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" TüïSDAT. March 3.- Tho Deflcienoy and Fortiflcatiou bilis were passed In the Senate, and the Indina Appropriation and River and bilis were considered, but no action was taken. A conference report on the Geueral Pension bill ai submitted. In the House the Senate'9 aniendments to the Sunilry Civil bill were non-concurred in nnl oouforees were appo'nted. The conference i-eport on the Post-ofllce and Indian bilis was submitted, announcing contitiued disagreetnent, and a new conference was appointed. The conference report on the Pension bill was ildopted. The bill as agreed to appropriates $60,000,000. Wednesday, March 4.- In the Benat all of the remaining appropriation bill (except the River and Harbor) were passed. A eommunication was received from President Arthur nominatingUlysses 8. Granttobe General on the retired list of the army and the nominntion was unanimously conflrined. Mr. Hendricka was then sworn in as Vice-President by Beuator Edmunds, when the Sonate adjourned sine die. Mr. Hendiicks immediately called the new Senate of the Fortyninth Cougress to order in extra session. In the Uouse the bill to place General Grant on the retired list of the army was passed - yeas, 198; nays, 78. Speaker Car lisie then adjourned the House sine die. 8enat- Kxtra Session. ' Thürsdat, March 5 The President ent to the Benate the nomiuations of Thomas F. Bayard for Secretary of State, Danlol Mnnninz for the Tieasury, William C. Endicott for the War Portfolio. William C. Whitney for the Navy, L. Q. C. Laniar for the Interior, William F. Vilas for Postmaster-General, and A. H. Garland for Attorney-Genernl. Senator Riddleberger objected to Mr. Bayard for nis attitude on the Irish question, and consideration of the list went over for the day. Fbidat, March 6 In the Senate Mr. Van Wyck introduced a resolution directing the Secretary of the Interior to report the facts connected with the hasty issue of land patents to tho New Orleans, Vicksburg & Baton Rogue Road. The members of the new Cabinet were confirmed. DOMES7IC. Three long-term convicts escaped from the paiish prison in New Orleans the other night by sawing the bars off their windows. It was estimated on the 3d that the dam age to winter wheat in Ohio frora severe freezing would reach twenty-five per cent. From reports received by S. W. Tallmadge of Milwaukee, he estimates that the yield of 1885 throughout the country will fall largely below that of last year. R. Calhou.n, of Marión Conter, Kan., was on the 3d sentenced to forty years' imprisonmeut for criminally assaulting fourteen girls of tender years who were members of the Sunday-school of which he was Superintendent. He is forty years oíd, and has a wife in Indiana. As tbe result of a domestic misunderstanding, Dr. Morris Richter shot and killed Prof. S. Clark Smith, a public school principal, at Middleville, N. Y.,a few days ago. After eating oysters at a church social in Silver Mills, O., the other night, flfteen persons were taken violently ill, two of whom died in a few hours. A physician declared it to be a case of arsenical poisoning. Serxnaders visited Joseph Merrill's house at Coshocton, O., on nis wedding night recentlv, and began flring recklessly, one bullet wounding Merrill as ho lay in bed, causing his death. His wife would also probably die from the fright she received. Six convicts escaped from the Michigan Penitentiary at Jackson on the evening of the 3d through a tunnel forty feet in length, on which they had probably worked a year. They cut through twelve feet of solid masonry, forming tho base of the prison wall. A largi encampment oC Oklahoma boomers was on the 4th nitched near Arkansas City, Kan., and reinforcements were conitantly arriving. Captain Couch and twelve other leading oföeers of the boomers were arrested. The Captain told his comrades to await his return before attempting the projected invasión of the territory. The safe in the post-olfiee at Ozark, Ark., was blown open the other msrning and robbed of $800. Three sailors who deserted from a Germán steamer were found dead in a Baltimore boarding house on the moruing of th 4th, having been sufTocated by gas, which, it was surmised, they blew out upon retiring. It was roported on the4th that Jackson Daniels, a wealthy farmer of Wyoming County, W. Vo.i rofuoed to tako caro of his aged and crippled mother in his residence, but built her a pen in the yard, where she receiTed no better