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The Democratic Jollification

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Last Weunesdiiy evemng, Marcli 4tu, the democracy of this city, who didu't find it couvenient toattend the iDsagaral ceremonies at Washinsrnn. trnt np a Itttla [ubilee of tbeir own. At half-past geren tliey corumenced assembling at the court liouse, anti for an hour tliey held a sort of " free-to-all talk," wherein the least member in the ranks vras accorded the privilege of expressing his opinión of civil service reform, President Cleveland, Ue ailver question, greenbacks and graybacks, or anything else thcy muy have cliosen to talk about, vvith the same abandon that the lnrger ones did. At about 9 o'clock they marched In doublé file to the banquet rooms, and partook of a bountiful supply of edibles. After this important part of the ceremony was over the toasts commenced. Hem. John J. Robison, who acted as mater of ceremonies, first reading letters of regret froin Gov. Felch, et al. The first toast upon the list was: President Grover Cleveland: Response by Prof. H. Wade Rogers. Mr. Rogers said he broke a promise in order to be present upon the occasion, but before the speeches were all completed tio probably wislied he hadn't, for every speaker warmed up wondeiïuny in respect to his smooth civil service utteranees. 2d. The Old Ouard never Surrenders : Response by Capt. Connltt, of Chicago. The Captain made the speech of the evening. He didn't believe in keering republicans in office however, but wanted Cleveland to "Turn the Rascáis out." The speaker bragged about petklling votes for Andrew ilackson in 1832, and voting for Old Hickory ever sincc. He kept the faith through many years of defeat, and he feit HUe making the republicana wear sumniQr clotliing through many winters to come to pay it. 3d. The Herolsra of the Mlnorlty : Response by Densinore Craraer. He said the democratie party went out power with a dried up old bachelor and comes into power again with a great, kt, juicy bachelor. He had been on both 8ides of the fence and knew how it was uimscll, as uu was ia years witn a majority party, 12 years with a minority, and had just entered upon another 12 with ¦ nwjority party aarain, (but whether he intended to have the demócrata defrated in that length of time, or whether he ntenáed to make another change he didn't say. Civil service was a frmul and a bambuc " To the Victors Belong the Spoils" was his doctrine. He thought himself a favorite in high circles, for "The Lord loveth whom he chasteneth.1' 4tU. The young Demoeraey: Response by Wm. Q. Doty. This speech was classical and refined, and shot over the heads of the auditors quite generalij'. Ueclaimed thedemocratic party had been the true expounders of the constitution for over 100 years; paid a hlgb compliment to Tilden, and closed by believing the democracy would continue in the paths of a noble destiny. iin. The Democratie l'ress : Kespaum u,. ir E. H. Bower. This night was one the party had been looking forward to for 25 years, nearly, and he believed that the members of the democratie press who had labored so enrnestly, so faithfully, through days of darkness and sore defeat, to accoinplisu the result over wnich they that night rejoiced, had done their full share toward it. He believed every democratie editor in the nation feit happy that night, and believed the change in the policy of the governwould prove a wise one. 6th. " Tii rn the Rascáis Out:" Response by M, C. Peterson. The speaker cast his first vote for Qeo. B. McClellan and for every democratie candidato since, and the nrst thing to do to bring about reform was " To Turn the Rascáis out.'' Suggestive. 7th. Deraocracy of Michigan: Response by Charles R. Whltmau. The wiping out of the GO, 000 republican majority in Michigan proved tliat there were sonie demócrata in Michigan, and lic hoped there would be more. He wanted to see Michigan in the soft seats near the throne, like New York, Indiana, (the solid south), etc. He also wanted to see the day wlien a man froui Mloblgan 8hould occupy the prcsidential ciiair. He conlined himself stnctly to his subject and was warmly applamled. 8th. The Future of the Democratie Party : Respoime by C. D. Coleiuan, of Wafchlngton, D C. The future he judged by the past. The democrats held power 24 years in Is origln, then lost four years, and then took another lease of power for 12 wars. [According to that loirie, the republican party las held power 24 years at lUorlgin, now loses four years, and witli 18S9 will commence anotlier 12 years of power]. 9th. A Tarlff fnr Reven ue Exelusively : Response by J. N. Balley. The great curse of the times was the high prices on sugar, salt, lumber, etc, etc, made by tbis terrible protective taiilT. [Just compare prlces, picase, with tree trade times.] lOth. The Health of the Democratie Party: Response by Dr. V. C. Vaughiui. The substance of whose remarks was that the big íish ate the littleones, tlwayt had done so, but wouldn't any more now that the democrats had come Into power llth. Washtenaw Democracy: Respouse by Capt. Chas II. Mauly. He thought that the Washtenaw democracy would stand when republictuiism would bc forgotten. He remembered the time when it required courage to stand up and vote the democratie ticket. The tpetker pralsed McClellan and Lincoln, and believed that if President Cleveland wouldn't turn out the republican officials, that his cabinet would. J. H. Starks then read a pocni, whose chief merlt was the soul of wit : brevity. ISth. Demoeraey- it asks nottilng but what 11 concedes- il concedes uotlilin.' Iml Iwl lt demanda: Uesponse by M. F. Iluuley, ol the law cluss. The speaker had ruined hia Toice by cheering for Cleveland that day, but nevprthplpss prorvech-il to mnke an eloquent democratie speech. lSth. No more 8 to 7: Response by II. R. Fowler, of tte law depanment. Who eloquently portrayed the past, present and future of democracy as he saw it. After this there was one or two vol (inteer speeches, Pat. McKernan fairly outdoing himself in a speech full of wit and humor. John V. Sheehan aU responded to the volunteer toast: " The Prohibition element in the Democratie Party, " and F. E. Jones, of Saline, closed that part of the jubilee. During the evening the MinnU' orchestra furnished some excellent music- the boyi haring ruproved In this particular t-iiioe tlieir residence at Jack son The exercises were pleasing to the democrats, but not extremely soulinspiriiif; to rep1 blicans. We glve thom to our readers however as there are inany demociats who take the Coürier, and the other side want to know what is going on as well.


Ann Arbor Courier
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