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ONLY TRÜE QTONIC AVlll parlfr t'if BLOODf rpfcnVMVB lul the LI VER mí KIDNEYS, P_ and RKSTOllK THE HEALTH vkBk and VIU R f OUTH. Ijysvr A pepafa, W'itnt of Appjtite, ln digeatlon, l.n-k or Strenptli, V'VJ k ail'l 1 írtj'i Frellnicabsolulely 9%V cured. lïouus. luusclesand JB lierves recelve nuwforce. Enllvens the nilnd and - - __ - ZT "Pililos Itrain Powir. Mm fU i Eá O peculiar to , x will fi d hDH. HARTER'SIRON TONIC atafi and sp-cdy cure. ulTea a lcnr, hcalthy complexión. Frequent attempts at cmiiiti-rli'lttiiir only add to the poputarlty ot' thu ortiilti:il. Do not expcrlnu ut- (tottha Obioinal and Ukst. (Snd ïourddretoThnlr. HrtrMc1 fo.V üt.Ioil!, Mo., for onr "DREAM rXK."l fc uil of atraoiie aad usoful lnformtitiun, íruo.# A Pangorous Case. Rooheütki!, Jane 1, 1882 'Ten Ye s süo 1 u irk.-d w til the mnt [utsaie aud deatUly paius 1d m ' ack and - Kidneys.'" " Extondino; to the cnil of iny toca and to mv bruin ! Which m ide me tk-ürious ! " Knini agiiiiy. "Il to'ik Ihree men to hold me on mjl)ed at timc ! " 'l'lie Doctors triad u rain to relieve me, Mnt t'i no pnrpiiM'. Hfiii-p 'i ine and nther Opiate " liad no effect ! 'Aller tivo inunths I wa? given m to lic! " Wlion iiiy wifc iciird ;i ncIgHbnr lell wtmt H p Bitterg b nl donfl tor her, alio it once jrt and iiv nu1 Rome. Unit doxe eised inj ir.iin iml sccim-d to go Irantlnj; tliroiigh nv sy-tcin tor the pain. Th f'fo d floM easfd m1 M much that T (lenl ¦o hiu -. ftnn blue I had not done for tw Douth. lire I hnd i.s d flve boitle I waB will 1 "t wnrk as huil -ia ihkm coulit, lor c.ver n m we k : boi I w.i ke . to hard f r mv stro gin. nd ittkl g h bar t cii d 1 w .- tuke wjih ihe mo-t cmr a :d ili.iul 'hen n la n all thioii){li my e8¦IH T 11 M .-VtT UllOA 11 "I uil id ihe electora L'.ain ind alter everal v . k, i (i I.Mt nv a rnp ! nBOatalwl or lile, tu. kmI. I ii.-t i ii nd a' d t-Od hun ray 0U, .ii.i he üiiiI 11 p li tt T Mud riiivd httn and mild i e me. I p K'iird I h m. bu hu was o eamni win iiiiuc vi til ni t'HMii a: nrt. In I"M ei lou nt I throw away mnicles Hitd wa il lo vork 11. htiy and ke. t on ï-t ruis bittm for flve werkt, anrll i bcctmeai ell at any inau llvuiy, and hae beeu rtu for plx , ¦ -i ce. It t:x hIm oiired mv wife, wlio hnd l)pen stc'i for ye .r-; .-uxl lina lo-pt her and ny nhllilreti, wcll mul lieülthv with from wo tn Unie bi'ttle per mr, Thcre is no "" d lo be rk it all if tlicsc bitten are 'is d. J. J Bkbl, ex-öuperylor. I hi nor ItiVhltd wife. ' S"tfi ! " M'.iliei ¦! ' O' dHUithter ! '''m le itUflf the picture of health ! " V ih H tVw Imltles of Hop Bitters ! ' IKt you ld thtm giffer? " 0?Xnne Ronulne wlihout a buncli of green Hops on IlifvvliHe label, slum all the vilp, poliKknoM, MlulT wllli -'Hop" or 'Ilops"in tiifir nnine. "If you don't keep out of tliis yard vnu'M eiti'li it," g lid a woinan to a biy in West I,ynn. "All right," answered the {amln. "I wrouldn'l have comn in if I'd kntuvd ynui fiilks hnd it." - Lyun Item. For Rhciimatisin, Liiuibaro, Neuralgia, 3ramp :int' C'dic there is no remedy superior to the gcuuinc Dr. Thomas' Electric OU. The whoel simke, which takes itntail in its moutli Will po trundlcs over (lie ground 1", to gay the lenst, regard les of dresgand lts appropriateness His walkinsr snit cinsists of a swallow-tall. - Pittsbuigh Bulletin. Cnro for Piles. The flrst ymptom of Pile. Is an intense itehlng at night Httergeitiug wurm. This unplcasant KDMtlon is immediHtely relicvcd ly an applicatlon of Dr Bosanko's Püh Kemedy. Piles In all forroi, Itch, Salt Rlieum and Hingworiii can be periniinently cured by the use of thls groat reiTMdy. Prlee 50 cents. Manufactured liv the Dr. Bowinko Medicine ('oinp.tny, Piqua, O. Sold by fiberbach & Son 1Ï02-1358.


Ann Arbor Courier
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