friends. Miss Eaton wbo bas been visiting Miss Knowlton, returned to bcr home at Hudson .Saturdny morning. Mrs. Eliza Good, mother of Mrs. D. F. Scbalrer returns to her home in Napiervllle, 111., in a few days. Editor Chas. R. Puttison, of the Ypsilanti Commercial, was a pleasant caller at the Coukier office yesterday. EugeMe Warner, and John J. Schairer and wlfe leavo for Texas next week, with the dea in view of taking up a ranch. EL O. Willits and E. R. Curtís, returned from the N. O. Exposition last Saturday, and report havinghad a rood time. C. D. Coleman, of Washington, D. C, a former Ann Arborite, and member of the bar, is visitinjf old friends in the city. Geo. Johnston of Detroit, and wife, nee Miss Carrie llendrickson, left for New Orleans Tuesday mornlog, ria the T. ik A. A. Kallroad. Dr. Frederick H. Berry, formerly of this place, is associated with Dr. W. F. Lewis in the practico of dentistry al Milwaukee, Wlsconaln. Dr. W. F. B-ieakey witnessed the dedicatien of the Washington Monument, and took in inany of theotbersights for wbich the national capital is famous. Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers has íeccntly returned from a uccessful trip around the state, organizing bands of the Woman's Home Missionary Society. Last Wednesday eveninji Rev. B. B. Pope delivered an address at Milford, tlic occasion being the celebration of tbo 48th anniversary of the M. E. church of that placo. Miss Anna Ladd, who was callcd home from Detroit by the illness of her annt, Miss StBSU; ËipecU u return to-morrow, where 6he is spemling the winter with relatives. B. Frank Bower, managing editor of the Detroit Post, visited his mother and sisters in this city last Monday. Mrs. Bower bas been seriously ill witli pneumonía for the past few days. John W. Keating, of this city left for Washington, Saturday evening, to be present at the Inaugura] ceremonies. He will visit fiiends in New York city before retiiniiiig bonte, Roswell Waterman, John Rose and Heury Mattlies, of this city. and John W. Xanry of Superior, left for New Orleans and the south yesterday. Messrs. Xanry and Rose expect to visit Florida before returniag. Dr. W. F. Breakey lias returned from a short trip east to bis old liome in New York where he got iuto snow drifts ten feet deep. He got out again, bowever, In time to be in Washington at the dedication of Washington's nionument. David 51. Fiuley has graduated from a Chicago medical college, and now writes M. D. aftcr bis name. Mrs. Emily Howe. an old resident of Sharoii, died at Lanslng Fiiday, :ind was brought back Monday for interinent. The mild winds of Maren cheated a sleigh load of young people out of a ride to Dexter last evening - couldn't get any one to take them. The telephone folks report a copper wire from Detroit to Jackson - except the ten miles belween thla city and Ypsi., soon to be supplied. Thomas J. Keech tpolla that good item we have about hiin in another place, by insisting that be isn't a candidate - won't be a candidate - and there's no use of Ulklng. Messrs. Louis Taylor nud Ch. Wajrner have in contemplaron a grand excursión to New Orleans between the 2üth and 5th of this month, via. the Iron Mountalu R. R. Complete arrangement? not yet perfected. Ann Arbor is said to bE about the only city In the state unable to pay for the official printing, in one of the weekliec, of' tlio doings of the comraon council. Perhapsthey imagine the printer eau live on uw-dost miisli, and work for them without pay. Mum ihoold be the word with all the papers there.- Dexter Leader. The manner in wliich the snow has been going off the past ten days is a blessing to the fcountry, especially such places as Monroe, Toledo, etc. The ice in the rivers and lakes is getting rotten and the break-up will not be danperous. But our weather prophet thinks that there will be some cold weather yet to chronicle. The statement is made that Mr. A. Allison, fonnerly, proprieter of the Chelgea Herald, is about starting another paper in that place. Oh, pshaw ! One paper in Chelsea can prosper well. Two can starve. One of the two can survive, and as it will be the fittest one, the present Herald stands 09 chances out of 100 of being that one. Ann Arbor Commandery, No. 13, held its election last evening. The following are the offleers for the ensuing year : Eminent Comraander- Wllllam (1. Doty. Generalísimo- W. W. Nlchols. C. O.- CharlesS. Kall. Freíate- Rev. T. W. ManLean. 8. w.- C. H. Millen. J. W.-li. K. Watt. Treasurer- ¦. ('. Kall. Kecorder- W. A. Tolchanl. Standard Hearer-K. N. Ollberl . Sword Bearer- I.. C. Goodrich. Warder-H. W. Haye8. Heiitluel- T. Taylor. Trustees- W. B Smlth, Jno. B. Mlner. Guarda- C. J. Durhelm, A. Sorg, J. E. Beal. iiriiuniti li Ebtrbavb. AdtutBiH- John K. Mliier, P. E. C.


Ann Arbor Courier
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