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Tliero is one kind which some people all lal e, and it 8 not for an humble oberver likp myself to gay tbat the name is wrong one; tliongh I contend that very ften Uie graater evtnts in life's cnutse e tlieir exitcnce to wimi o.., h„ ïerest rbanci - Er more Üke n punly acideutal result (ban anyibing wliidi has een fbreordainetl. T'herc is anotlier nel wliicli la ennimonly spoken by the Imply word " luck," the djective 'good" belng geneiallv understood, while the oppoalte species is given its uil title. Perhapí nobody can rpally explain juet whatconstitutes tliispeciilinr, indeflnable, jut undeniably poweiful iiifluence which ghtenfl and shides, in turn, the whole uman lifc coursc from tlie eradle to the rave. Caprlclons, too, it is, and if risins uperlor to the wind in the length of its tay in oue quarter, is Taried, to all appeariin s, by oveiy bit s small a ciicum Canee. Sometiroea It wil] lullow a man iryeaw, giylüS! bun health, happiness he riglit roman for bto wife. and, more reqoently tban not, maktoghla business far inore br'ht and promUlng han thoee of a man possessing twice liis alent and ability. Then it wül suddenly hnge, and too often it is the case that verything gocs at once, for " ïaisiortunes lever come sinply." Oue feems to briiif: on anotber, and though it is not as generillv commpntpd muu, y- n is nevcnni - essan i-qually true tact that pood luek eldom comea in the n.-tallraont cilljcr; he tirst success is a piel ty su re foierunler of otliors, rben once the tale has etilly turned. It has been frequently said that ?oalleil "good luck" is notblng more nor essthan the welldcseived triumpb which s popularly suppoaed to crowu all hones-t ïard woik Tliis may he true In inany ¦a-es, and thrmaxim Í9 doubtless 1U exrllcnt Impreca upoii the youthful niiid-of the rlsingfjeoeratlon; but I am ifraid the iule bas unfortunately too nany exceptlona to be prorfd really true. 11 everv city o( the unión can be fouiul iiindred of honertmen, gnod principi-d, nany or tliem talênted men, who have workc'd bard from thcir yontli up, who iavi actually ued their iilinost powers ii the purauit of honorable labor, and v-t what huve they srained .? Some'a bare vin!;, othera not that, while mány of tlicin, til ener-ry enough In spite of fortun' frown to nttenipt rising in the world, merely live thruttxb a succession of billurea. Yoiiiií people ara frequently tempted to condeinn a man fop not advancing higlicr on the ladder of life as time goes on, and very often liis fuiltue may be dne to h laok of that pii it and pluck without which he beeomes weU alga Uelnlesc, but a little expfrlenc wlll bow them that without luck the average mortal eau (rain no permanent suecess; he mav trv venture iftiT venture, bilt notli Ing prospera witli Ij i 1 11 mi til the scale tarot. Even In the smaller affairs of eveiy day, luek stcins to exeroUe no little influente; ROinutimet wliatevor is taken in hand profiperg, no matter bow inany circónstances will combine agalnst succes, and frequently tliiswili extaad orer a whole week if not longer. ]t is the saine way when the luck suddenly changes ; wlintever is generally n-gaixlet'. as the most perfect success tails, and everything else goes in it3 wake. Tliis is an odd truth, butllmtitis the simple truth and notliing more will be readily adraitted by tliose who give a little of thelr attention to the course of smaller events.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News