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oíd Sol üidn't thaw it much this week. G. O. P., now means get out of the post office. The boy nubanoe at the post oftice is gettlnjf intolerable. Fred Belser now attaches a seal to affidavits made by liini as a notary public. Mis. Dieterle, who lives on W. Liberty street, fell and broke her wrist a few dayi since. The number of inmates at the poor limito gradually declines as warm weather approaches. Sunday was a slippery day under foot, aod maiiy chuich pedestrians even, feil by the wayside. Several of our citizens had black noses Monday. They held the smoked glass too near their eyes. A great deal of the talk about the coming election is simplr persiflage, as Carlisle would sa)'. J. Berry has removed nis tailor shop to the rooms over W. II. Mclntyre's store, in the Doiinelly block. The people in Leadville, Col., are luxurating on lettuce and radishes. So say8 the Leadville Herald. Tumi yuml J. J. Tuomy, of Jackson, was down to Aun Albor yesterday, and made a bid on J. T. Jacob" bankrupt stock of clothing. Ann Arbor is to have a paper devoted to the interests of the roller skate, a brancli of the American Holler, of Boston. J. J. Goodyear has been making some excellent miprovêincntg in his drug store, by adding new shelving, putting in a new furnace, etc, etc. A soap-bubble party will be given at the Congregational church, Saturday evening. All the big blowers lnvited. Admission ten cents. The Ypsilanüan bas changed its day of publication from Friday to Thursday, tod has secured the services of a live Ann Arbor correspondent. The Cocrier has ampie and special facilities tor pynting township tickets, slips for candidatos, etc. Prices as low as the lowest, and satisfaction guaranteed. United States Bank Examiner Dwyei' pounced down on the l.-t National Bank Tuesday, and after a thorough examination found everything all in good shape. Mrs. Augusta Arnold, wife of E. Arnold, of Lodi, died Thursday morning last, of inflammation of the bowels, aged35 years. She leaves a family of four children. A silver wedding took place Monday evening at the M. E. parsonage In Ypsilanti, for Rev. J. E. Springer and wife. Among the rememberance-i was a purse of $75. The name of Martin Clark is being talked up for juftice of the peace upon the democratie ticket this spring. Martin bas many friends and would inake an excellent juatice. Harrie L. Goodspeed, of Ypsilanti brother of D. C. Goodspeed, of this city, died Friday last, and iu consequence the store of the latter In this city has been closed until ihis luorning. E. T. Walker, of Salem, who last summer puichased the lot near the corner of State and Washington streets, is now purchasing brick and intends to put up a flrst cla8s residence this season. The annual meeting of the Womens' Christian Tcmperance Union will be held in Tetnperance hall, over A. L. N'oble's store, next Tuesday, March 2Jtli, at 3 o'tlock, i. st. All are invited. Ex-Register Gilbert lias the agency for this county, outside of Ann Arbor city, of the Home Ins. Co., which together with the Masonic Life and other companies lie represents, keeps btm pretty blltj now-adays. Charles H. Whitman, of Ypsilanti, the democratie candidato for regent, will witheut doubt go out of his own county with a handsome mnjority, for he is a worker, and popular, and is pushing his canvas. Henry C. Waldron won bis suit against the Toledo & Ann Arbor R. R., to recover tille to sonio land just north jf this city, that he had deeded to the company on certiiin conditions that were not carried out. EeT. Mr. Mellen, of I)..ver, N. H., will preach in the Unitarian church next Sunday rnoiimig and evening. Mornlnq suliiect: "The Words of Ood not Bound.' Evening subject : ' Will the coming man go to chuich." Judge Joslyn sent the whole jury down to the jail Friday last, and they were so disgii8ted with the insecurity and inadequacy of the concern, that they unanimously reponed that a new jail must be erected by the people of the county. Some editor who probably has a large bank account and doesn't have to work tor a living has dkcovered thit this month comineiiced on the lirt day of the week, will end on the last day of the week, and that the same thing will not occur again for ai many yeara as there are days in the month. Cbaa, l-, Croptey, brotber of G. W. Crop&ey and Mrs. Martin Clark, of this city, died March Uth, at the age of 46 years of bronchial consumption, at bis home, near Dixon, UI. Mr. Cropsey was a resident of Ann Arbor some yeara ago, and has since been an active commercial agent for several prominent and wealthy busines houses in the east and west. Thermometer 10" below zero Tuesday morning. High school junior exhibition occura March 20th. Nest week is vacation treek In the public schools. Oscar Sorg has oommenoed work on his new block. F. Rettich, Jr., is to occupy his father's place of business after May Ist. The Messrs. Grangtir expect to move iuto thcir State Street store this week. Wonder if the eclipse could be held responsible for the frecze-out Mouda . Jas. Earl has sold his horees to A. V. Kobison and his busto Loney & Stevens, and will go out of business. Sherifl Walsh has resolved to sell off the personal property on his farm, and has an auction Thunday, March 2Gth. Thos. Scott, who was an old resident of Ann Arbor fifteeo yean ago, died at his home in Kanaal City, of old age, beiDg 74 yearsold. The name of Dr. Will Terry has been meutioned for the recordership on tlie republican ticket, as bas that of Albert Sorg, aho. In place of his wooden wood office recently burned, George Collius is erecting a bliek wood office, 12x2i ft., oue story, opposlte the city hall. 