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WHO IS UNACQUAIMTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEË BY EXAMININO THI8 MAP, THAT THE ? PsiJV'B f OrcnB$[L 75ko joExw i s c "o n s i $-]fi'fm É5éra%7woT%JÍ"5 l l i no i s j, _ ' ¦¦-¦! CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY By reason of lts central poerition and close relntlon to all principal linesEaet and West, at initlal and terminal poluta, constitute i te moet important mld-contlnentil link In that aysteaa of throiiï-i tranaportrtion which tovitoj end facilitates travel and trame between cities of L Atlantte andPc Co. rta. It Is also the favortte and best route to end from pointe Er at, Iortneast ana Southeast, and correspondlnj points W eet, Northwest end Southw eet. TheRÓck Island ystsm lncludei in itj mcln line and brrnchea, Chlcaeo, Jollet Ottawa, La 8all9, Peoría, Ganeseo, Mollne and Eoclc Island in 1"! Davenport, Suscatine, Washington, Faii field C ttumwa, Oekalocsa, West Liberty, iówa City, Das Moinea, IndlenoK Wlntereet. Atlantic, Knoxvllle, Audubon, Harían, Gut hrie Centre í.nd Council Bluffs, in Iotra; Oallaf.n, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth end Atchison. in Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolla and et. Paul, in Minnesota ; Watertown in Dakota aüd hundreds of intermedíate cities. towns, vil.ages and staUons. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos tte patrons that sense of personal securlty afforded by p. eolid, thorourhlv b llasted smoort trnr" at fontlnuous e teel rail; eubstra"n" Wni curref PÉan!ïa6r!-3?e3 ; roiiin? stock, as near perfection as human s'iill can make it; the aafety appUances of patent buffers, platforms and air-brakes: and that exaotini dlsclpUne which groverns the practical operatlon or ali lts trains. Otber apeciaOtiea of this route are Transfers at afi connectin? points In Union Depote, ad the unsurpateed comforts and luxurtes of lts P.tssenTer Equipmeit. Tha Fast Express Trains between rhlcago snd the Miaonri River are romposed of well ventilated, flnely upholstered Day Loaches. Matrniflcent Pullman Palace Sleepers of the latest de-l?n, and sumptuoua Diningr Cars, in whlch elaborately cooked meala are leisurelv eaten, "good Digestión waitlnsr on Appetite, and Health on both." Between Chicago and Kansas City and Atchiaon, are also run the Celebrated Reclining Chair Cara. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direct and favorlte line between Chica?o and Minneapolls and St. Paul. where connections are mad ) In Union Denota for all points in the Territorios and Brltish Provlnces. Over this route, Fast Exiress Traina are run to the watering placea, aummr resorta. picturesque localltiea, and huntmer nnd flBhlng grounda of Iowa and Minnesota. It is also the meet deeirable route to the rlch wheat flelds and pastoral lands of interior Dakota. Stlll onother D'REcr LTNB, vla Séneca and Kankakee, has been opened between Newport News, Richmoni. Cincinnati, Indianapolis, rnd Lafayette and Council Bluffs. Kansaa City, Minneanolis and St. Paul and intermedíate points. For detailed Information see Mapa and Folders, obtainable. as well aa Tickets, at pil principal Ticket Offlcua In the Uaited Stites and Canada: or by addresiing R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, President and General M"' iger. Chicago. General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News