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Republican County Convention

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The first republican county covcntion lor the uew year camo together at the court house last Thursday. Thore mi a goodly attendance of the represantative republicana of tho county, and considering tho unimportaat charactor of tho work to bo done, the attendancc and enthusiu8m augur well for tho future of the party. At 12 o'clock, ni., the meeting was callcil to order by Chairmun Knowlton, of the county committee, who called Hon. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilantl to the the temporary cliairmansliip. Qeo. II. Pond was elected teraporary secretary, and the following committees nppointed: On Orrfinto- Mossrs. E. W. Coddlnttton, of PltuQeld; Jas. Negus, of Sylvan; Ueo. 8. Wlieeler of Salem ; Sheldon W. Shurtleff, of Ann Arbor towu Dr. W. B. Smltli, of Ann Arbor city ; and D. C. Urlffla, of Ypsilantl. lyrmnnent Organization - Messrs. John F. f ¦Hurrnc1, Anii Arborclty; O. A. Ainsworth, Ypsllanll city ; J. W. Blakeslec, York ; Win. Dnusingburg, Augusta. A recess was then taken until 1:30. o'clock. Upon re-assembliDsr, tlic coramittee on credentials reported thu following delegates entitled to seati in tlie conventlon : Ann Arbor Town- John C. Mend, S. W. Shurtlllt, F. B. Brown, K. H. 8coU. lst Ward-Henry 8. Dcan.J. E. Beal E. D. Klane, Dr. W. H. Smit li, A. W. Hamllton. 2d Ward- W. Arnold, H. Mann, W. Hen, E. B. Abel. Sd Ward- A. Peterson,C.'J. Dnrbelm, Spencer Crawford, Charles E. Hlücock. 4th Ward- Thos. J. Keech, J. F. Lawrcnce, Erustus N. Ollberl, .M. H. Goodrich, Oeorge H. Pond. 5th Ward-Clias. A. Matteson, X. I) Gatos, Thus. Specchley. 6h Ward- A. F. Martin, Z. P. Klng, Rufus WaplM. Augusta- Hlrara P. Thompson, Wm. Dnnslngburg, Norman Kedner, W. W. Dell, WatBon Barr. Lima- Wesley Westfall, W. E. Stocklng, Daniel MoLarou, Frank II. Ward. PHUfleld- E. W. Coddlnaton. l'l-ll, CUWUIU .Ulllll, J. 1'. .A I I III . Salem- Leonard Larktns. O. S. Wheeler, H. C. Hobor, Wm. R. Hamlllnn. Saline- Mathew Sager. Wm. Dell, John McKiniu-y, A.C. Clark, Chas. Burkuardt, Jas. Hoyt, E. Houser. Solo-A. R. Beal, Harrison Bnll. I,. W. Hi !ks, John L. smltli, Daniel I.yon, Amos Puelps. J. V: Mil.-i. Superior- Wm. H. Crlppen, Jas. A. Wllbor, J. T. Packard. Sylvao- Fred. Vogel, Wm. Judson, Jas. L. Ollberl, Chas. Stelnbaoh, A. Burkbart, E. I.. Npijus, ( 'han. Wonder. H. Q. Iloag. Webster- Jno. W. Wllllam, Kdwin Ball, Isaac Terry, W. H. Weslon. York- Judson Wheelock. Wlllle Warner. J. W. Blakexlee, J. B. LaBhier, James Uauntlelt, Frank irusscll. Ypxüantl Town- Freil. Graves, Newton E. Crlttnden,8umner Uumoii, BenJ. D. Loomis, Ueorge H. Alban. Ypsllantl, lat Ward- 8. Birnard, D. C. Grlfiln. ueo. C. Sinlth, U. A. Alnswonh. 2d Ward-O. W. Hough, F.Q. O. Klnley, Dr. Hall. 3d Ward- E P. Allen, Dr. D. A. Post, John Fox, Dr F. K Owen. 4th Ward-Edgar Dlcklnson, Geo. Whltmore, Fred. Huut. ctt. wrf wii„to i-iiiiiips.uapt. Pullman, Jüo Worden, Geo Parnous. The temporary offlcerH were mada permanent. Hon. E. P. Allen, upon beiii{{ selected as permanent chuirman, iJelivered a neat litile speech, full of fervor and hope, full of grit and perse veranee. He counseled the party to be active, energetic, aggressive, and predicted tliat four years of democratie rule would be suffleient for the people to return to the party thut had dono so well by them In the pust. Mr. Knowlton stated that the time for which the present county coinmittee was elected baring expired, it would be necess:iiy for this conventlon to elect a iiew committee. On raotion, the convention proceeded to elect a new county committee with tlie following result: Chairman- Rt aben Kempf, Chelsea. Secretary- Ueo. H. Pond, Ann Arbor. bui ; W. H. Puitle. Manchester; Sumuet Barnard, Ypsllautl; Jame L. Uilljert, C'heUeu; Ueo. S. Wlieeler, .Salem. Townsup Itembert- Ann Arbor town, Jno. O. MeaU. Aun Arbor city, lst Ward- E. D. Klnne. 