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Cari Bchara is to lecturc Friday evenng, April 3d. M. II. Goodrich of this city took tbe first degree of A. M. íq the U. of M. in 1848. The gradúate! froni Lansing high school will hereafter be admitted to the UniversUy without examination. The Choral Union will repeat the 'Dreatn" at its next concert, at the rejuest of ínaiiy of Aun Arbor's business uen. Wm. P. Gillingham, law '85, has been elected manager of the International Masonic Review, 120 Griswold street, Detroit. Lee C. Jones hns been privileged to write M. D after hts name by the Detroit Jollege, and has been visiting friends in llis CÍt}r. R. M. Dott, law '84, is practlcing at Alexamlria, Dakota, has recently been leurd tri ni und is meeting with considerable success. W. P. Gillingham of the Sigma Cui raternity, Ann Albor, has joined tbe ournalislic corps of Detroit this week. - tvery S.iturday. The Oracle was delayed a little f rom he time announced lor the reason of extra matter that liad to go in. It is coniderably larger tliau was first intended. int it is out. AlbioD college is to inaugúrate the cusom of lield-duy in that institution the 30th of next May. The contest will be open to all the colleges of the state except Ann Arbor. On the night of Nast's lecture the wind )lew more than gentle zephyrs and at the close, several gentlemen had to go and get au terna to huut up their hats whieh )lew oÜ' - no gas on the campus. 'Tis siid tliat one of i uvnsso's youni; ladies wili be marrled before unothor week rolls aruuud.- Times. O Temporee! O Mores ! An Owosso boy at the University is dying to kuow if he above plienomeuon really occurred ! ! ! A number of the senior laws carne lown to pass examination at the bar aday r two since, and among them were two or tliree of the class ofBcers. As luck vouM have it the otllcers were plucked. A serious joke on them. The Webster society of the law departiicnt liad a crowded house at their 25th inniversary exercises lastThursday evenng. Speakingand music excellent. Mrs G. R. Havilaiul in duet with Orin Cady, erformed her part in her usual artistic style. Prof. Harrington had a delightful day o view the eclipse, Monday, at the observatory, and the time was fully imiroved. The first contact with the sun's li-c was at 11:15, and it passed off at 2:08. The darkest period was at 12:45, at whicti time the temperatura feil one degree. It was a bitter cold day. M. A. Meyendorf, lit '70, known durng his college years as "Count," being a genuine Poliah gentleman of that rank, ïow occupies the position of smelter in he U. . works at Elelena, Montana. The üount was a stricüy moral and températe Chi Psi in the days when that organization was composed of pretty loud boys. The l'allaüium board has made an offer of $20 for the best original college song, and $5 for the second best, the contest being open to students, professors and ilutnni. That is wliat kills the scheme. [f fhe city editor8 of Ann Arbor were ]ernitted to compete, ihen theic would be ¦OOM hope foi1 a glorious termination,but is it is of course it will be a tiasco. The followlng meinbers of the senior aw class passed a rigid examination Vlarch I2th, by a committee consisting of Mrssia Knowlton, Crnmer, Norris and Sainan, and were admitted to practice: Cliai les C. Stfvenson, Burt 8. Paisons, [.awreiice F. Bedford, Chas. Beclihopfer, ialphR. Horth, Wm. (3. Sutlin, Chas. E. Oliver, 1'hilipOÜbert, Wm. A. Cant, John I). Bptnnej. BurtS. Parsons, oftlie senior law class, who lias jnst passed a credible examinalon and been admitted to the bar, conemplatea locating in Duluth, Minn. If ie cariics out his intenlion we feel cerain that 'ere maiiy years roll around that ¦il y will have au able exponent of the aw. for Burt is not only bright and tiuliou, bat he U penerenng and tamK-raic in liis habits, as well. A combination that is sure to win in the end. Michigan University will be representcd at the May meeting of the inter-collegiate amateur athlctic association on the .Manhattan groundn. New York city, by lioniiif. clasa of "sr., for the 100-yards run, and Carpenter, class of '88, for the standing long jump. OtllW representatives will, undoubu-dly, also be sent. Bonine lias a record of ld leoond, and Carpenter of 12;. feet, in tlieir respective specialties. There was a crowded house at University hall Saturday evcning to hear Nast and his anlttant Walter Pelham. The mnnnei In which Th: handled the pencil and the brush was titny wonderful, and thu rapidity with which "oll paintings" can ba rnadi was Mirprtalng. Pelham would be excellent if he would only let well enough alone and not play the clown too muota. As it was, everybody went liome with a grin clear across his phiz. Another fact was also demonstrated that Nast can draw a house, even in Ann Arbor.


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