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Br a recent enactment, a two-cenl stamp wlll carry an muire letter Instcad of a half oiince letter, after the 30tli ol June next. MK8. Sarau A. Noblk, wll'o of Hou David A. Noble, and sister of Josh Billlngs, died at lier home in Monioe, Match 21sl, ajred 74 years. TuBPOSTorricEdepartnient isreceivinj an iiicome from the extr:i use of the mails by at leaxl 1,603.000 democratie and mug-wuinp office seekers. And now death has entered the democratie side of the Illinol U-gUluture, slill furthercomplicating the senatorial dcadlock in that unhappy body. Thï vkbt bct thiiiff Mr. Cleveland can do with the Oklahoinu boomeis and tho Hormon chuich, is to "sponge Vm out!" "üpunge 'emout." Do. oülcc seekers. Br thk way, we have not heard of Mr. Keelcy nd bis motor for Mnrai mmillis. Has he given up hin motor, iml gone into the conödonce of tho present adininistralion? Thb qdestion of free passes and bri bery h8 beensettled asfar asÜonnccticut U concerned, by the enactnu-nt, of il law comptllinp: aU railroads to curry all nunibersof the lewlatuiefree. Seusible wy out. Thb A83KBTION Is m:ide that the practice of smoking cgarettfs has been in vojcuo umonx the Zuiii Indians for seycral centimes and over. In f.ict, so long that the smokeof tobáceo makes them de:itlilv riek. Ata non-partisan maas covcntion, held at Jackson last Frkl.iy t nomínate a suoceesor to tho Inte proseciiting attor.xy ol that county, ex-Gur. Bluir was unanimously nominatcd. He ouglit to be tinnniniouly tlectecl too. Undeh cover of "drugs" the late fu.'lon quarttrmaster general supplied the officersat the state BtUMnpment with whisky, Champagne, wine, et, amounting to over $300. The governor's mess foi-eight persons cost $10 per day! Chairman B. F. Jones, of the Repub lican National CVmiiulUee, writcs trom Jacksoii ville, Florida : " There was gie:it iubilation ainong ihc whilc-s of the wwib over the Inaofrarution of Cleveland, and quite ms much consternatiou amoiii; üie bluck." The legisLature of Arkangas liaa at lagtsucccedeU in choosing a United States Senator u place ol Secretar? Garand Jumes H. Berry ia the lücky min Whether he will will to be a hiu-kleoerry, m on.c. ki.,,1 „t „bcyi, au experiment The Muowcjtrs have found out thnt Ham Randall, of Pennfylvani.i, btU more innuence wilh the ailujlnislralion tlian anyother hve demnoriit. Over wliieli Mr Carlisle. Mr. Vice-Pieslilunt H-ndrick-' Mr. Henri W.,tter.ii, Mr. O Will Cu'Ib, et al., of the fice taile muit-wuinp alliance, are sheddliie bitter, aa tears, tears of remurM and ghanit'. Senator Palmee proposes to iiave a conre8sonal committee lavertigate the wholesulc deoti'URtinn of tli rt-h in tbe waters of the (rreat l.ike-, tfala immer. After wliich ba hope to h.ivc oonzre-'e enact law that will effectunllv cmslTout tili tiend, and contine tbelr work to legitímate channels. The dynamlte Mrwüofiendsof nlaml riversand waters ought to recelve attentlon as well. Thos. .T. AVIN, tnc ex-Mnyor of Adrián, who was returned to home recently, plead gaülf to au for forgery lmt liondsy, and was sentenre.l to ten ye..r8 n ate prison. Our yoiingmen whohive au dea tli-it olirewiliipss and dishonesty is a p:itli thut Kometiini'8 le:iils to snooess, may -pil pomler Navin's f;.te. "The. Wmv of the tiansirressor is liHrd." It nlwars Iihs heen snit il ways will he fo. Crime is sure to receive it jiist punisliment sooner or later. A BOUNTT broker- thafs