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A Bad Start

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If Secetary Munniiig hag nny regard fr reput;itiun lie will ppeedily seml adiift Mr Eiiffene Higgins. the man recently given the place of appointment clerk in the Ireasury depiirtiiient. Jt appears from Ihe lii-tory now being fumished by those Intimately acquiilnled witli tlie past life of Higiiiiis thnt tlie fallow crossed ihe lines into the Boatbero Cor.ledercy in 1861, and secured a d' puty'a posiiiou under Winder, the notorious provnst niurslial of RichmoDd, whoee cruelty to Union piaoneis falrly equaled the horrors of the Komisli inqu sltion. Confederates whu have a full knouledge of hig Riclimond career assert that Higglns had a substantiul puying interest in the jramblinglioiifes so niinieioua In the Confedérate capital üiiiingthe war. After JeffDavis luid been routed Higjrins wandered back to Baltimore, wbere lie set up na a democratie polltician and Ihe owner of a faro bank. In Jinu;irv, 1884, he was sued in tbe B -iltlmore city ciicult court by a Mr. Atkinson tor the recovery of $510 alleged to have been lo-t at faro In the Higgins establishment, and $210 lost in tlie same place and nianner :it an earlier date. Insteiid ofdefeudinjr hiraself as an innocent man would have done, Illgains hushed tbe mittcr up tlirotigh a compronvse, thusacknowleilging li puilt. It Is nl-o cliaijed that he hus an interest in asinkhole of fi th in the .-li:ipe of u dií-reputable Baltiniore concerc paloon He stiinds between the noiniiuil pinprietor and thc law, and ' thn? prevents the place frora being ralded. He is well known as a corrupter of electiong, and Is the fellow who took cliarye o! the democratie rrpenters and nifflang sent r Indiana in 1870 and ugain In 1880 to ii flnt-nce Ihe October elections This Is the ai n wlioni Svvn t.ny Jliinnlnp Ims appuiiited tu a reipuulble public pusltlou at the lnataoce of Senator Gorman.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News