2d Ward- John Helnziniiu. 3d VSard-C'. E. ilincock. 4lh Ward-M. H. Goodrich. 6tli Ward- K. S. Manly. i.i li w ard- Zina P. Klng. Augusta- H. 1' Thompson. Brldgewater- W. W. Hess. Dexier- Thomas Blrkett. Freedom- Wm. Fltzmelr. Lima- Ueo. II. Mitcüell. Lodl-J. H. Hlcks. Lyndon- Charles 'nnfleld. MaucheBter- A. F. Freeman. Nortnflcld- E. E. Leland. I'ilUtleld- J. D. Alllson. Salem- Wm. A. Hamllton. .s.iiuif .McKK llull. Sclo- John L. Smlth. Sharon- wm. Campbell. Superior- Jas. A. Wllber. Sylvan- Fred Vogel. Weusler-Jolin . . Williams. York- J. W B.akeslee. Tpsilanti towu- F. A Graves. Ypsllaiilt city, lst Ward- Sninuel Haruard. üd Ward-F. S. Fiuley 3d Ward- F. K. Owen. 4lli Ward- Edgar Blckínson, 5th Ward- Ueoree P'The convention then resolved itself into district conventions to clioose ten delegates each to the state convention. In the first district, Dr. B. W. Smith was chairman, and Chas J. Durheim, secretary. In the second district Jolin H. Fox was chalrmaii, and E. W. Coddington, secretary. i ne delégales selccted were as iollows: First District- Col. H.S. Dean, E. D Klnne, Louls D. Tuylor.and John F Luwrence, Ann Arbor clty ; Kvart U. Scott. Ann Arbor town ; 8. G. Ivés Sylvan; Oeorge S Wheeler, Su. lem ; L. VV'. lirUgu, Solo; Ira Crippeu, Superior; Iieuben Kuinpf, Sylvan. Second Dl8trlct-E. VV. t'Oíldlngton. Plitnfleld; Hon. E P. Alien, Y pallan tl clly ; N. E. entienden. Ypsllantl t"wu ; Jhb. Quunllett, York; H. I). IMatt. l'UUfleld; John W. McKlnnnn,8allne; O. W. Hough. Ypsllantl city; Wm H. Pottle, Manchester; J. B Wortley. Ypsllunil clly. The sanie were approved by the convention as a wliole. A resolution was then offered by John F. Lawrence, requesting the delegiites to use ull honorable means to secure the eleclion of Judjfe Cooley. There being no further business, the OODTeotlOD iidjourned. A menu oí ours lias a novel way of preserving egg?, by putting them in a stockM2 leg añil tnralng them over once a week. Last August's eggs are now being used as fresh as new lakl ones. One thlng s painfully apparcnt these dark nijjhts, and that g, that tlie streets of tliis city, in the thickly poputated portion, sliould be Ughted eveningc The Demociat elosed a sensible article on the subject last week, as follows : " There 9 snmething nbout tliis lichting business tlnit the people do not understand. The mayor and merabers of the council say that they have offered the gas company two dollars and twenty-five cents per thoueand- certainly areasonable prlce, as the company has to examine no metres, niake out but one bill, present it to the council each month and gel their money. Ou the other hand, the gas company say j that they have offered to furnish gas ut two dollars per thousnnd. The city offers to buy at two dollars and twentytive cents and tlie gas company offers to sell at two dollars, and yet they can't agreel The mayor and aldermen thould act and act at once. If they can't tnake a contract with the electric light company, or gas company, or the gasoline company, they can at least order gome mproved gasolinc lamps, put them on the gas posta whlch belong to the city and light the streets. Gasoline costs nine cent a gallon. A gallon of t will light nine lampg eight hours - costing one cent a nlght for each post. Let us have light. And let us have no more foolishness."


Ann Arbor Courier
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