care than the horses and cattle. During the recent intense cold weather she begged adinission to the house, but was refused, and was found froten to death the next morning. A mob had organized to lynch Daniels and tar and feather his wife. Stephen Couse, supposed to be insane, shot and killed his brother on the 4th and then shot himself at .Silex, Lincoln County, Mo. Wheat stocks throughout the country, embracing the visible supply, were on the 5th placed at 205,000,000 bushels, against 150,000,000 bushels at the same time last year. . Dubin February the flre loss in the country reached $10,000,000, and during ¦the first three months of the year the prop¦erty destroyed aggregated in value $18,600,000. I Leb Slatter (colcred) was taken from jail at Monroe, N. C, by a mob the other morning and hanged f ar assaulting a little girl. Dr. Albert F. Goersen, who poisoned his wife five years ago, was hanged on the 6th at Philadelphia. i Br the premature discharge of a caunon at Tompkinsville, Staten Island, recently, a doien men were neriously in ju red. Joseph Judge lost his eyesight. ' Eiohtuündred coal-niincrs at several mines near Pittsburgh, Pa., struck on the 6th for an advance in wages. Mrs. Abioail Gardner, who thirty years ago was sent to the MassachusetU Btt" Prisnn for life for murdering her hnsband, confessed the crime on the Bth to the prison chaplain. She is now seventy¦even years old. Accordino to an arrangement between them, August Schater a few days ago poisoned big wife at Burnet, Tex., and af ter she was dead took a deadly dose himself. They left a three-year-old child. The Dakota Council on the ütli passed the bill (which had previonsly passed the House) to remove the capital from Bismarck to Pierre, by a vote of U to 10. The steamer Wave's boiler exploded on the 6th at Wilmington, N. C, blowing into the river three persons, who were dro wned, and badly injuring several others. The boat was completely wrecked. The Superintendent of the Naval Observatory at Washington stated on the 5th that the annular eclipse of the sun would ;ake place on the lGth inst. between the bours of 7:15 a. m. Pacific coast time, and 12:22 p. m. Eastern time. Several school children at Cleveland were on the 6th bitten by a mad dog. PlCKPOCKETS at the Pennsylvania Railway station in Washington on the Cth took E607 from Hon. John H. Reagan, of Texas, and $410 from Hon. Charles B. Lore, of Delaware. William Corbix and John Games, of 3oone County, Ky., quarroled about a dog a few days ago, and fought with revolvers, both beiog killed. Special telograms on the 6th to Bradêtreet't from laading trade centers gave a righter look to the general trade situaion than had been reported for soma The post-offlce and eustom house at Bismarck, D. T., wer destroyed by üre on the Uth. A lamp explosión on the (jth flred the Ounkirk House at Bradford, Pa., two men being burned to death, others escaping by jumping from the windows. Nkar Grenada, Miss., the otlier night a collision occurred betwoon mail and expres trains on the llliuoU Central Road, the engines and four cars being knocked into splinters. Both firomen and an unknown man were killed, and several. other persou were injared. E. R. Bütz, a respectable young man who was committed to jall in Reading, Pa., because of the non-pnyment of ft small bill for which he became responsiblo, and who subsequently went insane over his troubles, died in the County Iusane Asylum on the 6th. He refused food for ten days. Buti carne from Mmneapolis, and was about to be married when arrested. Jacob Snyder, aged twenty-five years, of Akron, O., went crazy the other night and tried lo atranglo his infant cbild,saying the Lord told him to kill her. The neighbors rushed in and bound him, saving the child. In the United States and Canada ther were 260 business failures during the seven days ended on the Uth, against 310 the previous seven days. The distrlbution was as follows: Midi He States, 48; New England States, .!."; Western, 7ü; Southern, 35; Pacitio States and Territories, 28; Canada, 38. