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rresiaeni ana uenerai n ¦ uer. muuu. LAST CHANCE To obtuq Q iimii T I frc-c- tn.-u nre símame ii. r..l farnungand itock niiing purposes- before change of hws u per bilis no pending in Congres-. ihniN THE DEVILS LAKE, II TURTLE MOUNTAIN, JLmJ And Mouse Rivor Country. NORTH MADCO &'&"?.? DAKOTA nUllLU uw nak.. Over 2,000,000 Acres rf R. R. Luda in Minnesota at the low price of S8.H0 per ten and upwards. Sectional Map and fullparticularsmailed ¦¦ % free toanyaddress byC. H. WARREN, LULL Gen'l Pk Agent, Si. Puil, Mtnn. nd T 11 Mauitoha R. R., St. PAUt, Minn. I llkb Mrs. Dickens sald ihat geiiltMM wen hsrdto livewilh." "Ah.then : thal rou8l be the reason Unit Mrs. Pilkins does noi livewilh her husband " "Wliy what haa he a genius for?" "For staving oul all ntght." A Groat Discovery. Mr. Win. Thomas Ot Newton, Ia., says: " My wife lias been seriously jifHietec I u illi aOOUgh tbr tweiity-tive vears, and tliis spring more severely tliim ever befor Slie liad Oted niiiiiv remedies Without relief, and hciiiu urged to try Dr. Klnjg'8 New Discowrv, did n, witli most jrratifyinir re.-ults. The tirst lottle relleyed tier very mach, and the tecoud bottle bas ablolately corad her. Sim lms not had go goud healtb for thirtv years." Trial ltties Pree at Rbeibnoti & Son't drag itore. Large size 1 00. " It am de walk over man dal liicharacter," aayi Ople Red, anthor of " l'lantation Pliiloiophy." " Xo mntlcr how cleau er rooster uiaj os, lel liim fullow er duck all d' uu' at niht he'll ho muildy." Never neglect aconstipatedcondltlon of the bowels, or serious resnlts surely follow, such is piles, and Impura blood. Use Bnrdock Blood Bitters. A soutliern waiter told a Boston man at a hotel that in eastern Texas a wlilte m in had married a negro woman. "Waa he not derided v" uked the Bostonlan. " He wae, s-ah. Dey rlded bim oirt of town on a rail." This Idea oT Ööïng West to Colormlo or Now UaxIco, for pure air to relieve Consumption, is all a mistake. Any reasonable man would use Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Luiifj Syrup for Conramptloo in all its flrst stages. It, never fails to give relief in all cases of Cotljfhf, Colds, Bronchitis, Pain in the Cbeet and all attections that are conaldered primar; to Consumption. Price, ")0 ceüta and $1.00. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Dr. Barcliard asked on a recent Sunday: " Why am I not in beaven?" One rea¦Oll is because duriny: the past few weeks he has been heatled in an opposfte direction. "Geiitle Spriug." AstODg lpriM{ pieparat'huis, dn nut neglect that which is most Important ot' all - your own body. Duriig the winter the blood absorbs uiany impurlties, which, if not expelled, are liable to break out in scrofula orother dlsease. The best spring medicine is Hood's Barsaparllla. It expels every impurity froin the blóod, and ives strength to every funotlon of tlie body Sold by all drugists. An English soldier beinfr asked if he niel with miich lni-pitilily while he was in Ireland, replied thal hodid; he was in the hospital nearly all the time he was there. Lowell, May 4, 1883. " For six years I had Iclilnoy dlsease wilh pain in back and hips. 1 Improved on one bottle of Hlnt's [Ividney and Liver] Remkdy, and two bottles cured me." - W. II. Blancliard, Boston & Lowell U. R. Tbe doctors of a western town have prepared a list of non-paj big patiënt, and will refuseto visitinv tmnilv whow name is on the list. One undertakei and two tombstone dealers have advertised their places for sale. "For economy and comfurt.every spring we use Hood's Sarsapai illa," writesan intelligent Baílalo, N. Y., lady. 100 dosM One Dollar. A Chicago clorpyman is dclivering a course of tivc leetnres on " Wonun's Place in Soc'k-u ." All his live sermons cannot coutrovert the faot that if a wniimn isn't pretty her place in society is one on a lovely sofa, among the other wall flower, every time." 8. B. Durfcy, mate of steamer Ari.ona, had his fooi badly jammed. Thomas' Eclectric Üil cured it. Nothingequal to it for a quiok pain reliever. A lie trarela much faite r now than it dld forinerly. The ItlVentlon of the telfigrapil accounts tur ihe iueieaxd speed. Bucklcu's Árnica Sa vc. The Best Salve in the world tor Cuts, Bruisen. Mores, l'lcers, Salt [{ hen in, Kever Sores.Tetter, Cbapped Hand-, Cliilhlains, Corus, and all Skin Kiuptions, and positively cures Piles, or nopay required. It is guarantucd to ffive perfect satisfaelioN, or money refuuded. Price 25 cents per box. Por Sal by Bberbach & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
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