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BA LUS til 1 Eè COBSETS The OÏÏLt lOKHET made that in be rtturned by its purcliawr afttr three ¦? ks renr, If rot found PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY in every i-uspr. t, uiid lts ? e i et undrtTby nellen Marte In a vunety of Bt) lea nnd pruts. Sola ly flrst-cloAi dealen fverywhen. Ilew are of worthlews imitntioii. None uemiine unUs it hns Ball's name on the box. CmCAGO COR&ET CO., Chicago, Hl. Kor .-aleonly by V INISS& WOUDEN BrCLARKE no rxi i rstabiood isct i Mnrrlll ünül Eettorl j DETROIT. MICH. f Elockl ""B'ilMI TlicrBularoldettablUhed BITTWÏwSII lhylc"n and Sui eeoii UB. BI MvWVJI' LAKKK. at the old number 5 ftf"Tafeiff VI continms to treat with his usual K'l B? rAF lrJBr'Bt "k11 ' a" Privatn, Sil Tk? Jk% Bchronio, nervous and npeclal ik -P2 jjlldlea. DR. CI.AKKK 1, ElsffiP' dlflthcnldcsi AdvertisinpPhysician, f - aaegy ij-c fics of Papers show and all oíd Resideots know. Age and experlence Important. t Nervoni dlieasn (with or without dreams.) or deblllty and luss of nerve power treated scicntifically hy new mcthods witn ncver f aihnp success. f2ST It makes no differcnce what you have taken or who has failed to cure you. py Younp men and middle-agfed men and nll who suSer should consult the celebmted Dr. Chirke ut onc -. L9" The terrible pollona oí all bad hloouand skin dl easesuf every kind, name and nature comnletely eradicated. livmomhor, that oiie horrible disaase, f nelcctcd or improperly trrared, corsés the present and coming r-cncraticms. E?" Dlaeased discharges curcd orompt-y without hindrance to business. Bolh scxes consult conlulf ntlaDy. If in tronbie, allorwrite. Dciaysarcd.ineerous. lProcratlnatlon is the thlrf of time." A vrrltteo warranty of cure glveu la every ase andertaken. tSend two stams for eelebrated rorkf on Cnron Ie Nervous and Dl 1 cate Diseases. You have an exhaustivo symptomatoloiry by which to study your own oase. Cnnsulution, :crsonally or hv letter, free. Consult the old i'octor. Thouiindi cured. Office and iarlori private. You see no one bu: the Doctor. '.cforcconficiingf your case consult Dr. CLARKË. ¦V xriendly letter or cali may save future suffenng md shame, and add polden years to life. Medicines sent every whcre secure f rom eipoiure. - Hours, 8to 8:Sunday, 9 to 12. Adress letters: F. 1. CJLARKR. k. I., Merrill Block. Cor. Woodiv.ird & Jefferson Aves., DETROIT, MICH. llr. TToganko. TbU n une lias bcnnne o fimilhir with thi' most ut pe'M'lf lliimifrlKint the Uintcil .-ii at is Umi ii is Imiillj' iieüewary to state l.lial lic Ik lui" ortjliiHtor of the jrront Dr. Bomnku C"U[i nd Luti!; Bjrrop, people'ï fHVorlte lemeJy, wlierever Knowji, íor C"nyhs, ('iilils. Ciingti nipt ton and nll iitf ' ctioiisnf the Tlnoat and Lung. Priic 50 WDln and $1 (10. Öold by Kberbach & Soa, diuggists. A con e? pon Icnt wants to know at what liciglit uien can live. EVrnoBKl -xperience 1 1 ; i - ii;il us to helii've that a min can live, il lic b:is ii job, at a lieiyhtcf aliout fivi1 (cel and eleven lidies. - St. Paul Ilerald. Erysipcbis and Salt Khetim were driven entiiely ;iv;iy trom Mf8. J. C. Anderson, PeohWjfO, Wisconsin, by Bunlock Blood Bitters. No cqu il as a blood purifier. A otrcle of i tibies forni" the newest enajiinicut ï 1 1 tr . Tbe ruines rep eneut the wealtli of h in;in hct'oie miirriage. Tbe chele ieirep(-nth the amotint of mney. lie has left al ter waru. - Philudelphia Cali. The most ttabborn casen of dyspepsia itul sick headnche yield to the regillatinjr tnd tonino; Intliiences of HooU's Sarsaparilla. Tiy it. BiirklenN Árnica Sa've. The Bi'SI Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruisen. Bore, Ulcer, rtalt Rhetun, Kever iores.Telter, t'bapped Hando, Chilblain, Jorns, aiul :ill Skin Eruptlon, and posiively cure Piles, or no pay required It s (junraiiteeil to jfive perfect satisf.ictioti, r money refunded. Price 25 centi per íox. For Sale by Eberbach & Son.


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