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. In the United States District Court at Chicago on the 3d arguments on the motion for a new trial for Josepb. C. Mackin and William J. Gallagher, convicted of election frauda, were postponed to Maren IS. Benjamin Butterworth, Commissioner of Patents, handed his reslgimtlon to S6Cretary Teller on the 3d, who accepted it. President Arthur on the Sd ordered a court-martial to couvene on the llth for the trial of Gtn ral W. B. Hazen on charges of conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline. The Congrpasional Apportionment bill, already adopted by the House, passed the Indiana Senate on the 3d. This measure gires the Democrats nine districts and the Republicans two, leaving the reniaining two districts doubtful. Mrs. Eliza Blaine Walker, the only sister of James G. Blaine, died at Baltimore on the :! I . Grover Cleveland was inaugurated President of the United States at Washington on the 4th. Shortly before noon President Arthur, Presiclent-elect Cleveland and Vice-President-elect Hendricks entered the Seuate Chamlur. Mr. Hendricks was sworn in as Vice-President and proceeded to administer the oath of office to the newly-elected members of the Senate, thus completiug its organization. Mr. Cleveland waj then escorted to the platform on the central pórtico of tue Capítol and delivered his inaugural address, at the conclusión of which he took the oath as President of the United States, which was administered by Cbief-Justice Waite. The ceremonies over, the President and Vice-President returned to the White House. The display of flre-works in the evening was followed by the inauguration hall. The Arkansas Legislature has changed the name of Dorsey Couuty to Cleveland. In the joint session of the Illinois Legislature on the 4th Speaker Haines announced that as there was no prospect of electing Mr. Morrison he would vote for another man, and cast his ballot f( Mr. Richard Bishop for United States Senator. Governor Hale, of New Hampshire, has appoiuted Henry W. Blair United States Senator ad interim. Senator Blair's successor will be chosen by the Legislature, which assembles in June. Presiden Arthuk's last official act was the signing of the bill " regulating appeals from the Territorial Supremo Courts." Tagfollowing is a list of the new United States Senators who took the oath of office on the 4th : Roiml.K -nns - William M. Evarts, New York; John C. Spooner, Wisconsin; LelaudStanford, California. Democrats - Joseph C. S. Blaekl urn, Kentucky ; James B. Eustis, Louisiana; James K. Jones, Arkansas; Henry B. Payne, ühio; Ephraim K. Wilson, Marylaml. The Ohio College of Dental Surgery issued diplomas the other night, the gold medal being awarded to Carry Lloyd, the only woman in the class. The Dakota Council on the Dth passed the Woman-Suffrage bill, with an amendment subraitting the question to a popular vote. Josiak Looke, who once owned and edited the Journal at Indianapolis, feil dead whüe visiting that office on the 5th. Of late years he had been intorested in a colony near Los Angeles, Cal. In the Illinois Legislature on the 5th the Republicans cast ninety-nine votes for General Lotran for United States Senator and one for Mr. Washburne; the Deinocrats refrained from voting. The New York Cuamber of Commorr on the 5th elected ex-Prosideut Arthur an honorary member. O. L. Pruden, who has been bearer of Presidential communicaiions to Cougress since the day6 of Grant, has been retained by the new Administration. The nineteenth sessiou of the Nebraska Legislatura adjourued sine die on the Dtli. E. Willis WilSon (Dem.) was inaugurated Governor of West Virginia at Wheeling on the 5th. General Grant's condition continued to show improvement on the Gth, and he said to his family that he had not feit so well in many weeks. Henrt Stull, one hundred and five years of age, who died on the 6th at Batavia, O., sorved in the war of 1812 at Lundy's Lane and Chippewa. General J. C. Black, of Illinois, has accepted the nomination for United otates Commissioner of Pensions. The National Committee of the National Greenbttck party on the 6th issued an address condomning the "hard money" legislation of recent years, appealing to the people in favor of silver coinage and legal tender notes, blaraing Congress for not passing the Inter-State Commerce bill and the bill forfeiting unearned land grants, and denouncing the expulsión of the Oklahoma settlers aa "an unpr. cented crime aganst American citizenship." The President's flrst oflloial act after the nomination of his Cabinet was to affix his signature on the 6th to the commission of General U. S. Grant as an oliicer on the retired list of the arrny . The Minnesota Legislature adjournod tine die on the Gth. FOREIGN. Fortt-seven miners were killed in an explosión on the 3d bronght on by flredatnp at Usworth colliery, in Sunderland, Eng. Captain