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Mondat, Maren .- In the Renato long debate took place over tb e issuance oí patent to the New Orleans, Hu ton Rou;;e & Vicksburg (Backbone) Kailroad. Communications wero read [rom the Seerotar of State, the Secretary of the Interior and the Aitorney-General eonvey ing notifica - tion of their acceptance oL Cabiuet posit.ions and requesting the President of the Senate to so uotify the Lep; slatures of their respective Statos. Tuïsday, March 10 The Senate, by n TOte of 36 to 20, decidod that the Governor of New Hampshire had the right to appoint a Senator to fill a vacauey unlil the meeting of the Legislatura in June, and Henry W. Blair was accordingly sworn in. A memorial was preseuted froin the Governor of Arixona asking the appointmentof a fourth Julge of the United States District Court. Wednesdat, March Jl.- Inlhe Renat the "Backlone" resolution offored by Mr. Van Wyck was brotisht up as onfinislied business. Mr. Vnn Wyck küí.1 the Senator from Colorado (Teller) had gone to New York to be absent a day or two, and aclion upon the resolution wai deferred until the 13tli. Adjournd. Thcrsday, March 12. - A rosolu'ion was offered in the Kenate for informal ion as to wbat steps the Government was taking to presorve tlieriglus of tlie United States under existin or pending treaties with the república of Nicara ua, Honduras, San Salraior and Costa Rica. Mr. Walthall, from Uluiaalppi, the mi. - cessorof Mr. Lamar, was sworn in. A long debníe iMuuiianl oror tio lnnJ grant to railroads. Frídat, March 13.- Mr. Ingalls offered resolution in the Senato calling pou apon the President for iufonnation relating to the occupation of Oklahoma. The Piesident's message asking for the return of the Nicaraguan, DoininicanandSpanish treaties was laid before the Senats. The new Chairmen of ssveral cominittaes were nanied, and a new committee of soven members on coast defenses was croated. Charles S. Fairchild, of New York, was conflrined as Assistant Secrotary of the rroasury. Adjourned to the 16th. DOMES1IC. SlX THOÜSAND pouuds of glycerine in a oitro-glycerin manufactory Bradford, Pa., expioded on the lOth, blowiug two man to atoins, reduelng a factory to fragmenta and shakinj the town. Treas wer torn up froin their root and great holes wer made In the ground. Thc coal minera' strike was spreading on the lOth in tho Fittsburch District. Some of the operators wera pnying the kdranoe demanded, but others said they would never vield. XniLlu I.u,la ,..„t,L E OurrnlItOl, Mo., bordering on the Missouri River, were suddenly inundated on the night of the lOth, caused by a heavy (jorge oí ice near Waverly. Farm-houscs were surrounded with water, cattle were imprisonod on sinall high spots, and great destruction to property was feared. One man lost nis life and many families were rescued in boatg. W. H. McCurdy & Co., iron ujanufactnrers at Cleveland, O., failed recently for f125,000. Offickrs from Otsego County, N. Y., went to De Sota, Mo., the other day and arrested Egbert M. Carver, a bank president, for the embezzlemont of a large amount nf money seven years &go. The Maryland Court of Appeals, in the case of Gamble and James, decided recently that the selling of pool tickets and the keepinc of pool-rooms were not violations of the law. Fivk blocks and other buildings at Winlor, N. Y., were swept awny by flre the other night. Lieütknant Austin, treaurer of the Salvation army at North Adam, Mass., decamped a few days ago with all the money. The Women's Medical College at Philaadelphia a few days ago conferrod the degree of M. D. on twenty-two graduutes. A broom factory at Ciucinnati collapsed and took fire on the llth, burying three persons in the debris, two of whom were extricated, but the third was burned to death. Counterfeits of one-cent piecos are ing circuiated throughout the country on an extensiv seale. Mrs. Willis Henderson, twenty-three yea s old, the pretty wife of a prominent farmer at West Shelby, N. Y., blow out her brains the ther morning. No cause was known. The Indiana House passed a bilí on the llth making it a felony for bankers to receive money on depo3it when the}' know that their concerns are insolvent. The maximum penalty is $10,000, and ve ar ten years' imprisonment. An examinati n made on the llth at Oswego, N. Y., showed that Lake Ontario was f rozen to a distance of seventeen miles from the harbor, the cakes being eight to ten feet thick. - The distress and loss of