'J'hore will be a private party of society people at the annory hall this evening, the designers iitending it for a regular old fashoned good time. !eo. Moore of the State street book store, is to buikl a lind residence on División ítreet, this summer, on the lot adjoiniug his father's residence. It is spring, thafs truc, but don't take oflyour fluiiucls yet. Coal stoves also, should be retained for a time in your living rooms ns the evenlngt are too cool to sit without a tire. Theodore Morschhanser, of Manchetter, had his left hand drawn into the cogs of a drilllng machine Monday, and was obliged to have bis fint iwo and part of the tii ir l ttnger amputated. We saw a man walking placidly along ;hc street a day or two time, witli a preat big qnarl bottle wrapped up in the Michgin Probibitlonlst. He never had heard about the wolf in sheep's clothing. Republican tickets, democratie tickets, rjeenback tickets, prohlbltlon tickets, citzen's tickets, people's tickets, and slips for all prlnted with neatness, rapidity and heapness In prieta; this office. Come Uid sec Ui. Jas. W. Robiton lia sold his half of tho livury business of Kobison & Howe to Cha. Bmah of this city, for $;,000, and the lal ter lias taken possestion of the lame The new firm's name is Brush & 4owe. Bome of our most highly esteemed lemocratg in Ann Arbor, who were rabid civil service reformen before election, are growHng Bercely nbw becHuae Mr. Cleveland is so very s-low in inaking the euublican officials go. Wül Hatcfa has purchased an air gun, s now Improvlng lus in:irksmai:sliip, islng the sparrows for targets. Bendes getting hait a cent a piece for the birds rom the city marshal, be hoprs to enter he Creedmore team uext tammer. Now ií the time for gardeners to plant heir tomato and otlier seeds for spring ilants, and it is also the time for merchmts to plant advertising seeds if they wish to reap a rich spring trade. And the CoiiiiEn sil is fruitiul in tliïs respect. Some one had the audacity to ask us If a certain item in our local columns was rue! The idea ! I$e it understood that a picture of George Washington and his ittle hatchet, is firmly engraved upon the very tip of every pencil used by ye local. Friday last, Cliristian Frey, a broyher of John Frey,, whose death occurred a few months since, died of consumption, at his home in the Fourth ward, aged 41 reara. The Frey Bros. owned the northern brewery, and were good business men n their line. Every one who remembers Aaron V. tfcAlvay asa boy and young man, here n Ann Arbor, has a pleasant recollection of Dim. "Doe." was pleasant and )ersevering asa boy, and yon know "the )oy is fatlier to the man.1' His old Anu Arbor friends will be glad to welcome him jack as a regent of the unlversity. The quartette choir of St. Andrew's church, consisting of Mr. W. H. French, jasso; Miss Woodard, soprano; Mrs. Prof. Kempf, alto; and Mr. Perry, tenor; wlth Prof. Kempf preïldlng at the oigan, of one of the linest ever formed in the city . and their rendering of the service at the Episcopal church is attracting nueh notice. We would call the especial attention of our readers to an artlcle in another column, from the American Engineer, niblished at Chicago, in which some excellent argumeuts are advanced why the ejiislature should give to the unWerilty a lepartment of mechantoal engineering. ¦iead it, and then see If there is not some hing Tou eau do to help secure snob a department. The Washtenaw Post says that conllrnation will take place at Zion's Lutheran church, of whtch Rev. F. Belser is pastor, on April 12th, the second Sund;iy after Ëaster, and gives the following list of 29 candidates for confirmatlon: GENTLEMEN. Crn8tLulz, Kurz. rtmotbeoi Sclimld, Frank Bobnelder, tOttlOD BoSObier, KriiKt C'lelT, lenry Kurz, Krich Teweo, 'rledrlc!. Kospr, Ladwlg VVhIz. IoIi.imii. Bberle, Bdwara siiuiler, slnion Lut7., Joh. A. Hniuii, Ueorg Hagel, Küwunl .Sclmeider. I.AUIK8. Caroline Miller, Amanda Walz. 'lilllipplne 8eyler, Paullne froy, Lmllle .Maske, Anna Belser, Emrnl Lul.. Anna iraii. ¦iiiillt: Ituyer, .Marie Ilaeser, Clara Vogel, Anna Btoll, jen Seiiried, We have ofteu thought the canvusiing of votes and iletei iiiiniiig (he reealt coiild je Blmpllfled by properly preparing thu jlanks furnished the inspeoton of cUetion on which to make tkcir return b to the County Clerk for use when the board of canvasten meet Over one-half the votng preclneti In the county at the last election sent imperfect returns, and the Clerk was kept bii.-y by telephone and personal npplication from the day after election, when the returns llegan tocóme In to ciinvassing day. And then the. board of canvasten found so many errors tbat an adjournmenl was necetsary to enable the esnvateert from eight loWnt to go home and correct their returns. Tbe error were generally mittakes in spelling the namei of the candidates. And ln'ii kc conslder theie were tlie naiiics ol L19 regularly nomlnated candidales vüiiii for In ;!i voting preoincta In the county, and the returns to be made out in triplícate, it would be strange if all would be correctly speUed. Happening in to the county elerk's offleo not many days ago, we found Mr. Bobiton and his deputy engaged in preparing the blank to be sent to each polling place, by writing in the names of all candidates tobe voled for, thus having unit'ormity iu all tbe returns as far at tbc ñames aro concerned.