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W royal 'Kwaj jk % POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder never varíes. A marvel of purlty,sttengthand wholesoroeness. Moreeoonomlcal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be 8"ld In competltion wlth the multltude ot li.w lst. sh t w.'iuhl. aluin or phosphate Ïowders. Hold onlv 'ii cans HoYAL BakiO OWBBB Co.. 106 Wall St. H. V. fczfivrAi And Every Species of Itchlng and Hiirnin Diseases Positlrelj Cured. IJIOZKM A, or Salt Rhi-am, wlih iU asonlzing itchj inu ind hurniní:. intauily relievod by a warm imt with Cdticüba Hciap, and a sinile applicmion or 0cTici'R4.tlic(treat hkin l'ure. Thi repeated diily, with twii or itirce doses of Cgticdbá Rk MLVfcHTi New Bl'Kd l'urifler, to keep the blood coot, tbe perpiration pure itnd unlrrftatlng, the boweln opi-n, the liver and kfdueys active, wlll spetdlly cara Kczem t,Tetter, Ringworm, Psorluti-, Lichfii, PrnrUoi, Bctld Hesd, Dandraff aï'd eviry ¦ peel b of Iich nt', Sculy aud Plniply llomorr ol the ocalp and Skin, wheu the beut phyalcians and all kuown rtm dl 8 luil. W11I IIcIonnld. 8542 Dearborn ft., Chicago, erat. filly ackmiwKdL'e a cure of Kczema or Salí Rheum on ht-ifl. neck, face, arme and lejfs for -v i trmjvat ; not able to w.ilk eicept on bandiand knee tor one year ; nut able to help hitn-e'l br elght yeat ; tried huudreds "f remedie; doe tor pr inttuiiced his C4" hopeleB- ; permaneutly manently rund cured bv üticoha Hesolveht 1 (blond parlfte.rUiiteruaily, and ruTiouHAand Cvi{ ici'ka Soap (the great Hktn cures) externally. liarle Houghton, Eq., lawver, 28 Stte Btreol Bostou, ie .urm a i-a.-e ui .-alt Ktaeum under hisuiim rva'inn f r leu vars, wnich cuverect the pni-eniV lwidy urt limh, anrt to whicb. all knoWD mathnda of ireiiment ha'1 been apelle i without iHHifflt, whch was complelely cur-d mlely by the ; i n üha Kuüedies, leavii g a clean and healthy ?kln. F H. ltrnki-, E-q., Detroit, Mlch., euflVred nntolfl ti r irinn Ee.ema, which appeared oí. his haniK hid and lace, aud ntariy deetroyed hle t ph AitT the moït carelul dortoring and a con súlt ilion if phTlcUn lailed to relieve him, he iim'iI the Chticura UmEDtts, and waa cored, and has remai ued su to dato. Mr John Thifl, Wllkesbarre. Pa., wrlte : "1 tura h ffered from Salí Kbeum for over ntirht jaftrft st tliH0'sa bd Üut i cuuld not attend to my bu.-im-íK fir weeka "t a time. Three boxea oí Útici'BA and four bolÜCB of KfsOLVSUT have entinly curi.d uie of ibis dreadlul dlneasi:." SoH hy all dniRaist-. Prlce, Cnticnra, 60c.; Rl'ScjIven!, ti. l'OTTÍK DRUO AND CUCHIOÁL C'O., . mis!' i n. Maas. Mendfur "How to cure Skln Plseaae" ¦¦¦CURA S'iAI', un t-zqukite Toilet, Balh, wUli and Nar'ery tíanative. CATARRH That. pin, weet, snfe, and offectlve American riletllution f Wilch.llaiiel, American Pino, Canada Fir Harliold, nud Clover-Blresom, called Hnford'x KailUal Cure lor Catarrh. wlih one box Ctarrhal SolventoneSandford'elmproved Inhaler, all íd oni packnge, may now be had ofilldrujr ciete fot 91. A8K for Nandfoi d Radical Ccrk. ,,.let IjjciI and ConstitutioDHl Treatment for erery loim ol Cutnarh. from a Simple Cold or Irfliw ra to lona of smcll, tate, nd Hearing, Cough, Bronctaitl! and (Jütarrhal Consumptlon, Ín every packaiít-r CtefIJMMt Voeailst, And public speaker without number owe thelr present nsefalneaa and micceu to öantord's Kíd icai. CüHE íor Catarrh. Kev. Dr. WlgfiB mjs: "One of tho beat remedie-' tor Catiiarli- nay, the hest remedy we have lonnd in a liletime ol eufferlne- i Santobd i Hahitai. Cuh. li cleare thehead and throat i-o thorouiíiily ihat, takii g ench morning on ruine. there are nn disaKreeiibla hawkloK dnring ihe entire day, btit an uiiprecadented clcarnean of volee and rei'iratojj orgaus." öold by all druegist. ¦ '.ice, íl:U0. rotter Ome and Chemical o., Boston. _nl I IRÍA Wc ry BUffiror from Khen COLyVS maiism, Nenralgla, Weak V0LTA1C U5tLECTRiü ard c, ldB Weak Back, tii M--t-OLí Weak Siomack and Bowel XAsTfc" Dyupepsia, témale Weak nea. Sbootine pain through ihe loine and back, iry theso plasiem. Placed over the pit of the Kionnrh thcy prevent añil cure Agno Paln. Bilii.u- Ccillc, UT comiilaint". and protect the aytem tiom a thousand Hls. 25c IIIIUMiUlT: A HEALTHY AND EXCITINQ EXERCISE Can be liad darinu the winter monthi by playlng TEN PINS, COCKED HAT, Or nnv of the games of a bowllnR alley. On Vin ui il HI'ltKET, opponlte tbe Court, i Bowling AllPfi whlcli hna reently been lluely deooreted md fltted up In guodstyle. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. Stndfiitii here can get one of the best advnntaijes of h gynoaslum. The exerclue lilvrs cood clrculiuloii, helps dlgestloo and Sppctlte. COMB AND TRTIT! . C. IILISH A CO. ATtTTnTl Seni !l cent for PO'taeI I II Rnd ceive free, costly box r K I n ' t.'ood whioh wl" holp lou 1 lllUOJilnythln , )hls world. All of eliher sei, miccced from flrit hoor. Tb broid rad io lurtnno open bnlore the worker, i.iolatcly iure. Al once ddrs. Tuin Co., AugntM, Main.


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