property consequent upon the high water south of Carrollton, Ho., was increasing on the llth. The Ice gorges in the Missouri River had not broken, and the water was being forced all over the adjacent lowlands. The boller in the American tube-wcrks at Middletown, Pu., exploded the other day.injuring eleven persons and demolishing the building. At Salt Lake the othor day Thomas Simpson was convicted of polygamy. He had a wife in England and married another in Utah. Thi valuo of the exports of domestic cattle and hogs, and beef, pork and dairy producís for February, 1885, was $7,421,588; for the same time in 1884, $0,101,800. St. Dominick's Catholic Church In Washington was partially destroyed by fire on the 12th. The loss was $T5,0U0. A tire atStroudsburg,Pa.,a few days ago uestroyod a broom factory, badly damaged the Burnett House, and caused the death of a flreman by falling walls. Near Brown's Station, O., on the 12th the capture of a "wild man," who lived in a cave and subsisted on raw food, was effected. His body is covered with long hair, and hls utterances are uniutellisible. He had been sent to the Steubenville Poorhouse. Three negroeB nained Ambrose Young, Charles Latham and Frank Freeman. ctwrged with being implicated in a murdw, wore tnkpn frnm th offlf"va ' Trnio City, Tenn., on the 12th by a mob nJ Charles Mettt, a merchant, of Toledo, O., was found dead in a room in the Cosmopolitan Hotel, in New York, on the 12th. He failed to turn off the gas and was suffocated. Th Uuited States Treasury on the 12th purchased 405,000 onnres of silver for delivery at the Fhiladelphia and New Orlcans mints. Advices of t'-e 1-tli state that the negroes in Bunco.ube County, N. C, were holding weekly meetings to consider the quegtion of migrating to Liberia. Quite a number of influential colored citizens were leading the movemcnt. In the United States and Canada ther were 28ti business failures during the seven days euded on the 13tb, asrainst 260 the previous seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, 54; New England States, 27; Western, 78; Southern, 60; Paciiic States and Territorios, 81; Canada. M. The President on the IStli issued a proclamation that an invasión of the Oklahoma lands would not be tolerated, and that if unauthorized possession be taken tho military power of the United otates would be invoked to ezpel the intruders. Persons already in occupation of the lands would also be removed. Popí & Colé, dealers in metáis at Baltimore, Md., have fitiled, with liabillties variously eitimated at from $600,000 to $1,000,000. The citizeug of Sarahville, O., erected a , aott naar tbs oanter of the villaire a f anyt ago, and levereiy whipped man named Dayton, who had beaten nis children to au uninerciful degree. In a dispatch on ths 13th from Caldwell, Kan., t.o the War Department in,Washington, Oeneral Hatea sald tliat there were no trespassers now in Indian Territory, bul that about 1,200 settlers were eneaniped near the -Territory borderf and wm thi eateuing to go over the lino. In gittting out of a wlndow the othei night at Carrington, O., for the purpose of eloplng with her lover, Minnie Hamilton feil to tbe ground, recelving injuries that eaused her death. Six tenements and a stable at Youngstown, O., were destroyed by fire a few mornings ago, soine narrow escapes from death being made. Four hurses, iacluding a valuable stallion, perished in the fiamos. At Vernou, Tex., and vicinity Captain Si-hmidt, of the State Hangers, arrested tivcniy -tivo men on the 13th charged witb murder, many of whom stood high in tbs coinmunity. It was claimed that the men constitnted a secret vigilance organization. Four recent murders are attributed to them. TnE Southern Agricultural Works at Atlanta, Oa., made an assignment recently to secure debts of $197,000. Tblkorams from nearly all the larger cities to Bradstreet's on the 13th annouuced an improved feeling as to tbe outlook for general trade. Superintendent Snowdkn, of the United States Mint at Philadalphia, states that he has received over fifty thousand trade dollars since Marcli 4, and that letters from holders of coin in varioim partí of the country were pouring in upon bim. