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Thi r A Kmioraed Toara litreord. Ak by xnytioiuaa. WMWÉ i. . P.S3 By tho two of thia HINTSDY, the StomDXACE:! ochmdBoweli r?coóily rcgaln thelr Dtrongth, and th TIi3 blccd Is puriflcd. It is rronounced by . It undreds of UiO best f'.octomtobe the ONI Y CURE for all r ; ,, Y Linda oí Kldney Difluí; purely vecetabla, and cures when - metUcine fail. 33IA53TSa It is prepared eir.IlIOTIT'Ö j Tfirjly for theeodla. 3I3EA3i; :i3e, and has nsver PATírr b3n known to fail. jv' One trial wil! cnrTT-,. vlnoe you. For sal by all drusrsif u. ;rs PBICE 1.25. OH V Scnd for T ek Paniphlet iratavoïra S - f tc s tiention !iit'm ;: uedy CO., Ticn a man lias gufTered from R lieumatism only a llttle while, and Ís relleTod from hl3 paln, he Is happy and dellghted. But suppose he ha t Suffered for more than a thlrd of a contury. 0 Alvln Grlm, of Vale-, lowa, wrltc3:# # " Atii lopuobos has hel]d ido rauch. The 0 # paínin my limbsia alimono, butoouiol&iutv O # dm ia left yet, and well there ruiht bo, 9 J f or I have been troubled for tlirty-üvj 9 yeaoe with Rheummtljuu.M Mrs. A. B. Baker, of Chicago, Had rheumatic patns In her back for flfteen years, and Vt. Baker had been tho vlctlm of Iiheuinalisia untll hij heuü was drawn üov.n ovur iúi lelt shoiUder. Jlr. Baker wrltes: 0 "Ilalf abottloof ATHLornoRoamadoO me u good aa new. My wlfe has taken 4 ? the othcr half, and hu not complalnod of # hor back Blnoe. Sheaaya her back uevprwae V bo free from pain and ache hh tt has bMB i ' VBiuoa she has takeu the Athlophoroh," v Tlicre are many people who thnik tliat because thcy have sutiéred so long, and have tried so many modkine3 in vaiu, the niubt "suffer on their three score years." But you se what ATiiLoruoEos has done. IIowcYer Old jour Cur Ilowerer Hevcre jour Faina; IIoivcviT Great vour DUappolotmrnt, SVTry Athlophoros "9G IX you casDotfret ATHLOPBORosof yonr drufriritf. we wül aend it eiprdi pald, on recelpt of rebullir price - osa 4oUar per bottle. Vie rrefor that you buy It from m dmiggltt, bat lf he hatii't It, do Dot )i pertiaaöjed vo feqr somvthi&x elj, bilt order at onoe from üí u tatM. (. j-nntnmmt m-, H2 wail st., kew ïork.


Ann Arbor Courier
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