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tfflS VLSZ tXLKTXD BY THÏ O. 8. WVt ¦ TO CAEBY THE TAST MAIL I ¦PM' m ¦MHrJB ÖOIIVO WEST. O1CLY LISE EUHHING TWO THEOUGH TEAINS DAI1Y FEOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, , Tlirough tlie Heartof the Continent I way i .f racllio J uncUou ut Oluaha to K DENVER, '! orvia Ksmu City and AU-hln.i to Denver, oon. ueclingln Union Iepotn at Kansas City, AtctilsOD, Omaha aud lenver wlili throagb tralns for " SAN FRANCISCO, $ and all poluta Id the Far Wesu bhortest Une to t KANSAS CITY, And all polnU in tbe Houta-West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS , sin mili not forget the faet that Hnund Trip tickets at reducé rates can be purciianed vla thts (rcitt u' Tlirough I,lne. ti all llie Health and Pleasur Kesoru of tne West and BouthWest, Ircludinii ; theUIcmntaius of COLORADO, the Valle? of ItM l! VoMKllilte, tlie w CITY OF MEXICO, and all polnts In the Mexlcan Repubilc. HOME-SEEKERS , Bnould also remember that this Une lends direct to j the heart of the Oovernmen t and Ral l road Land I n . Nehraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado aud 'Tu's'knïXas th. frreat THROUOH CAK LINE t America, and Is unlvereally admltted to be the Fincnt Equipped Rallroad in the World for E all dassen of Travel. J Throuch Ticket via thls line for sale at all Rail' road Coupon Ticket Offices ia the Uulted Htates aud V Canada. v T. J. POTTKR, 1 """ " ïïiË!$STt 1AWKLL. f Oen. Pass. Ag'i Chicago. ' JNO. Q. A. BEAN.Oen. Eaatern Ag't, 1 417 Broadway, New York, and . 908 Washington Hl., Boston. ¦ Notice to Creditors. QTATBOV MICHIGAN, County ol Washtenaw, Notice. is hereby given, tbat by an order of the Prohato Court for the C'onnly of Washtenaw, made on the sixlh duy of jMarch, A. D. InnS, ix montas Irom that date wen1 allowed for to present their claims against the estáte ol Marirare.t i'. Kiiif;, late of snid county, dereased, and that al! credltort of Mtd deceaaed re required to present ih ir ' laima to said Probate Court, al the Probat Office in the clly ol Ann Albor for examination - ai"t allowanci', on or Iwfore .the 7th day ol 8ept., next. and that nuch claims will be heard belora ! said Court, on Saturtiay the ixth day of June, and i un Monuay the T.hday ol September next,lttsn 1 o'clock in Ihe forenoon of each ol tatd dayi. Dalcd, Ann Arbor, Marrh 6h. A. D. 1886. WILL1AM D HAKKIMAN, I 1257-4 Judge ol' Probate. Mortgagc ac. piEFAULT HAVINO BKEN MADE IN THK 1 I conditions ol a certain indentuie of niorti'aire eieented by latirá Barkcr to John Lynch, bntn ui Ann Arbor, in the county uf Wnahieoaw i" ihe State if Michigan, lfir n!.' date, the ighMentll 4n ol October, A. D., 1ST7, and recorded in the office of the Hek'later of Deeds lor the Coinny of w rhtenaw, in Liber56of Mortsaces, piiife 9S, and at slgned on tlie 2Sth day of May 1X81, By written aseiRDment to Johu Smith, of Ann Arbor towBshln In the county aforesaid, aud hich awinmeol u ricordedin the office afuretaid in Líber Beven of Apeigumente of MortííatíB, on paije lti'2. una by which dcrault. the power or palc contained fii -aid morigöire having becóme oper-itive, and no puit or proceeditigc at !aw or in vquity, liaving been tnstltuted to p cover the ainount rlue on saicl mortpage or ihe bond acet nipanj ine the came, and thf re being now clauncd to he. duo on ssid bond and mortgaire the nuni of Four hnndr-d and eiglity-nine dollars and ninety-tw t entt i4Wt.il2). Ï.0TICE is hereby t'iv.i.. thnt id Monjil-e will b fbrcloied n Samday.the 18 h day uf April, A. D. 1S8.3. at ten o'dock in the Ib'enoon ol' tliutday, by a akle at public auction to the higheai bidder, at the Kit Door of the Court House, in the City ol' Ann Arhot, in tlieC-uinly aforecaid, (said Conrt Hhhm, beiliS tlie place oí holding the ( irenit Court for said Conotj ) of the mortgaiied premisep, digcribed iu ;id norúaffe oí go tnuch thereui", ai may be Decesraij U fttrj i!iamount ot principal and iotereBt ri maininL' unpald upon said mortatre, with reMODable cois and expenses ; which premices are de-crlhed in eaid monuai'e as lollowg : All tattse fertnin pieces or parcel Uf land, situated and bel Dg iu ihe (Jlty of Ann Arbor, i the County of Wachtenaw and State of Michigan, and deecribeil as lo)lo8. to wit : The west-hall oí lote numher Filteen and Sixteen. In block rumber Flve {?) tiouth of Hurón Btre't. n KaDce numlier Eight east, tigreeabij to the Ann Arbor Lnud Company addition to tbe eaid City of Ann Arbor. Dated, January 19, A. D. 1885. JOHN SMITH. K, D. KINNE, Asslgnee of Mnrt.