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Governob Pierce on the 9th vetoed the 1 i 11 for the removal of the capital o( Dakota from Bismarck to Pierre, holding that it impairs tbe ubligatlons of a contract. On charge of briber' in connectiou with the bilí, three menibers of the Territorial Legislature were arrest! and held to bail. In the Dakota Legislature on the lOth the House, by a vote of 25 to 20, refused to pass the Capítol Removal bill over Governor Pierce 's reto. Sergeant Plunkett, of th TwenfyFirst Massachusetto Voluuteers, who lost Ixith armi in heroi: work at Fredcricksburg and made a bcilliant record in sovon other battles, died un the lOth, in his lort v (ifth yea". Since the war he bad been a messenger in the State-hons at Boston. The Woinan Suffrage bilí has passet) both houses of the Dakota Legislatura. J. G. Hudqins, meinber of the Arkansas Legislature, was arrestad on the lOth at Little Rock, charged with arson iu Georgia nineteen years a:o. Hudgina was late set at liborty, the Governor having quashe( the warrant issued on the requisi ion. The California Legislatura adjourned fine die on the llth. A court-martial for the trial of Gen eral Hazen convened on the llth in ash ington, Oeneral Hancock presiding. The accii86d entered a plea of not guilty to the charge of criticizing the action of Seeretary Lincoln in refusing to send a sealing steamer to the rellar or the Ureely party after the failure of the Proteus expedition. The President on the llth made the following noininations: Edwanl D. Clark, of Mississippi, to be Assistant Secretary of the Interior; Sidney D. Jackman, to be United States Marshal for the Western District of Texas. At the Kepublicau State Convention on the llth at Lansing, Mich., Judge Cooley was renominated by acclamation for Supreme Court Judge, and C. 8. Draper and Aaron V. McAlvay were named for R gen's of the University. General Qbant continued on the llth to improve, and worked for an hour on big book. His appetite appeared to increase, and in the erening he retired in excellent tondition. Major J. M. Hawortb, superintendent of the Indian schools in Indian Territory, died at Albuquerque, N. M., on the 12th. The Republicana of the Nineteenth Illinois District on the 12th nominated D. S. Spafford for the Legislatura, to succeed tb late II. E. Logan. Oeneral J. 8. Niolby, President of the National Union League, has issued a cali for a meeting of the NaJonal Council at Philadelphia the 28th iiist. The National Teraperance Agsociation met at New Orleans on the 12tta. Ad dresses were delivered by Misa Francés P. Williard and otuerg. In the United States District Court at Chicago on the 12th, after Hstening all day to argumenta relativo to a new trial for J. C. Mackin and W. J. Gallagher, the election conspirators, Judge Blodgett formally genteneed them to two years' imprisonment in the penitentiary at Jollet. and imposed upon them fines of $o,000 each. He ordered them lnto the custody of the Marshal, and deferred their removal to prison for ten day 8. Thï Post-Offlce Appropriation UU repently passed by Congreis maken the following important changes: The weiglit of all single-rate letters ia increased fron onebalf an ounce ach to ona ounce. All newspapers sent from pnW!otion ofScet or news agencies, i nel u ding sample copies, are entitled to trans mission at the rate of one cent per pound. Any articl9 in a newspaper or other publication may be marked for observation, except by written or printed words, without increasa of postage. A special ten-eenstamp is olso to be issued, which, wlieu attached to a letter in addition to the lawful postage thereon, will insure its immediate delivery by special messenger at any time bet ween se ven a. m. and midnight uknkral urant was still improving ou the 13th. He had considerable appetite, asked for food several times, and surprise. 1 his family by eating a chop. This was the first solid food he had taken in many days. He had gome little pain in swallowing. Governor Pierce, of Dakota, on the 13th Tetoed the Woman-Suffiage b II recently passed by the Territorial Legislatura. Mr. Blaine called upon President Cleveland on the 13th. FOREIGN. Advicss reached Paris on the llth that the French had carried the Chinese positions at Kee Long after flve days' flghtine, in which they had forty men killed and 200 wonnded. Twenty THOOSAND pounds has been granted by the Britlsh Government for the benefit of General Gordon's family. William Ellenbaulbn and wife periahed on the llth in burning house at Hayville, Ont. The London Daily Tclegraph states that the English Government has rejected the offer of the United States to negotiate a oonv ention with the British West Indies. War was declared on the llth by Nicaragua against Guatemala in