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IHÏ tlUE BELXCTE9 Bï THfl V. S. OOVT TO CABBT THE FAST MAIL OING WEST. OKLT LIHE RUNNING TWO THEOUGH TRAINS DAILY FKOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA &ST. LOUIS, Througb the Heart or tho Continent h way of Pacltlc Junction or Ornaba to DENVER, or vla Kannu CitT and Atchlno.1 to Ienver, conDeciiug n L'ntoii iw-j'oMat kansas Cliy, Atchison, Omaha and Ieuver wuh thro.iirli trulus for SAN FRANCISCO, and all polnis In tbe Far WMfc Sbortost Lloeto KANSAS CITY, And all polnts In tbe Houtb-Wesu TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Hhoul.l not fnrget the faot that BoODd Trip tlckPta at r.dii -t-d ratEs can be purchaied vla Dita (rciW Throtigh liue toall Ihe Jltnlth and FleuHure Resorta of tbe west and Houth-West, licludtng tnoMountatnaof COLORADO, tbe Vniley of the Yosemlte, tiie CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta In tbe Mexlcan Republic HOME-SEEKERS Hnould ftlno rpmpmber tbat tbis line leads direct to the heart o the Uovernmeut and Itaiirnad J,undH in KebrasUa, Kausaa, Texas, Colorado uud WuKülugti'ii Twrrltory. Il 1 knowfa ai the great THROUOII CAR LIHE f America, %ndls untversaily admltted to tbe Finimt Euulpuril in thu World for all duimen ol' Travel. Through Tickets via this Une for sale al all Rallroad Goupon Ticket Olnoea lu Ibe United biau and Canada. T. J. POTTKR, V'lce Pres. and üen. Manager. l'KKCKVAL LOWELL, (Jen. Pass. Ag'i Cbtcago. JNO. ti. A. BEAN.Oen. Eastern Ag't, 17 Uroadway, New York. aud M Wasbiukton ói-, Ikraiou. Not ice to Creditors. STATK OK MICHIGAN. Conuty ol Wahteia. s. Notlce Is hereby jriven, that by sn oider of the ! out for the Connty of W.ishtenaw, ! mad'Min the iixth riay of Mareta. A . D. 1montns Irotu tht dale alloed for eredltorn to present their clxims aeainst the estáte of Mararet C. King, lue .l K.'iul ooo&ty, tc Bwêd. and ihai all credltor of iiaid dfci'HHfd are reqoired lopr-.;)' 1b(-ir claims to iaid Pritbate Oonrt, at tbc l'rubnte Office in the city ol Ann Aibnr fcir ezuol atiou and allowaiicc, on or heforf ib 7th day ol Sept., next, and that [nch cH:m? ill bu hemd helore iiiin Court. on Saturiiiy tta6 wixth rljiy of .Inne. and ' on Monoay tho Thday ol Sepi mbt-r itxt, atien opdoek in the forenoon of aach o! watd cía-. h Datid, Arn Arbor, Marcb 6h. A. ]). Is-ö. WII.LIAM O IIAKIii.MAN, 12Í7-IÜ Jndire of Probate. Mortiriiirc Sale. rKKAr..T HiVINf; BRBH MADE IN THB J eondlUona of a certain imleiiture ol' morttia? : exeented by Lanra H:uker to .lohu Lynch, bi.ih l Ann Arbor, in tbt; counly r W.iKlitenaw m ihe S;at' ol MIcbignDi lc'ir ni; ilat ¦. the ufgbtoentb day or october, A. D., 1877, and recorded inth!inice of tbe Hwiiter of Di'tdp for ihe CoBO'y of W -htenaw, in Libar SA o( page V, andas Hi);ned ui the 2.")th day of Hay 1881, Dywrl ten at aiirnment to tlubn iSini th, nl aid Aibor Icwnshin ; In the couiity afnreHHtil. and wblch sulenmmi u pcoidcdin the offlee afonaatd in Llber8 Aisignraente of HortKaKea, on page 102. and bv which detault. the power ol' eaUr contaiucl iii aid morij;aKe bavlng breóme opsntlve, and no snit or prooMdinga at law r In iqotty, baring been inetituted to r corer the amonntdtie on pald or he bond ai c mpanylng tuv Minu-, and tbrc being now cluinnd In dnaonMldbond and ni(rtpaire the tam of Poar bnndred mimí i-ilttynlne d Hars and ninet -Tv i eenti li NOT1CE is tbtrefore bcraby iv. n, tbat taid Moritra ewillbe fbreinged oo Saui ilay, the 18 h day ol April. A. D. 1886, al tin n'cW.rk in f e in ¦- noon of that day, by a sale a' public auciion to Ptae tilKh.Ki bidder, nl the Ei-t Door ol ihe Court House, in tb City of Ann Arbor, in tbeConntj aforrsald,(eaid 'ourt II hn, heilig the place ol holding th i Ircnlt Conrl for aald Conntj) of the mortuau'i'd premtaes, dtscrlbed lu s,id mortgage or so mucb thereif, at. inuv be neo ssai t. -aimfy the amount ol principal and iniert-si nmninin unpatd upon said morkage, with reasonabls eoui aid pxpenaea; whlcb prembefl are de-erthed in i-ald monu'ai'e as followg : All tbi'e ciTinin piecce or pareéis of land, sltnated and beinir In ihe city oi Ann Arbot. In the Connty of A'a-htei'aw and State of Mi.'htgan. nd dei-cibed as lollow. to wit : The west-hall nt lots numbi-r Fllteen arni Siile.n, In