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Frarce lias u population of 1S2 persons to a qaare mtle. Grea Brltain and Ulands 208. The United StateS about 13 to the square mile. What a large amount of De Land's Boda and Saleratus t. will take to meet the (Iemand wtaen the country filis up, as consuméis prefer b reliable Roods. The Romany Kye Co. had un excellent home Jast nlght, and gave good satisfnetion, as they alwaya do. During Fcbruary snow feil 14 dayi, ul the miiiiber of inelies whicbfell wa 16 50. When the blood is loaded with Impurities, and moves Blujrglshly in tlie veins, ;u. alterativa is needed, as this com 1 on of the vital fluid cannol last long without serinus rcsulis. There tonothlng betterthan Ayc's Sarsaparilla to piirify lli' blood, and hnpartenergy to Ihe system. ST JAMES II HALL & KITCHEN TO RENT. BEST I.OCATIOX IN TOWN KI IÍ KIKST CLASS BOARDÏNG HOUSE OR IEST1I11ÏÏ SILVBB WARE, DI8BES AND Á.U DTEKSII.S CAN BE 8ECUKED AT A BAROAIX. ELEGANT HALL FOB SOME SOCIETY. READY KOR 1MMEDIATE OCCITAXCY. APPLT TO J. E. BEAL, ¦ Courier Offlce, ni; to amiki: niiiüKsT. dyspepsia:"" Sêdentery hablts, mental worry, nerroai excitement, excess or iraprudence in eating or drinking, and various otber causes, induce Constipation followed by general derangeineut of the liver, kidneys, and stomach, In which the disorder oí each orean inereases the iulirmity of the others. The immediate resulti are Loss oí Appetite. Nausea, Foul Breath, Heartburn, Fuitulence, Dlzziuess. Sick Headaehes, failure of physleal nnd mental vtoor, Ulstressing sense of weight and fullness in the Btomach, and lncreaed Costivcness, all of whlch are knowu under one head as Dyspepsia. Inevery instance where this disease does not origínate from scrofulous talnt in the blood, Ayer's Pii-ls may be confidently relied upon to effect a cure. Those cases not amenable to the curative influence of Ayrk'8 alone will certauilv vleld if the Pills are aided by the powerfulbloodpurlfing properties óf Ayek's SarsapaBILLA. Dyspeptiea should know that the longer treatment of their nialady is postponed, the more dUUcult of cure it becomes. Ayer's Pills Never fall to relieve the bowcla and promote their hcaltuful and regular action, and tlms cure Uyspepsia. Temporary rmlliutives all do pennaneut hann. The Btful w.tivity Into whlch the enfeebled ¦tumai'h ts spurrcd by "bitters," and alcoholic xtiimilunls, U inevltably followed by rractiun thal leaves the organ weaker than befo re. "Com i tti, Inducfd by my nedenUry bablu of lift.-, became clironic; Atxb's 1'ilj.h ffordrd me spcedy rellif. Tb-ir ocouaionnl Uêt bas incc kept me uil riyht." ILsuMANN BlUNUaorr, A'ewart, If. J. "I wa induced to try Atib'9 Pills at a remedy fir Indlcention, ConHtlpation. and Headache, from which I bod louit been n uffercr. 1 fuund tbcir uctlon easy, and übtained prompt rdi.f. Th.-y hmn bcn.üted mi more thnn all tlie mrdicltirs ever beforu tried." M.V. WiTaoN, 153 State St., ChUago, UI. j -"Tbey liave entircly oorrorted tho rontivr hablt, nnd vuKtly lmprored iny gencriil health." Rv. Viukcis U. IUblowi, Atlanta, Ga. "The molt cffectlve and tho oasieet physlc I have over found. One done ir'üi quickly move my boweU nnd free my bcad bom pain." W. 1. Paui, Richmond, Va. "A uffcror from Liver ('omplaint, Dypeptla, nnd Neuralgia for tho laat twenty yeara, Atïr's Pills havo benrflted mo more than any medicine I havo ever teken." V. R. Koalas, 2,'eedmore, Brown Co., Ind. Tor DyspepsU they ara lnvaluablc." 3. T. Hatbb, Mtxia, Texat. AYER'S PILLS,] PREPARKB BT Pr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LoweU, Mm.1 Bold by all DruggiaU.,


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