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Saline is to have a G. A. R. pont. Alex. ömith is building a ncw itoru at Milan. Q. Va8slloff Popoff lectured !n Dexter reeen tl y. The worklng men of Dexter have perfected an organization. Tbe firstvlllsge clection for Milnn occur next ilonduy, tbe 2Sd. A vacatlon of two weeks In the Milan schools commenced Monday. M's. Dr. Howell, of Alpena, lormerly of Dexter, is dangerously 111. John R. Clark, the temperance lecturer, is to visit Dexter agaln soon. Xorth Lake ia said to be all flshed out. Ot which fact the iish comtnissiun should be appraised. The Farmer's club hol ds its next meeting at the house of II. C. Calhoun, Bridgewater, on April 3d. The demócrata of Scio are to hold a caucus in Dexter on Thursday April 2d, at 2 p. m., to nomiuate town oöker. Orville E. Hoyt, formcrly proprietorof tlie Leader, bas been electeil collector and treasurer of Haminouton, N. J. - Dexter Leader. Harry Sayles, the well-known younjf evangelist, was mai ried at YpsilanüTuesday evening of last week to Miss Luey Jeuness. The Dexter school house has a smoky chinney, and all the eilorts of the school board to make it quit smoking have been unavailing. Mrs. J. C. Lord, an old resident o Whittaker's Corners Augusta township, Washtenaw co., dropped dead recently while washinji her upper dishes. The flne Suort-horn Durham buil, "Duke of Putnam," tipping the (oalea at 2.1S0 pounds, lüiscome into the possession of R. McQuillan, of Dexter township.- Leader. The Whltmore Lake correspondent of the Pinckney Dispatuh says: "One hunrlred telephones in Ann Arbor. We don't want a hundred, but we do ueed one badly." We learn, and his many friends here wlll regret, tbat Dr. Wrijtht, who went from here to San José, Cal , has been erïtiusly ill ever since bis arrival in that plac. - Dexter Leader. Teachers Kxaminations.- March 29th, Ann Arbor at the court house; April 3rd, at Ypsilanti In high school building; April lOth, Chelsea union school building; April lTtti., a', Sullne uuion school building. The rijfht hand of fellowahip whj extended to thirteen persons at Uu' Baptist church, last Sunday mornintf. After the ceremony, the sacrament of the Lord' supper ws admintstered. - Milau Jouinal. There seoms to bo considerable bogus stlver money in circulation here. We learn that one or two parties have been detected in passing it, and trouble nmy (trow out of it if repeatcd.- Manchester Knterprife. JTFive milis and fnctories in thig place at present employ GO hands, as follows: Hayden's stavo and heading factory, 35; brick and tile factory, 11 ; Balus' stave aad headlng factory, 0 ; Rice, Coon & Co's broom handle factnry, 8; C. II. Wilson'g saw-rnill, 6.- Milan Leader. The Pittsfield Union Sund ly School begins the ei(fht year with bright prospec ts and the followlng ofticerR: Superlntenrieut, W. J. Canfield; ass't supt., I?. J. Uauser; treasurer. Herbert T. Day; -iecretary, Frank M. White; librarían, L. R. Chadbourne; ass't lib., Win. A. Sherwood. Steven C. Alley, of Dexter, died Saturday, laft of consumption. lio was 45 years old, wagborn in Wfbster township, and had been in Dexter in business 18 years. He was :i memoer of the Odd Fellow fraternity, by whom he was buried. and was also a meinber of tho Knights of Maccabees - and the flrst one who has died In the county. One day last week Mr. 8k'kln;;cr, employed in the Lowell milis, while moving a hoavy bale of ra;s, ruptured himself, so badlv that he had to be removed to bis home, where he is under the care of physictana. It was with aouiu difliculty that the protrudihf; bowels were replaced, and bandajes applied. It is hoped that with care a cure may be effocteil.