hlock numlier Pire ("j) routh "f Huron sire?t. in Ranye number Eight east, ni;reeabiy to the Ann Arlmr Land Company's udililion to the taid City of Ann Arbor. Datcd, Janua.y 19, A. D. 1885. JOHN 8MTTB. E. D. KINNE, Auljrnee of Mort age. Att'y lor AshÍLi: flL Conimissionpr' Xotice. QTATKOPMICHIGAN,ConntyolWashtenaw,8i.. O The nndersigned haring buen uppointed by the Probate Cnurt for said Onnnty. to receive. examine and adjnst all claims and demande of all persons HirainM the'staeol Naixy M bi-eler. late of -aid conntv, deceaed. hereby give i.otice thatsixmonths trom date an llowed, by order of said lroba(e Court, lor creditors to present their claims against the estjite of said deceased.and that they wiij meet at the ston' of c. Bliss & .Son in the city of Ai n Arbor, in said county.on Sa'urday, the ninth day of M.-iy, and on Mondaj, the tenth day of August next, at ten o'clock A. M. nf eachofxaid daye, to receive, examine and adjust said clainiH. Dated, Fi-broary 9. 1R85 BKNJAMIN BP"W.1. !„ JOE T. JACOBS. f Commiseioners. 'iiiiinii.soiüticr.s' .Voticc. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, s. The under8irned havinK been appoiuted by the Probate Couri for said county,Cmmisgionerb lo receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands ol all persons against the estáte of Nathaii V, bh. late ol said county.deceasud.htreby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Oourt, for creditors to present their claims a;aiii8t the estáte of said d'CfHsed, and that they wlll meet at the late rtsidence of said dtceasedin the township or PI tst'.eld. in said countv.on Monday the eleventh day of May, and on Tuesday thi' eleventh day of Angustncxt, at ten o'clock a. ín. of each of naid daj s, to receive, examine and adju-n said claims. Dated, Fcbrnarr II.ISRS. K. K. OW ES, ( MYltoN CADY, ( Commissloncrs. Estáte of Abiail Jacobus. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Waobteuaw ss. Atatessionofthe ProbateOonrt fortheConnty oi vyashtenaw, holden at ihe Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. on 'I ursday, ihe 26ih day oFeb mryin tne year one thousand eight hundred and eigbty flve. Pretent, Wiiliam D Harriman, Judge of i'robate. In the matter of the estáte ol Abigai Jaco ns, deceated. On reading and filing the petltion, duly venfled, ot Oeorge .lacolms pnylog that a - minislration of said e kkte may i e grantcd to himelf or some othtr suitable pi-rson. Thereuppn ït is ordered. that Monday, the thir leth day oí Man-h nex', at ten o'clock lo the forenoon, bc assigned for the hearing of said petitlon, and thai the lielrs at law ot said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are requlred to appear at a session of said court, toen to be holden at the Probate Offlee, in the city ol Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any th. re be, why the prayer of the petitloncr should not bc eranted. And it is further ordered, thai said petitic.ner Klve notice to thepereons iuterested in said state, of the pendency of said petitinn, and the heariim theroof. by causing a copy of this order to be pub ilshed in TTie Ann Arbor VouHer, a n.wspaper prlnted and circulated in said county. threesuc.essive weeks previous to said day ol hearing. ( A trui' copy.) W1LLIAM D. II AHiii.M AN, Judüe ot Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Prohato Heüister. 1236-123 A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, ! i SKLI.S MIX ED CANDIES AT I 15 CENTS PER POÜND. ' t Kresh Stick Tandy for 15 cpntx per ponnd ' ftt A. F. HANOSTERKKK'S, 28 Sontli Main ', Street. 'Q ?rench Mixed OudlM for 15 cení per li l'uiiiDl. at A. F. HANGSTERFER'S, 28 " Main Street. ice Orangcs only 15 cents per doze, at A. F. HANGSTEUFER'S at 2S Main Street. i AU kind of 2TÏÏT8, V1Q8, DATES, I ZA18IN8 and MALAGA GRArES, at A. F. HANGSTERFER'S, l io. 28 Main Street, - Ann Arbor. SVERY LIVE MERCHANT 1 % ANK ARBOR. Should. advertise in FHE COURIER nnnr Sendslx cents for postage. aDd rtUU IL crlve f ree. a costly boxofgoods whlch 11 f, wlll help all. of elther sox. to more i i nih k.i moD(.y rlght ftway than auythlngelae ta In thï world. Furtun.-s walt the orkoriabBolutely eurc. At once addreis Tb ?¦. Augusta. Malne.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News