-age. Att'y lor Assignee. li30-'l-2. Conimlssloners' Noticc. STATEOF MICHIGAN.County of The undersigned havlng been appointed hy tin Probate Court for said Ctmiity, CommUsioners to receive, examine and adjust all claüu and demaiiris ol all persons aL-ain-t tbe estáte of Nancy V heeler, late of aid countv, deieaed. hereby give uotice that six montbs trom date are nllowed, by order of said Probate Conrt, for créditos to preseDt their claims against the estáte of said deceased.and ttiat they will meet at the store of c. Bliss 4 Son in the city of Ain Arbor, in paid county. on sa'urday.the niuih day of May, and on Monday. tlie tenth day of August next, at ten o'cloik a. l. - I each of sáid days, to receive, examine and adjust said claim. Dated, Febrnary 0, 1885. JOE T. JACOBs! ' } Commisslonere. Commissioners' oii(c. STATE OF MICHIOAN, County of Washtenaw, s. The undersigned having twen appointed hy the Probate Court for said connty.Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands ol all persons against the estáte of Nathan W hb. late ol aaid ciuuty,di;ceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of eaid Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims aainst the estáte ol' eaid daceaMd, and that they will meet at the late ree-idence of sald deceased iu the tovvuship of Pittsfield, in said count . on Monday the eleventh day of May, and on Tuesday Mm eleventh day of August next, ai ten o'clork a. m. of each of said daj s, to receive, examine and adjust satd claims. Dated, February 11, 1885. F. K. OVVEM, ) MYKUN CADY, ( Commissioners. Estáte of Abiail Jacobus. STATEOF MICHIOAN, County of Washtenaw. ss. At a seseion of the ProbateCourt for theCounty oí Washteoaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on 1 ucsday, the 26th day ol Feb niryin tne year one tbnusaml eight hundred and eigbty five. Present, WiHiam D Harriman, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Ablgal' Jaco' ue, deceased. On reading and ftllnx the petltion, duly verifled, of Oeorge Jacobus praying that n - ministration of said e tate may he granted to himself or some other suitable per-on. Thereupon n is ordcred, that Monday, the thlr ieto day of March next, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of sald petitlon, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, aud all other persons lnterested in sald estáte, are required to appear at a sossion of said court, then to be holden at the Probato Office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, lf any the re be, why the prayer of the petitloner should not be granted. And lt Is further ordered, that said petltloner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cansing a copy of this order to be pubilahnd in The Ann Arbor Vourier, Dewapipw printed and circulated in said county. three snereiive weeks previous toBaid dayoi hearlnt-. (A tru. copy.) W1LLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, _, Judge of Probate WM, O. DOTY. Prohntf, Register. 1238-1239 A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, 8ELLS MIX EE CANDIES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. i Fresh Stick Candy for IS cent per ponnd ! at A. F. HANQSTERFER'S, 28 South Miün Street. ' Freach Mixed Candles for IS cent per ' pound, at A. F. HANGSTERKER'S, 28 Main Street. Mee Oranges only 15 rent 'per doze, at A. F. HANGSTERFERVS nt 2S Main street. AU kinds of NLTTS, FJGS, DATES, RAISINS and MALAGA ORAPf, „I A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, No. 28 Main Street, - Aan Albor. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN lid AKBOK. Should. advertise in THE COURIER. I nnnr SendBlx cents for postago. and rvn K K I f L ccive f ree. a eOBtly box o f goode which H I 11 ii wU1 ht1P fcll of eitier wx. ttj more II l Hlb k money rlght away ttian anyfhing eUe c in tbts world. Fortune await the workeri absolutely sure. At once addfeia Trck ft Co., AuKUït. Maluw.


Ann Arbor Courier
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