- YpsiSentinel. Livingston Republican : Mr. Wm. Ball, of Hamburg, has sold to E. Helber, of 8;iline Mich., the Yonnr Mary heifer Flora May of Kescue 10961, of Flora by Jitson 35830, tracing to imp. Young Mary, by Júpiter (2170). Also Emprest of Ann Arbor, by Lord Barrington 2i: 30115, out of Empress 7th, by Duke ot HilUdale 16829, tracing to imp. Young Mary by Júpiter (2170). The employés of the Lake Shore railway have received notice from headquarters that they must próvido themselves with slimmer uniform?, and in order to preserve similarity the company wil furnish the clotk- for so much a y;irl They allow the boys to get them made wherever tliey like or they will h:ive thein made in New York, but they must be made of a prescribed pattorn. The uniform will oostabout $16. - Manchester Enterprise. An lndustry but llttle heard of bu which brings quite a quautity of monoy to Ypsilanti is th gun case maiuifactory of O. W. Havens. He recently shippet a $S00 order of the "Excelsior" (run case to New York parties. Mr. Havens also deals In nativo turn and skins, handing over many a dollar to the country sports men, who have the hardihood to tiickle the skunk, and lens offensive anim ilHe also manufactures shecpskin mitten with the wool retalned, and sells bon (WO pair each winter in the home market - Ypei. Commercial. Do not be foollsh enough to thlnk tha the new railroad will como to Howell in ny event - M or uo aid. 8uch will no be the fact. If Howell does not give the neceaiy aid now the road will be built to Hartlaud, and thus we would loóse mucl of our north trado. Such a case in the histnry of the Toledo, Anu Arbor fc Northern R'y, is now in our mind. VVhm tho road wag bullt from Toledo to Ann Arbor a survey was made througli Snline, and a bonus of $ 10,00( was Mkad of Iho citizens to secure the road. The wise saclionn of tbe villano thoujtht the road would come tuero any way, and oífered no aid. The corapany built tbe road and leit Saline four miles west. It now repenta, but of courae too late. Be not ever coitidont. "Strike wliile the ron U hot" and the rails will be laid tlirourh Howell, and we will enter an era of Leneral prosperity. - Howell Republican. Il WAR RELIC. "The i ".rlHttin Banner." Frederlcksburj;, Va., June 7, 1(C2. Vol. 1. No. 5, has beea placed on our table ly I)otoiont Litchfleld, stahlUliikI hen the Jnlon forcea look pnssealou of tliatclly, it s prlnleil on wrapplng paper- Immmií ihe bes. ootalnable ut Uiai tuue- very wl'II pi'inti'ii, ind tllled with slroiiK, sterling Union sen II lien t, "nl flres into Jt-ff. UavU and h 8 slave-y oanfederacy the hottest hot8 - a whole bonbardmeut. It l very valuable a relie oí Ule times wbeti our bo a in blue coDfronted rtbelllon andoverthrew It, so tliMt the "lost cause" Ís rulned forever.- Dexter Leader. The seuinr editor of the Tpsilantiau hiilped to print the Chrittian Banner, at Fredericksburg, in 1862, and very well rcmeinberi the wretclied condition of that prlnling office when our troops took possesion of the city early In that year. The type was scattercii In confusión, and no little labor was requirsd to put lt In condiiion fir use. Those wall-paper editioDi1, however, sold ata lively rate, when wegot tlie machine startod. - Ypsllantian. TBE riONEEBS. The following óbituary notice of the late Mrs. Follett, read at the recent meeting of th county pioneer society, at Cuelsea, was erowded out of our report last week : Mrs. Elvira N. Follett had heen 111 for some time, and recently quite Kick. rflie was thoughttobe convalesclng whea Tuesday before her death she was taken with a convulsive chill and sank In peaceful dcitli. KmphaKlztng Ihe scripture, " blessed are llie dead wlio die In tbe l.o'd.'" her maiden name was Elvira L. Norris. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Norris They were a remarkable couple, and gave tone lo tbe uew seltlement. Mrs. NorrU survived her husband some years. and continued lo Ihe lasl a power In rellxous eire es Mrs. Kullell was boru January 22 1821, t Covlngton, New Vork, aud bad been. with Iheexcepllon of three or four years a resident of Vpsilanll flfly-slx years. Heptember 'A , 1MI . wit- married to Benjamin uur years rusidence there they seltled in Ypsilanli Mr Follett was ft cltizen whose name aud memory U engraven In the mimis ii i in ¦¦ i ¦¦ ¦! ut tho pluueer prior to Istii, when hedled. He wlil berememberud In the inonl of the olly oi Ypsllantl, In tlie long yeai to come, as a ruizen oí broad public splrtand marked lnUuence Ttough latierly Mrs. Follett was nnable to be iTtively identlfled wlth the church and socletles of whlcli for a long time she was a noilding pow-r They have badaer prayer , ïfar gifis, aud now being dead she yet speaketh. l'i assuinini:, and natu rally retlred, a lover of home, ardently attaclied to husband chlllrenand friends, she could not forget that she vas a rnember of society and the obllxatlon ït iinposed. A large clrcle of friends and relartves in Una comiuunliy and elsewhere will miss her, and inourn her departure. Thelmmedlaie relatlvesare an only daughttr, Mi-s. E.F. Uhl, oruraud Kapidx, and tne som are Nathau and Benjamin resldlng in ütileago, L. Uecalur, Orand Kaplds, aud the yo me at. s. Kei li. who has been al nonie carliig for her iu the evident decline. Tie only bruther, Hon. L. D. Norris, of Grand Kaplda, were all present at the fune al. 1 eau oheerlu.iy endorse ihe abive account of Mrs. Follett. I well remember her frum the spring of 1831, wheu she frequent ly viRited mj garden and nursery belng a person passlonately fonil of Qowers, nd always Ibu.d lier of that amlable and mild dtsposliion v.hi'li cbaraclerized her through 111e, havlng ilved and dled beloved by all that hu 1 the plaisure of her acqualntanoe. 8UNDAT SCHOOL ÜNION. Commencing with next Saturday, the 2Sd conveiitioo, under the au8pices of the Sunday School Union will bo held at the Union chuich, Jlilan, lustlng for three days. The followinjf Is the program for tho same : SATVBDAY, HAKCU 2S. Evmlng- 7:00.- hectare. " Harmony of Genesis and üeology," by Frof. Lewls McLoutb, Ypsllantl. AppoiDtraent of Ooramlttee. Legitímate questlons always in order, Rev. 0. F. Wlnton of Azalla, having tha' matter In charg. Questlons may be hamled In to hl ui at any time. SDND1T, MJRCHB. Morning- 9:30- 8unday School Love Feast, oondneted by the Pnwidenl. 10:3ü-ermon, by Kev. James Ckoper, D. D., Detroit. Recess for Dlnner. Aflernoon- 2:00- Pralse Service, conduoted by Mr. A Iva I). Dester, Musical Director. 2:30- Readli e the Hcrlptures by Rev. W. P. Thompalus, Milán. Woidsof Welcouie, from Rev. Ambrosc S. Wrlght, Milán. Response frora the President. 3:00- Chlldreu's mass meeting. SlngluR by the chlldron, and short addresses by inelr friends. 3::i0- Topic: "Who Is responible for the succöss of the Sabbath School?" Mrs. E. O. Leouard. Uecess for Tea. Evening - 1:00- Devotional Exerclses, conilin'lfil tiv Rttv. AmhrnHuH. 'Wlizht. uucieu oy itev. uioroHeo. niKin. 7:3U-Topic: "The Blule, ancT Uu jlace ia theTeacher'u World," byCapt. K. P. Allej, Ypsllaull. Musniï, MARCH 30. Mornïng - 9:03 - Devottonal Exerclses conducted iiy D. I ,. Devee, Loudou. 'JM- Bustnoss huur. Kuil and complete umi! hm. reporto are to be preuetned frara eacU vico presldeut logether wllh suuh iicms of Hpecltil lulereut as hIiüH represent the actual cuudlUoa di 'Our field." Hliould circumuLauceH compel the abeuce uf a vlceprtoldeul rroul thu conveiitlon ne wi II pluaxe nee thnt In report ah.ill reacli the 8ecretary ou or bfore Priday. the 27tli. Keport i f Cuinmllte ou time and place for holdiug next conveution. Electiua of olllcers for ensulng year. 11:30- Toplo: "Iu wliut Kelatlou does the Church Htand to the ttibb th Hehool iluiiitolally t " Charles Haldwln, Ida. KeceHM for Diunor. AJternoon- 2:01)- Devotlonal Exerolses conducled by Mr. M U Kdwards, Mllan. 2:10- Toplo: "Clroles," by Airs. Naftzker, Erle. 3:00- Toplo: '¦ What constltutes a model Suuday Mchool Teacher?" by Kev. 11. W. Wrlgül, Dundeo. II: til- Teacher' Meeting conducted by Rev. S. W. Bratt, D. D , Moiiroe. 4:00- l'oplc: (to be announced) by Rev. C. M. Cobern, Mouroe. Evtning- l'ralse and Devotlonal Kxerrlse, cunducted by Muslval Director uud Mr. A. I). Jacksou, M 1 1 .-i n 7:30- Addresn, by Kev. R. B. Tope, Ann Arbor. H:20- Qatherlng In. Five minute talks from Uev. O. K. Wlntou and otilen. Adl ii ¦. n.