
County Tre.i8urcr Belser was clown to Tctrolt .Saturilay. Mr. and Mrs. Morse have goue to Alpena for a few weeks. E. 15. Abel expects to leavc for New York in a few days. H. Fopklus is getting around once more from a six week's sickness. E. H. Piercc, arrived froin Charlcstown, Mo., yesterday, on a visit to friends. W. B. Cbamborlain of the Register, has been quite sick during the past week. L. 15. Vaughan, who is ia business at Petrolia, Canada, is in the city visiting friends. Daniel E. Wines recolved a very severo fall on his way to church last Suuday evening. E. E. Kellogg, of this city, leaves to-day for Texas, in company with John Schairer and wife. Grant Jenkins has gone to Chicago to remain for several months, perhaps permanently. Mrs. A. C. Van Slycke, of this city, left last Thuisday moriiing for her new home at Maple City, Lelanau county. Frank O'Uearn left Ann Arbor, Mondiiy to accept of a position wlth a Toledo flrm dealing in agricultura! implements. We notice by the Cholsea Herald that A. H. Holmes and family, of that place, will soon removed to this city. Dr. Sidney Oulver, medical class of '84, of Mason, who was married laat Thursday to Miss May Howard, of that place, has been in town during the weck upon hls wedding tour. Mrs. Mary E. Johnston, and sister Mrs. Betsey Brauch.visited the former"s ter, Mrs. D. C. Fa, in this city, a few days since. The united ages of these two ladies reach 160 years, and both are still hale and liearty. Prof. Olney's disesse does not seem to yield to the treatmcnt of some of our most skillful physicians. He has received the most relief so far while residing at his summcr reaort near Charlevoix whcre he Intends to go the coming summcr. Carril M. Coc, formerly of this city, is at present in Aberdeen, Dakota, ofthefinu of Coe & Koster, who own the only set of abstract booka in Brown county, and also deal in real estáte. Carril has many warm friends here who will be glad to lenrn of his success. Mr. Smitbe, the senior partner in the firm of Sraithe fc Powers, the new proprietors of the YpsilantUn, wan up to the uounty capital Thursday, making the acquaintance of prominent republicans of the county, and at the same time makiDg a favorable iuipression himself. Rev. Ilenry Oelston, son of Rev. Maltby Gelston of tb is city.who was compulled to mifrrate to Florida last autumn, to recupérate his fatling health, now writes tlmt he is entirely well ajrain. has bought 10 ucrcs of land, built hiiu a house, ar.d has plantedan orange grove of five acres.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Rev. Maltby Gelston
Rev. H. W. Gelston
Daniel E. Wines