what thev calle.1 Mnses W. Field, the (rreenhack nomlnee for rejrent on the fusión ticket, duiinor war tilll,,Si anti IIflt n#iw hp . hui-ily e.ijras,e( j,, (.X)ainillir w, Ml. the dojdler Roherto Hulirment tor the iiinouni f bhbnck iv nd Imnnty collertcd h.hI kept I y hlm, Field Nice man for recent of nnrgnwt unlwri Jlty, en? Nmv, l,nnr brisrlit. wou'l vmi Teel proud, my goml d.m.cratic bniUier to put a rotein the ballot box for bucIi i The pirst batcli of foreign ministers sent in by Pr-sklent Cleveland, doesn't toftdOM to bellere that eminent abillty itobea requisita for thoe positinns, a has been the case heictofoie. Edwin J Phelp-i, of Vnrmonr, minister to Greal BriUIn; Kobt, of iluvlmd ininister lo Franc; Hemy I{. Jackso,,.' at Georgni, mini-ter to Mexico nd Hou. Geo. H. Pendleton, of Olii..: mluixter to Germany. latt.-r is the only man in the lot ever hemd of outslüe of lili OWI1 toWII. "The noinination of JIr. A. V. McAlnj of Manistee, by the republic.m party asuniversity regent, u a very fortúnate Hiid merited recogiiition. Mr. McAlvay was fornierly in the universiiv, m u-ried Miss Bunder, d ioglWr of Mr Peter Beler of t'iis plaoc, and was resnerte.l ¦ad esteemed in a w,e elide. He la n very intelligent and nble min aml will lleta greit numbi-r "f votis in Wasbtenaw."- Waühtenaw Port. Our readers will tind Id tlio cominon councll report, and ais In a communie ition In iinother column, a project tor reenring to Ann Albor a supply of ínter. The plan looki tMVlttla ¦(] fair, and mav be all right. Neveitl.eles t wnul.l be well f.-r tliecouncil tu look w. 11 into tlie project before takinp: decided BCtlou. It is a pretty big qneetion, Hrvl too fnnl ha.-tf m ly be rryn-tted. Tlit-re s pleniy of time to comldersiid lnretlate, nd ilie people liuve a rigln to know all a bou I it. The followlng g,.od word for Judse McAIvay, are taken froni the C.ulilhuNews: '-Ve are jflad to note tba npinin:ition of Judge McAl7ay of M.ioUtea Ibr one of the regenta ot' the universlty. Ile will streiigthen the ticket, and curry noitliern Michigan folkl. Jlidg MrAlvay is a gradimte of Aun Albor, and thoui;h h young man has set upon the bench of ihe circuit court rf his district. He ha been quite, prominent in politlcl.'il üflairs iml llirougliont tlie otate has won h wiile ciicle of frlends. Tlie ciizeno of Michigan will, we are snre, be glail of tlie opportunily of casting thcir bullots fortman of Judge MeAlvay's stnni) " J. J. Goodyear, drunglsl. Wllllam Wagncr clolliler. anü C. II. Worden, dry good. slüned the petitlon todu awiy wltn saloons wlililn flve miles of Ann Aruor. Kvery oihrr iusluesH man In the city 1 opponed to tlie rruvemem, and havo o exprenxed llieniaelve by putting Ilielr name to u rumouslrance.- Kemocrat. Mr. Qoodyear as a shrcwd yonng business man eviüently knew wlmt lie ma about when tic frigned tlmt petitlon, tor. If the saloons rara almlislied it would iiiiike a grt-Ht boom in " drugs," a it dors il) M ai lic. Ka 11888 il lid I'hmi. Onrconnty Jall hun beeome ihe Uughlrig 8tOCk Uf lllu II JlBKHaCf IO CtVtllCHlIUII The clieult ouort Jury lian coiidfiiin.d Uie Jallas u (IL f.r use and i coiiiiiiiicudfd tli it thH prmouer ba inovrd to h and healihler pluce. Tlie volca of reuson ol liuiuanliy saya lo tlie i-iti.on of couuly Amoau bulld."- Vpsilautl ¦ No, uot "arice and liuilil," txaclly, luit ailu uil roto "yes" on iha jjiopuiiUou to buil J.


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