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PreTent Decay of tho Teeth WiUi tlieir surest preservativo, aromatic SOnnONT Whiteness of the dental row, a healthful rosinpss and liardness of the gums, a sweet breatU, an agreeable taste in the mouth,- all these are conferred by SOZODONT. Does not such an nvaluable toilet article, one so pure as well u effective, deserve the popularity it enjoys? Must assuredly. It has no rival worthy of the name. The oidinary powdirs and pastes are notliing to it, and siiice lts nppearance. have rapidly lost ground. Sold b3' druggists. fr m 123G-1239. A Safeguard. The fatal rapidity with which sllght Colds and Coughs frequently develop Into the gravest maladies of the throat and lungs, is a consideration which should impcl cvery prudent person to keep at hand, as a household remedv, a bottle of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. Nothing else gives such inmediata relief and works so sure a cure in all aftections of this class. That eminent physician, Frof. F. BwoctBor, of thn Mainc Medical School, Brunswick, Me., says : - , "Medical elenco has producid no otber anodyne expectorant eo good as Ater'i Chkrrt ' Pictoral. Il Is invaluablo for diieuei of tba throat and lungs." .¦ The same opinión Is expressed by the well-l.nown Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicago, 111., whosays:- "I have novcr fonnd, In tbirty-fir years of contiouous sludy and practlce of medicine, ny preparation of o greatvaluea ATZB'aCHXBBT PicTOBii., for trentment of diseasei of tb tbrost and lungB. It not only breaks np cold nd cures scvere cougbs, but is mor effectiTe than anythinff else in relievlDg even tb most iriou kucuchlalandpuliuonary affccUoni." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral: Is not a new claimant for popular confidenco, but a medicine whlch is to-day BaviuK the livcs of the third generation who nove come into being since it was flrst oflerod to the public. Therc is uot a household in which this invaluublc remedy has once been -10troduced whcro its use has ever been abaiiUonod, nud thc-rfi is not a person who has ever giren it a proper trial ior uy throat or lung disease susceptible of cure, who has not been made well bv it. AYÈR'S CHERRY TECTORAL has, in numberless instances, cured obstinate cases of chronic Bronchitis, Laryntjitls, and eren acute Pneumonia, ana has Baved many patients in the earlier stages of Pulmohary Consumption. It U medicine that only requires to be taken In small doses, is pleasant to the taste, and is needed in every house where there are children, as thcre is nothing so good as AYER'S CHERRY l'EC -TURAL for treatment of Croup and Whooping Cough. These are all plain facts, which can be verified bv anybodv, and should be remembered by cverjbody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, U PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maai.' Sold by all DruggisU. a


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