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niNU.VK' UIUECTOKV. Akn Arbor Oommandeky, No. 13 mest! firtu Tuesday of eacli inonlh, W, (i. loty, K. O; W. A. TolchurJ. aaoorder, WASHTESAW THAHrKU, No. 6, R A. M.- Meets flrst Mumlay oh month. Isaac Hanily II. P.; 'L. lUmth, seon-tiiiy. Golden Rülb Lodoe. No Uk, F. umi A. M.Meets flrst i liurttdiiv of eiirh mnnib. 1.. 0. i Goodrich, sv . M ; N. D. Uaies, Secrulary. FRATWHiir Loboe. ïio. t&i. F. imd A.M.- MeeU flrst Wilne-ily ol i-;icli imnth. E. J. Morton, W. M.; Will Uullaodf, Seorotary, BUSINESS CARDS. IV. II. JACKSOV, 33ÜE31! PJIIT'IIIÜSIITIL OFFICE : Ovar Bachs Abel's Dry Goods Store. Kktbíscb BT Fikst National Bask. 6EKHAN CLASSES by Erall Baar, formerly teachor of Germán In tbe Ann Arbor High scliool. and advancd oonveritlonl claei will lm rranged above wbeeliari i Co's lxxlí " Street. Siginon Sleen's "titudKn und Plauderelen" will ba aaed for conversatlon. Kor grammar riasscs any ttraramar Ihe student detre, modern lüimusiges ar poon forgotten if not practlced. Kemenibcr thogrent dvantageof knowing (ierman In business I as well aa llterary paraaita. Beginn ng tbe 12th of January. _ Eeferonces: lr. Honry F. Frleze, Dr. Aleander Wincliell Dr.K.L Waker, Prof Elifilia Jones, Supt. W.S. Perry. For easy terms enquire of Messrs. Sheehan CO"08SlUSS:KOFaKMTLHAUR.CHy. WILLIAn 1IERZ, House, Siga, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paporing, Olazlng Gilding, and Calciminine, and work ot every deicriutio done; in ihe bust styïtï. and warrautcd lo givc catinfacii u. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr. Arbor. C. SCHAEBERLE, Residmcs, S! Sodtb Main St., Tsacbek op PiaaoJiÉanitajoíMá lasrsT-RTJCTioisrs Olven on Plan of the Royal Conscrvaiorï of Masin at Leipeic, öaxony. V. Wr. A C. VICIIOI.S IDEISTTISTS. New Dental Rooms, over Joe T. Jacob's Store. GAS or VITILIZED AIR Administerad for the palulcss extractlxn of teeth. JOSEPII BERRV, The Tractlcal TA1LÜR M CUTTKR, Of the late firra of WINANS & BEHUY, haa located hls place of buiuess at NO. 7 HURÓN STREET, WITH A FULL LOT OF Suitings and Trouserlngs, And wonld say to hls oíd friendo and new ones that 1f they want a GOUD FIT and a NOBBY FI I at RK9ONAHLS PK1CE3, cali on hlm and Ihey will be íare tu pct ooe. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Seearity held íor the protectlon of tho policy bolden. CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresent the followlní first-cla" compnnies, o( whïch one, the Etna. has alono patd $56,OUO,000 nre lomea Ín elxty-ttve years : Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,64 Franklin ot Philadelpliia 3,1 18,713 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,068,968 London Assurance, London... 1,416,788 MichijranK. & M., Detroit... 387.608 N. Y. ünderwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Loiseí liberally adjusled and promptly piid. Policios issucd at the lowest ratcs of premium. 1191tf J. J. GOODYEAR'S PHARMACY! IS THE PLACE TO BUY HANDSOME TOILET GOODS! ELEGANT BRIC-A-BRAC, Statuetts, Mirrors, Plush Goods ETC, ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY, No. 5 S. Main Street,


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