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LAST CHANCE To obtain (ïovemment Lands free - that are suitable for general farmingand stock raisin; purposes - before chaagc of laws as per biüs now pending in Congress. nnniN THE DEVILS LAKE, lIl TURTLE MOUNTAIN, UfaU And Mouse River Country. north pnrQ5ribsuTaC dakota HunCo 2Ki2S Over 2,000,000 Acres of R. R. Lands in Minnesota at the low pnce of $3.00 per acre and upwards. Sectionai Map and full particulars maited W ¦% ¦¦ freetoanyaddressbyC. H. WARREN. [Ml Gen'l Pass. Agent, St. Paul. Minn. and F W r r Manitoba R. R.. St. Paul. Minn. I II kb ' I return the indo-ed mantisci ipi," wrotetbe editor of a religious weekly, " simply because I aui so full at present." The coiurlbutor replied ihnt when the pdltor's toot was over be wmild beklad t su lniiii t lic manuscript agaiu. Free DUtilbiition. " Wlmt causea the {rreat rttsh at Eberbarh & Sou's drusr store?" The free ditribiiiion of amiiple b'ittles of Dr. Bumiiko'sCoughand LuuirSyrup, the most popular remedy forCoujth', Colds, Conpumition. and Bionchitla, now on the market Regular size 50 cents ind J1.00. "Why, Aillo, deir, is that the way to bcain your dinner?" asked a mother nl her little ilanjcliter, as lnm uitb rhi pieinstead ol'thebre idand bntter "Well. 1 declare, mamma, I wh going tn ent my (liniKT upide dowu' wasn't 1?"- VV i ï- miogton Star. Heury SchccnhaU.t'oreman Henry Kini PackiiiR Co., St. Joseph, Mo . uses Dr Thomas' Eclectric OU with bis men foi sprains, cuts, bruisos, etc. Herbert's niamni.i took lüin to Sunda school tlie other day, and li-sson liein; on the depravity of the liunian hcart, tli teacher dii-w a larL-e heirt on the hïnci. board liy wiy of ilhutratlon. "Mtinmi,' 8 iid Herbert, with a miljre, ' wlll sb draw a spade next!"- Philadciplihi Cali Notliiutr made n Yaití. We are told that llotlllng w,,s made I vain; but what can be. said of tll.e fttfli ionable girl of the period? Ijii't she maidi i vuin ? Uood's Sar-'aparllla is ra ule ii Lowell, Miss, whure theieare more bot lies of it 8uld th 'in ofany other sirsaii rilla or blood puriflar. And it is neve taken in v.iiu. It puiities the bloou. ütreogtbent the ytem, and glves new lii and vigor to the entile boily. 1U0 doseone dollar. The acqiiaintaiice of the female mini willi the mysteries of tinanee and coniuieree is extensive and p ir ily. niu Wliy," said a well-io-do youuif Wüinnii. vvho had j nat received a drygoods i I "why do Uiey keep on ieMÜHH me Ihis? I kimw well UUOUjfll 1 j{ot tliose lhllpl lusi suniiiier, and whal'sthe use of remindinj; me? " Ladies find Hunt's [Kidiie}' and Livei] Remedt invaluuble to t um becauso it re lieven them of mucli of the paia and .-uiferiiif; whicb they are Calletl upon to beai. Thouauidl of tht-m bless the day whtu tliey lirst tritd it. A fond father presented bis four yeai oíd boy with a tiumpet, with wli cli Inwas greally infatuated. AU day loujj the boy tooted away deligbtelly, and at bedlinie when hu Kramlmotber told liini to put the trumpet down and say his prayeis, the little fellowsaid: "Oh.'no; l'ü teil yon what let'ado. i'Mndina; y on pray and i'll keep on blowing.'' An Impurtaiit IHscoycry. The most important Dicovery is that wl k'h brillas the most ïimmI to the jfieatet nuinber. Dr. King's New PUoovery "or Consumption, (Joughs, and Oolda, wiil preserve the health and save lile, and iaa ricelei1 boon to the afflicted. Not only loes it poíitively cure Oontnmption, but 3oughs, Colds. Bronchili-, HoarsenesK, A-lInna, and all atteclions of the Th rost, Jliest, and Lunjis, yield at once to its won lerful curative poweic. If you (Jitilbl ihlt, teta Trial Butlle, Free, atEberbacu ft Soa'f drug ttore.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News