consequence of the proclamation issaed by General Barrios of the latter Republic declaring that a Central American Union must be effected. Frv'K thousand female cigariuakers at Madrid, Spain, struck work on the llth because of the Introductionof machinery for making cigars, and began smashing the machines and destroying other propertj'. The strikers turned upon the large force of pólice which had been called te restore order and severely wounded aboul thirty of the men with knives and stones. The disturbance was not quelled until th military had been summoned to the scène and a large number of the riotous womeii arrested. It was announced on the 12th that the Chinese lost 12,000 men during the defense of Kelung. The French captured immense quantities of military stores. The British Cablnet, after a long ession on the 12th, decided to wam Russia that Kngland wa bound to protect Afghau territory. Gladbtone announced on the 13th au agreement botween Russia and England jy which neither the Afghaus nor the troop of the Czar would make further advanees on the frontier. It was announced on the 13th that El Mehdi had evacuated Metemneh, fearing an invasión of the Soudan from Abyssinia. Oaman Digma was concentrating a large force at Tamanieb to oppose General Graham's adv anco toward Berber. ' Thb French Governmont dedd4 on thi 18th to aak for a grant of $10,000,000, In order to seud '.'.'),000 men to China, haring bocome convinced of 11 of innrching upon Peltiu. Thb pólice of Paris on tbo 13th arrested James Stephens, Eunone Davis aad thii leading Fenians, escortad them to the frontier, aud warned them not to return. They went iuto Bvlgium. Don Prospero Fkrnandkz, President oi Costa Kka, died suddenly at .San José ou the lölli. Prbsidemt Bap.3108, in his recent derrer proclaiming the Central American Kepublic, decla es that any ouo who oppom the union will be considere a traitor. He urges all chiefs, offlcors aud soldiers of Central America to join him, and proclaims himsêlf " Supreme Military Chief." LATER NEWS. At twynty-sl? leading clearing hooMt fnthoriiiifd Statie the exohante dmring thr vn): andad p the lltli aggrc $887,46,504, amiiust (7M,2H,010 ]n-.vious win ¦';. A- dompared with the correspondí iis period of 184, the fallías oít moinils Ui 11.1' par MOt, A fii:k on tlu Mth ut Pulaski, Tcnn., de(troyd (everal buildings, and three men perished in the Ham -s. (i.m.y pne hallot was takon for Unitod St:itts timatot m the Illinois Li'islatiire on tbc Mtli, Mr. Slo rison rccciving tbo fourtt'cii Dsmocratlo vote. At a lato hour on the nij;ht of the 1 Ith a party of ovar one humlioil men tormed the jiiü at li]ileM'ud"!iro, Kan., tonk out Frank Bonham, young farmer rharRed with killinL; his inotber, brothoraiul sisterf and honged him to railroail treitte. John Wfst (colorod) wns hauged on the Hih at Montgomery, Ala., for murder, The dlipat lietK-een EngUiml mul Ituslls in regard to the Afyhan frontier contintied on tbo 14tb to be the subject of eommunkation betweeu the two Govcrunn nts. In the meautime thoy were preparing for a crisis. The Brltifb ere rapldly massiag thair foroM at th month "t th passes leadlng fi-om India, aud the Russian rere hurrylng their forno townrd the Afgban frontier. Thk ice In the Hlsilllippl lüver brok up at noou on the Hth, nud navigntion was opened to St. Louis. The ico is out of the Des Hotnaa Uiver, an.l the floodel lands iu Missouri near Alexand ia were on the Mth free from water. Mucb damage was done. As a resalí of the conference, held at St. Lou s on the l"th botween the leading officials of tho Missouri Paoitic Elallroad Compauy itiil the (lovcrnorsi.f the I oí Missouri and Kansas tbc employi the railroad compnny have returned to work nt tin.' old rate of vas's. Thk London papers ihiIIImI u jirivato telegram on the lOth from Siakim annoanclng the fall of Kassalu asd the ¦acre of its garrison. Kikiv oitizeas iu the vk-inüy of FuirfH-iil, Neb., ou the Utb eajrtored and Iiauged Mrs. Taylor and hor hrother to a bridge over t'ne I-ittla Blue Itiver, mi suspicion of coiiijilicity in the morder of a (armar mtmtri Koberts. A son of the woman was in juil tor thi kiliiug. Tn Dakota Legislatura adjonrned. ¦¦ine ('¦ on the i itii. The Oklaboma settler niet on the Uth at Arkansaa City, K::n.. : !. gtatiag thai nuteh 'i t'i ands vu ¦ ¦ airea lv occupied by rirh ftvniltfates oí i ind other8 il )jii i roi-olul on I oi the Pi [¦' ¦ ,¦ . : - -i I ¦ I i


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