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Our Esteemed Cotemporaries

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The Grand RapMl Drmocrat lias made a glorious cliaiicre , foriu ami make-up. It is nowa qnarto, and has a plain, neat lipaii. Tlio ebmnge mikes 11 of tlu best looking papers that comes to our de9k. A reform lias already set in according to the AU. Cleinena Monitor: The olil rendering: "To the victors belon;; the spnils." The n-visrd: "The President must surround hhnself witli those who will hold up his hands In the great work of reform." The Adrián Times has n proposition is wortli considering : Tlieru is a bil] in the hands of one of the ltgislative committeos problhitlog the sale of liquor withln live miles of the irte university. That is all right, pernap, bul wonldn't a law proliibitiiig the ilrlukiug of liquor within five miles of the imiversily be a better thing? The Newaygo Tribune (fusión) think Grover has already opened hUmouth and put hisfoot in it : President Cleveland, for such he will be ere these lines are read, has made one serious mistake on the cve of his inaururation Tlie po'ent intlueiiced of wTill ¦MuaI !¦..".. ,1....:.. . . .1 _, wM i J1"" ment and cansed hun to antafionize the silver dollar, next to the green back the money of the people. The Cadillac News man attended the democratie b.uiquet in that city, and repurts proceedings as followg : Time 9 o'clock, p. m. " Hnrrah for Clevi-land and Hendricks." 10 o'clock, "Kah for Clevt'lan Hendritks." 11 o'clock, "Rah, hic f Clevl'n Hen hic " 12 o'clook, ' Hic, 'ah f' hic Clcveln." 1 o'clock a. m. " Hic 'ah hic." 2 o'clock- paralyzed. A chapter npon economy from the Coldwatet Sun: Some people make a great mistake In stopping thcir county newspaper as a iiieaus of " economy.'' As quick as linies beooma u litUe hard they bigin to cast abont for expunBea to cut oft', and soon lightupon that extraragatice(f), the newspaper, whlch costs tliem a dollar a year. let these same men will spend li om twenty-flve Cent to a dollar a week - perhaps $25 a year - for tobáceo or somt'ihinji stronger, and think poUilng of it. Fuitner, tliu live newspaper is worth to iia readers muiiy times tliu subscriptiou pi ice in piatücal use; the person who watches the advertisements and the m.irket reporta is always able to buy and sell to the best advantage. Economy is wie, but do not economize unwisely by discontinniug a liivt-class paper.


Ann Arbor Courier
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