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Illinoi!), Oregon and Xew Hampshire are un represe nted in the United States Sonate. All republicana - tbkt is, tliry ought to be. The pólice of the country liave liad remarkably easy times since the democracy has so gencrally taken its waj' to Washington. Oveii 1,200 bilis have hoen iutroduced in tho legislatuce. Not ono quarter of them should pass. The trouble with the country ie too much legislation. About the flrst news that reaches us under the new regime, is that Mr. Heil has been commissioned postmaster in Dakota. Suggestlvc as to the party's future. If Mr. Ci.eï elad resolves to ignore civil service reform and uiako a clean sweep in the offices, he will have to appoint something like 300 a day or elíe take a second term. A thing he Is bound in word of honor not to do. One tiiino is very encouraginj; to republicans. Wherever an issue has been mude on local officers in the municipal elections thls spring, the republicans have been victorlous in nearly every instancc. The party is getting itself together in good shape. The elkmentsoí discord havealready entered the ranks of the democrucy. President Cleveland, having conservative and sensible views upon the silvcr question, civil service reform, etc, has mortally oflended the cranks already. It looks as if the Kllkennv cat war would be outranked soon. Conorkss will not c;ase coining and piling up In the national treasury silver dollars worth 82 cents. It is supreme to keep this up. And it does seem as If there ought to be enough comninn 8eii8e in cangress after a time to stop it. Perhaps a republicau congiess will yet havo to be chosen on that issue. Tue KEriBLicAN State convention will con rene in Lansing, to-day, and probably put in nomination the Hon. Judgo Cooley, whoni it has honored in a similar manner so many times before, for justice of the supreme court. It is to be hoped that wisdom will be displayed in the selection of regenta. The party can not afford to put any but good - the r-rt brst - of men npon their ticket. of r!I the papers in the coonty, none iw lts aptie agalnBl ihr unlou party more Ihan does tbe Coukiib. In lts last Issue It fllogs several Items at tbem wblcli lt will uow be obllged to swallow oh tbe uulon pr.y noml. imn'il au ulil republican- n mattvr what lie may be now - al íts recent conveutJon.- Chelsea Herald. The Herald is Uttla taa hai Tio Coueier has sliown 110 spite toward the union party, wliatever. It is a republican paper, howevcr, and belleves in advocailng rrpublican principies. Tou can usually teil wlicre to tind the Courier, too. It doesn't pat people on the back and cali them nice fcllows wlien it ineaus the reverse. Neither does it write editoriaU upon the Mexican question, or the Ameer of Afghanistan, becnuse it isafraid to speak its ïuind ou home tópica of more importance to the people and its party. Because we do not believe the action of the prohibiiionist's in forming a new party, wïse, and say so, the Herald would lead its readers to believe that spite is at the bottom of it. As well attribute the utteranjes of the Herald agaiust aetious it believes wrong and consequcntly denounces as 8uch, is spite work. The Herald should be broader tbao that. A o tr,„, ... ,„,.„ said, we don't do it. It is au open secret that a few leaders of the union party did seek an alliance with the democruts and greenbackers, and faillng to secure recognition they turned around and nominated a man for judge outside of their own party, and oDe whom they .feit pretty sure would be elected any way. We acknowledge that tliere are some ghrevrd prohibltionists, tbat'g all. Religioua services, known a the Leu tul service, are being held at the 51. E. clitirch this week. Good time to build your bliek lioutes thi8summer. Schmidt & Odet have 1,000,000 and John .Moran 140,000 bricks. Jessie Williams, of the 4th ward, died Sunday March Olh, aged 64 years. Funeral to day from A. M. E. church. Clemments, a former Aun Arbor man, a raise of pension from $11 to $24 per month. A wag having seen au account of the pólice forcé being photgraphed isanxious to know if the picture goes to the rogue's gallery. A rctired physician of some note, is temporarily residing in tliis city, who was a niember of the firt medical class in the U. of M., and farnilbed its first iome news frora the Soutli Lyon Excelsior : "Ou Tuesday of last week at Ann Arbor there were 16 loids of wheat waitlng their turu to unload at Alinendinger & Sehneider's mili, notwithstanding thelow price of 82 cents per bushel.'' At the regular villaje election held at Chelsea Monduy, two tickets were In the field, bot a part of one was withdiawn early in the duy. The resiilt of the election was as follows: Presldent-Thos. Shaw, M. 1) Clerk-Ueo. Begole. TreaBUrer- C. liuOcock. AsHS8or - V. tiacou. Trustees- J. Hhocinaker, Lloyd Loomls, II, Holmes. With the conipliments of Henry B. Baker, secretury of the State Board of Health, we have received a pamphlet of hls owu writing, upon "Typhoid Fever and Low Water in Wells.'1 If the knowledge contained thereiu couid be thoroughly dtaffnltmted througliout the state, and the mass of the peoplc be made to uuderst'iud and appieclate it, much typhoid fever and kimlred distases could be abolislied. Here is something well wortb remombering : "Charcoal is a very useful thiDg ; I could hardly keep house without it. I have fouud it very handy for cleauing bottlcs or jars, which, for any reason, have a dlsagrceable odor. I wash theiu thoroujjhly inside with powdered charcoal, Uien put in fresh and fill with water, and theu let tbem stand ¦ few hours. A bagful of charcoal, thrown into a cistern, removes the unplcasant smell." In congequence of the renting of the upper story of the St. James hotel to the masoni fraternity of this city, Cooley & Co. have quit the hotel business. The proprietors intend to fit up the second story as ofllces, which will inake an atractive place for tho-e desiring a good counting-room or business oflice. Should hediningroombeconverted into a libray, and the lawyers renting nfflees in the tuilding pool their libraries, as is done n one or two blocks In Detroit, the arangement would prove a great conveneoce to those interested.


Ann Arbor Courier
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