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ílllitU iiiQiHmiwU uot to ezoeed three I, oí i "¦-! ana Found, House for Sale or ¦ 'ni , Want, to.. luserted tliree weeks for L5 cents. Sltuatlons wanted, freí'. FOK s I.l ; i Iip larm uf tbe lalo James M. siuiiu.ui Salem, oa tho T. a. a. nd N. ti. U. lour mili -N tostb of .south Lyon, one tulle aorth ol Worden Nmttoa. Consista of ]-if acres- 8ü acres liuproved, suilable for ellher itook or grain. Well watorod, good Buildings, orchiird, large clatern al üolh und burn, i-ouvement to mark et, school mul oboroh - üe8irable prqpei ty. Euquire 011 pnmlm. U fcddraM M. A. rimltu, worden. ilsTKKNs bullí iuhI repalred; Masón work V ¦ -iMt Kalsoimtig. i'rlces reusouable. Leave orden al wuoü yard muí lime kllaoíQce, oor. i.l Kilili und Hurón Hlreet, or 1'. ü. box, 835. A I, I, surviving suldlors of the Moxican war luiiiulileil lo peuslou. Also uiauy punMuU6n i'MiuliMt lo increase. Apply to u. L Muiiiuiws, l'i usioii Aitorney, Aun Arbor, Miciiigan. 17OKSALK UH RENT- on easy ternas large . houso, barn uud Kigbi acre of fruit laúd, 1 ínile west ol Court Huuse. Apply to O. L. MhUIh'WS. Aun Aruor, Michigan. I pon sai,e-a ürat-classo farm ontalnlng ' tM acre, Mlualcd 2y, mlleswest of Des ter, Kood buildings, good leuces, aud a ilirilty yuuug urchard. Kverytülntc Ín llp-lop shajie uboui thu u i-in ist-s. a rea.souable payuieut ou sale, und uiiití ou balance to bUlt purcliaser. i iiijiiin ni A. K. HKAl.. it t ornee, AUu Arbor, or Q. H, SILL, of Uexler. ANl'KO to take a larm of lüu acres or ni. mi'. Kuquire oí A. M. Doty or addresü Hnx'.Ml. H0KSE3 for the rond or farm and a doublé iiuruess lor sale. Applp to W. K. Keutima, 41 1 Uouipsou Ktieet, Aun ArUor. TjOK Large huuse, cheap, also oue 1 six-iiMiini'il huuse ou West lililí street iurgouu.uu. Apply lo O. L. Matthews, Keal Jálale. Ageucy .vnn Arbor Mieli. SITUA.T1OM A.S NITUOBUY OOVEItCTEOB - . aiiuM by a yuuug luily, receutly Irum i.niuin. 1 1 ,''in'i,ioiii Ueruiau and 1 1 -eiicn. Addres Miss 1.OU18O Weruer, Uexter, Mich. IOK 8 ALE OR RENT - 8aü, donr, and ' bliml iticlory, sliuuied uear M. C. depot aud bi-lvreru two large lumber yards. If sold, at u baigaiu. A. L. ÍOUL.K, Anu Arbor, Mlcülíian. 10 LET- $250 for one year or two. Must glve securlty on uneucumbered Heal Katale. Box 1Ü4, Ann Albor, Mlcu. PIANO TO RENT. Euqulre at Dr. Wilklusons, Lower Town. or at Wllsey's Music Store. LOST- Soniewhere between th center of Huperloron the Ann Arbor road and Aun Arbor, orón the cars between An" Arbor aud South Lyons, a note of 400. glven to P. A. Wueelock by A. E. Bullock and Sarah A. Bullock, bearlug date July 4th or 5lh, 18-8. Thls note has be-n pald. The flnder wlll please leave Kald note at the Coukikr Office ín Ann Arbor and obllge, a r büllqck X OANINQ-Money to loan on flret-class I j Real Eslate Mortgage al Current rateB of luierest. Satlsfactory arrangements made wlth capitalista deslrlng sncu lnvestmeula. Every conveyance and transactlon Ín abiracts of tltles carefully examlued as to legal enVct. Z i". KINU, Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
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