John Traynor and Fritz Federmans, who sailed from St. John's) Newfoundland, for England in a thirteenfoot dory, had on the 3d been out one hundied and fifty-nine days and were believed to have been lost. The entrances to the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, Out., arocarefully guarded through fear of dynamito plots. It was reported on the 3d that a foarful state of afTairs existed in Cuba owing to the great stagnation in business. Bands of uneraployed laborera were prowling about the country, making depredations on the planters and carrying off valuables. A Protestant church on the mountain side near Glenfinen, Ireland, was destroyed by dynamite on the 3d. Advices of the 3d from Suakim aythe garrison of Kassala bas had another battle with the Hadendowas and been completely defeated. The Emir writes that unless peedily relieved the garrisou will succumb to famine. The proposed canal treaty between the Uuited States and Nicaragua has uuanimously passed the Nicaragua Siuate. The Sultan of Zanzíbar has been formally notifiedof the annex at ion by Germany of 2,500 square mileí oí his dominions. xT cot $13,000 to repair the dainage by the recent dynamite explosiona in the Parliament buildings at London. It was reported on the 5th tbat the British Government had accepted the offers made by the colonies to iurnish troops for service in the Soudan. There was an explosión on tbe 6th in a oolliery at Karwin, Austria, where 147 men were at work. Nothing had been learned as to their fate. Unusüal, precautions were on the 6th adopted at the I'arliaui ent iu Quebec, and gtrangers were only permitted to enter after sovero scrutiuy. The Union Manufacturlng Company's woolen milis at Toronto, Ont., were burned the other night, two flremen who juniped from windows being fatally injured. The Kiug of Servia has amnestied 700 prisoners connected with the revolution of 188e. ______ LATER NEWS. ' Tuit mi'iiili. rs ol llii' ih-t Ciibint't took the oatli of oftice on the ?th nnd euterid upon their dode. Becretary Lamar retain.'il K. I'. ll.iiii ;i as hla private secretary. Mr. Hiiiiiia lm. OCCUplVd this positiim umlt-r foor raccessive Becreterles, A rmu ontheStb at Albany, Mo., destroy.'d tlic Opcra-Hoose Mock, valued at (80,000, mul all the records of thocount y. A horkk disease wliich carries ofT more than half the animáis attacked rfv-:iill on the Tth over a wiile urea of Western Ohio. QovnurOB LOWRT, of Mississippi, ou the Tth appoiuted General E. C. Walthall to tncceed Btourvtary Lamar as United Wtates Si ii. ir from that State. Wasiii.noton ailvices of the Tth state that the retvipts tor tlu' eighí months of thecnrrenl fiscal year ended Pebruary 98 show a fallins off of nearly $20,000,000, compared with the correspondtng eight months uf the preceding fiscal year. In customs the falling oír was nearly (K,000, 000 and intornalmveBue over $KK,000. Tuk campalgn iiniiisi the Mehdi has collis .1 lor iln present, and no furiher offeusivK n]K'i'iitiiiis on the NU will toke place bofore autumu. Tuk cfaoli ra h:is braken oul at Btttavla, a city in Java. (¦knkkai. liniKKK Dl L'ISLX, commaudiug the I''n nch troopH iu TotHjain, announced on the 8th thnt ho had ruised the siege of Tuyiu-Kwanu and ilrivpn away the basieging torces, The Chinese loss was vitv large. Genku.m. i;:aM' condition was soraewhat Improved on tlu 8th. At twenty-six Icailing cleanug-houses in the United States the exchanes during the week ended on the Tth aggregated $751,294,010, against $St8,SM.llt the previous week. As compared with the correSpOnding period of lHst, the l'alliug off amounls to U.7 per cent. The six-day roller-skating race at New York ended at ten p. m. on the Tth, Donovan, of Elmira, being the winner, having ¦corad 1,092 miles. Only ten of the thirty starters held out to the snd. partjonlars on the 8th from the recent mine explosión at Karwin, in Austriau Silesia, state that 123 dmd hodies had been recovcrod and several men were still missing. The bottom-lands In Clark ('ountr, Mo., bordering on the Des Moiues and Mississippi Rivei s, were on the 8th a sea of water and ice, owing to an ice-gorge, and the country for seveu miles west and farther south was Sooded to a depth varj-ing from one to tive fet. Three miles of the Egyptian li '. u the Ii R MoineS was :.-:n, nntl the water 'i' i p rer fottnd au outloi (tViT tl ' -. St. Pi 11 lir and a pon . i, anij the inh i ha 1 movod nat.


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